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A library for building V8 Isolate web apps on Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Node.JS
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method KeyworkRouter.prototype.use
import { KeyworkRouter } from "";

Combines additional routers and their respective route handlers to this router.

Route handlers are matched in the order of their declaration:

const app = new KeyworkRouter()

app.get('/foo', ({request}) => {
  return new Response('This handler got here first!')

app.get('/foo', ({request}) => {
  return new Response('This handler won't be called!')

However, if you want another router to act as middleware, Call use before defining your route handlers:

const authenticationRouter = new KeyworkRouter()

authenticationRouter.all('*', ({request, next}) => {
  if (!hasAuthCookie(request)) {
    return new KeyworkResourceError(401, "You need to be signed in to do that!")

  // Pass the request along to the next matching route handler.
  return next()

const app = new KeyworkRouter()

app.use('/', authenticationRouter)

app.get('/user/profile', ({request}) => {
  return new Response("Some user only content.")


fetcher: Fetcher<any>


mountURLPattern: URLPatternLike | string
fetcher: Fetcher<any>