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A javascript package with key code constants.
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#!/bin/bash# A simple script to automate tasks.
set -e
changelog() { # NOTE: This requires github_changelog_generator to be installed. # if [ -z "$NEXT" ]; then NEXT="next" fi echo "Generating changelog upto version: $NEXT" github_changelog_generator \ --no-verbose \ --pr-label "**Changes**" \ --bugs-label "**Bug Fixes**" \ --issues-label "**Closed Issues**" \ --issue-line-labels=ALL \ --future-release="$NEXT" \ --release-branch=master \ --exclude-labels=unnecessary,duplicate,question,invalid,wontfix}
build() { rimraf dist test/dist mod.d.ts && \ rollup -c rollup.config.js && \ mv dist/mod.d.ts .}
test() { echo;\ echo "Tests for Node (common js)" && mocha test/node.test.js && \ echo "Tests for Browser" && mocha-headless-chrome -f test/browser.test.html && \ echo "Tests for Deno" && deno test/deno.test.ts --reload}

bump() { # Bump package version and generate changelog VERSION="${NEXT/v/}" echo "Bump version to ${VERSION}" # Update version in the following files sed -i "s/\(\"version\":\s*\"\)[^\"]*\(\"\)/\1${VERSION}\2/g" package.json # Generate change log changelog echo "" # Generate new build. yarn && test && build # Prepare to commit git add package.json yarn.lock && \ git commit -v --edit -m "${VERSION} Release :tada: :fireworks: :bell:" && \ git tag "$NEXT" && \ echo -e "\nRelease tagged $NEXT" git push origin master --tags yarn publish --new-version "${VERSION}" --no-git-tag-version}
# Run command received from args.$1