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A javascript package with key code constants.
export declare const KEY_CANCEL = 3;export declare const KEY_HELP = 6;export declare const KEY_BACK_SPACE = 8;export declare const KEY_TAB = 9;export declare const KEY_CLEAR = 12;export declare const KEY_RETURN = 13;export declare const KEY_SHIFT = 16;export declare const KEY_CONTROL = 17;export declare const KEY_ALT = 18;export declare const KEY_PAUSE = 19;export declare const KEY_CAPS_LOCK = 20;export declare const KEY_ESCAPE = 27;export declare const KEY_SPACE = 32;export declare const KEY_PAGE_UP = 33;export declare const KEY_PAGE_DOWN = 34;export declare const KEY_END = 35;export declare const KEY_HOME = 36;export declare const KEY_LEFT = 37;export declare const KEY_UP = 38;export declare const KEY_RIGHT = 39;export declare const KEY_DOWN = 40;export declare const KEY_PRINTSCREEN = 44;export declare const KEY_INSERT = 45;export declare const KEY_DELETE = 46;export declare const KEY_0 = 48;export declare const KEY_1 = 49;export declare const KEY_2 = 50;export declare const KEY_3 = 51;export declare const KEY_4 = 52;export declare const KEY_5 = 53;export declare const KEY_6 = 54;export declare const KEY_7 = 55;export declare const KEY_8 = 56;export declare const KEY_9 = 57;export declare const KEY_A = 65;export declare const KEY_B = 66;export declare const KEY_C = 67;export declare const KEY_D = 68;export declare const KEY_E = 69;export declare const KEY_F = 70;export declare const KEY_G = 71;export declare const KEY_H = 72;export declare const KEY_I = 73;export declare const KEY_J = 74;export declare const KEY_K = 75;export declare const KEY_L = 76;export declare const KEY_M = 77;export declare const KEY_N = 78;export declare const KEY_O = 79;export declare const KEY_P = 80;export declare const KEY_Q = 81;export declare const KEY_R = 82;export declare const KEY_S = 83;export declare const KEY_T = 84;export declare const KEY_U = 85;export declare const KEY_V = 86;export declare const KEY_W = 87;export declare const KEY_X = 88;export declare const KEY_Y = 89;export declare const KEY_Z = 90;export declare const KEY_LEFT_CMD = 91;export declare const KEY_RIGHT_CMD = 92;export declare const KEY_CONTEXT_MENU = 93;export declare const KEY_NUMPAD0 = 96;export declare const KEY_NUMPAD1 = 97;export declare const KEY_NUMPAD2 = 98;export declare const KEY_NUMPAD3 = 99;export declare const KEY_NUMPAD4 = 100;export declare const KEY_NUMPAD5 = 101;export declare const KEY_NUMPAD6 = 102;export declare const KEY_NUMPAD7 = 103;export declare const KEY_NUMPAD8 = 104;export declare const KEY_NUMPAD9 = 105;export declare const KEY_MULTIPLY = 106;export declare const KEY_ADD = 107;export declare const KEY_SUBTRACT = 109;export declare const KEY_DECIMAL = 110;export declare const KEY_DIVIDE = 111;export declare const KEY_F1 = 112;export declare const KEY_F2 = 113;export declare const KEY_F3 = 114;export declare const KEY_F4 = 115;export declare const KEY_F5 = 116;export declare const KEY_F6 = 117;export declare const KEY_F7 = 118;export declare const KEY_F8 = 119;export declare const KEY_F9 = 120;export declare const KEY_F10 = 121;export declare const KEY_F11 = 122;export declare const KEY_F12 = 123;export declare const KEY_F13 = 124;export declare const KEY_F14 = 125;export declare const KEY_F15 = 126;export declare const KEY_F16 = 127;export declare const KEY_F17 = 128;export declare const KEY_F18 = 129;export declare const KEY_F19 = 130;export declare const KEY_F20 = 131;export declare const KEY_F21 = 132;export declare const KEY_F22 = 133;export declare const KEY_F23 = 134;export declare const KEY_F24 = 135;export declare const KEY_NUM_LOCK = 144;export declare const KEY_SCROLL_LOCK = 145;export declare const KEY_SEMICOLON = 186;export declare const KEY_EQUALS = 187;export declare const KEY_COMMA = 188;export declare const KEY_DASH = 189;export declare const KEY_PERIOD = 190;export declare const KEY_SLASH = 191;export declare const KEY_BACK_QUOTE = 192;export declare const KEY_OPEN_BRACKET = 219;export declare const KEY_BACK_SLASH = 220;export declare const KEY_CLOSE_BRACKET = 221;export declare const KEY_QUOTE = 222;export declare const KEY_FIREFOX_ENTER = 14;export declare const KEY_FIREFOX_SEMICOLON = 59;export declare const KEY_FIREFOX_EQUALS = 61;export declare const KEY_FIREFOX_SEPARATOR = 108;export declare const KEY_FIREFOX_META = 224;export declare const VALUE_CANCEL = "Cancel";export declare const VALUE_HELP = "Help";export declare const VALUE_BACK_SPACE = "Backspace";export declare const VALUE_TAB = "Tab";export declare const VALUE_CLEAR = "Clear";export declare const VALUE_ENTER = "Enter";export declare const VALUE_RETURN = "Enter";export declare const VALUE_SHIFT = "Shift";export declare const VALUE_CONTROL = "Control";export declare const VALUE_ALT = "Alt";export declare const VALUE_PAUSE = "Pause";export declare const VALUE_CAPS_LOCK = "CapsLock";export declare const VALUE_ESCAPE = "Escape";export declare const VALUE_SPACE = " ";export declare const VALUE_PAGE_UP = "PageUp";export declare const VALUE_PAGE_DOWN = "PageDown";export declare const VALUE_END = "End";export declare const VALUE_HOME = "Home";export declare const VALUE_LEFT = "ArrowLeft";export declare const VALUE_UP = "ArrowUp";export declare const VALUE_RIGHT = "ArrowRight";export declare const VALUE_DOWN = "ArrowDown";export declare const VALUE_PRINTSCREEN = "PrintScreen";export declare const VALUE_INSERT = "Insert";export declare const VALUE_DELETE = "Delete";export declare const VALUE_0 = "0";export declare const VALUE_1 = "1";export declare const VALUE_2 = "2";export declare const VALUE_3 = "3";export declare const VALUE_4 = "4";export declare const VALUE_5 = "5";export declare const VALUE_6 = "6";export declare const VALUE_7 = "7";export declare const VALUE_8 = "8";export declare const VALUE_9 = "9";export declare const VALUE_A = "a";export declare const VALUE_B = "b";export declare const VALUE_C = "c";export declare const VALUE_D = "d";export declare const VALUE_E = "e";export declare const VALUE_F = "f";export declare const VALUE_G = "g";export declare const VALUE_H = "h";export declare const VALUE_I = "i";export declare const VALUE_J = "j";export declare const VALUE_K = "k";export declare const VALUE_L = "l";export declare const VALUE_M = "m";export declare const VALUE_N = "n";export declare const VALUE_O = "o";export declare const VALUE_P = "p";export declare const VALUE_Q = "q";export declare const VALUE_R = "r";export declare const VALUE_S = "s";export declare const VALUE_T = "t";export declare const VALUE_U = "u";export declare const VALUE_V = "v";export declare const VALUE_W = "w";export declare const VALUE_X = "x";export declare const VALUE_Y = "y";export declare const VALUE_Z = "z";export declare const VALUE_META = "Meta";export declare const VALUE_LEFT_CMD = "Meta";export declare const VALUE_RIGHT_CMD = "Meta";export declare const VALUE_CONTEXT_MENU = "ContextMenu";export declare const VALUE_NUMPAD0 = "0";export declare const VALUE_NUMPAD1 = "1";export declare const VALUE_NUMPAD2 = "2";export declare const VALUE_NUMPAD3 = "3";export declare const VALUE_NUMPAD4 = "4";export declare const VALUE_NUMPAD5 = "5";export declare const VALUE_NUMPAD6 = "6";export declare const VALUE_NUMPAD7 = "7";export declare const VALUE_NUMPAD8 = "8";export declare const VALUE_NUMPAD9 = "9";export declare const VALUE_MULTIPLY = "*";export declare const VALUE_ADD = "+";export declare const VALUE_SUBTRACT = "-";export declare const VALUE_DECIMAL = ".";export declare const VALUE_DIVIDE = "/";export declare const VALUE_F1 = "F1";export declare const VALUE_F2 = "F2";export declare const VALUE_F3 = "F3";export declare const VALUE_F4 = "F4";export declare const VALUE_F5 = "F5";export declare const VALUE_F6 = "F6";export declare const VALUE_F7 = "F7";export declare const VALUE_F8 = "F8";export declare const VALUE_F9 = "F9";export declare const VALUE_F10 = "F10";export declare const VALUE_F11 = "F11";export declare const VALUE_F12 = "F12";export declare const VALUE_F13 = "F13";export declare const VALUE_F14 = "F14";export declare const VALUE_F15 = "F15";export declare const VALUE_F16 = "F16";export declare const VALUE_F17 = "F17";export declare const VALUE_F18 = "F18";export declare const VALUE_F19 = "F19";export declare const VALUE_F20 = "F20";export declare const VALUE_F21 = "F21";export declare const VALUE_F22 = "F22";export declare const VALUE_F23 = "F23";export declare const VALUE_F24 = "F24";export declare const VALUE_NUM_LOCK = "NumLock";export declare const VALUE_SCROLL_LOCK = "ScrollLock";export declare const VALUE_SEMICOLON = ";";export declare const VALUE_EQUALS = "=";export declare const VALUE_COMMA = ",";export declare const VALUE_DASH = "-";export declare const VALUE_PERIOD = ".";export declare const VALUE_SLASH = "/";export declare const VALUE_BACK_QUOTE = "`";export declare const VALUE_OPEN_BRACKET = "[";export declare const VALUE_BACK_SLASH = "\\";export declare const VALUE_CLOSE_BRACKET = "]";export declare const VALUE_QUOTE = "'";export declare const CODE_UNIDENTIFIED = "Unidentified";export declare const CODE_ESCAPE = "Escape";export declare const CODE_MINUS = "Minus";export declare const CODE_DASH = "Minus";export declare const CODE_EQUALS = "Equal";export declare const CODE_BACK_SPACE = "Backspace";export declare const CODE_TAB = "Tab";export declare const CODE_ENTER = "Enter";export declare const CODE_RETURN = "Enter";export declare const CODE_SHIFT_LEFT = "ShiftLeft";export declare const CODE_SHIFT_RIGHT = "ShiftRight";export declare const CODE_CONTROL_LEFT = "ControlLeft";export declare const CODE_CONTROL_RIGHT = "ControlRight";export declare const CODE_ALT_LEFT = "AltLeft";export declare const CODE_ALT_RIGHT = "AltRight";export declare const CODE_PAUSE = "Pause";export declare const CODE_CAPS_LOCK = "CapsLock";export declare const CODE_SPACE = "Space";export declare const CODE_PAGE_UP = "PageUp";export declare const CODE_PAGE_DOWN = "PageDown";export declare const CODE_END = "End";export declare const CODE_HOME = "Home";export declare const CODE_LEFT = "ArrowLeft";export declare const CODE_UP = "ArrowUp";export declare const CODE_RIGHT = "ArrowRight";export declare const CODE_DOWN = "ArrowDown";export declare const CODE_PRINTSCREEN = "PrintScreen";export declare const CODE_INSERT = "Insert";export declare const CODE_DELETE = "Delete";export declare const CODE_0 = "Digit0";export declare const CODE_1 = "Digit1";export declare const CODE_2 = "Digit2";export declare const CODE_3 = "Digit3";export declare const CODE_4 = "Digit4";export declare const CODE_5 = "Digit5";export declare const CODE_6 = "Digit6";export declare const CODE_7 = "Digit7";export declare const CODE_8 = "Digit8";export declare const CODE_9 = "Digit9";export declare const CODE_A = "KeyA";export declare const CODE_B = "KeyB";export declare const CODE_C = "KeyC";export declare const CODE_D = "KeyD";export declare const CODE_E = "KeyE";export declare const CODE_F = "KeyF";export declare const CODE_G = "KeyG";export declare const CODE_H = "KeyH";export declare const CODE_I = "KeyI";export declare const CODE_J = "KeyJ";export declare const CODE_K = "KeyK";export declare const CODE_L = "KeyL";export declare const CODE_M = "KeyM";export declare const CODE_N = "KeyN";export declare const CODE_O = "KeyO";export declare const CODE_P = "KeyP";export declare const CODE_Q = "KeyQ";export declare const CODE_R = "KeyR";export declare const CODE_S = "KeyS";export declare const CODE_T = "KeyT";export declare const CODE_U = "KeyU";export declare const CODE_V = "KeyV";export declare const CODE_W = "KeyW";export declare const CODE_X = "KeyX";export declare const CODE_Y = "KeyY";export declare const CODE_Z = "KeyZ";export declare const CODE_META_LEFT = "MetaLeft";export declare const CODE_OS_LEFT = "OSLeft";export declare const CODE_META_RIGHT = "MetaRight";export declare const CODE_OS_RIGHT = "OSRight";export declare const CODE_CONTEXT_MENU = "ContextMenu";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD0 = "Numpad0";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD1 = "Numpad1";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD2 = "Numpad2";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD3 = "Numpad3";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD4 = "Numpad4";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD5 = "Numpad5";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD6 = "Numpad6";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD7 = "Numpad7";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD8 = "Numpad8";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD9 = "Numpad9";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY = "NumpadMultiply";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD_ADD = "NumpadAdd";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT = "NumpadSubtract";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD_DECIMAL = "NumpadDecimal";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD_DIVIDE = "NumpadDivide";export declare const CODE_NUMPAD_ENTER = "NumpadEnter";export declare const CODE_F1 = "F1";export declare const CODE_F2 = "F2";export declare const CODE_F3 = "F3";export declare const CODE_F4 = "F4";export declare const CODE_F5 = "F5";export declare const CODE_F6 = "F6";export declare const CODE_F7 = "F7";export declare const CODE_F8 = "F8";export declare const CODE_F9 = "F9";export declare const CODE_F10 = "F10";export declare const CODE_F11 = "F11";export declare const CODE_F12 = "F12";export declare const CODE_F13 = "F13";export declare const CODE_F14 = "F14";export declare const CODE_F15 = "F15";export declare const CODE_F16 = "F16";export declare const CODE_F17 = "F17";export declare const CODE_F18 = "F18";export declare const CODE_F19 = "F19";export declare const CODE_F20 = "F20";export declare const CODE_F21 = "F21";export declare const CODE_F22 = "F22";export declare const CODE_F23 = "F23";export declare const CODE_F24 = "F24";export declare const CODE_NUM_LOCK = "NumLock";export declare const CODE_SCROLL_LOCK = "ScrollLock";export declare const CODE_SEMICOLON = "Semicolon";export declare const CODE_COMMA = "Comma";export declare const CODE_PERIOD = "Period";export declare const CODE_SLASH = "Slash";export declare const CODE_BACK_QUOTE = "Backquote";export declare const CODE_OPEN_BRACKET = "BracketLeft";export declare const CODE_BACK_SLASH = "Backslash";export declare const CODE_CLOSE_BRACKET = "BracketRight";export declare const CODE_QUOTE = "Quote";