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kek - the deno module

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This module is a collection of simple scripts that a developer might find handy. To use it, simply type deno run --help in your console and you will get an output like this:

$ deno run --help
List of commands and their description:

  test:         This command is for testing this deno module.
  hex2string:   Converts a hex value to a string.
  string2hex:   Converts a string to a hex value.
  hex2int:      Converts hex to integer.
  int2hex:      Converts integer to hex.
  base64:       Converts the provided string to base64.
  base64decode: Decodes a base64 encoded string.
  md5:          Computes the MD5 checksum of a given string.
  sha1:         Computes the SHA1 checksum of a given string.
  hash:         Computes the hash of a given string.
  cm2inch:      Converts cm to inch.
  inch2cm:      Converts inch to cm.

  deno run <command>

If you want to know what a specific command can do and how to use it, simply type deno run COMMAND --help.

For the command test this would result in the following:

$ deno run test --help
This command is for testing this deno module.

    test simply responds with the given command line arguments.
    This way you can check if the alias settings are correct and how we implemented them.

Setting up an alias

Windows (PowerShell)

If you want to use kek as a command in your PowerShell, simply do the following steps:

  1. Create a profile.ps1 file with the following input (you can change the version number of kek for your liking):
function kekCommand {
    deno run $args

Set-Alias kek kekCommand
  1. Save this file to either $Home\Documents (C:\Users\yourname\Documents) – only your user will be able to use kek OR to $PsHome (C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0) – every PowerShell user will be able to use kek.
  2. Restart your PowerShell
  3. Profit

Linux (Bash)

If you want to use kek as a command in your linux bash, simply do the following steps:

  1. Edit either the ~/.bash_aliases or the ~/.bashrc file
  2. Append the new alias as alias kek='deno run' and save the file
  3. Profit

MacOS (zsh)

coming soon…