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REST focused Typescript classes for Kubernetes APIs, and tools for generating API interfaces
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// Import the API contract and several utilities from kubernetes_client// All the generated code uses this centralized API contract,// while users are free to pass in a different compatible client to actually call
import { toStatus } from './builtin/meta@v1/structs.ts';import { JSONObject, JSONValue, RequestOptions,} from "";
export * from "";export { WatchEventTransformer} from "";
// Helpers used to validate/transform structures from or for the wire// And some other stuff :)
const libBug = `This is likely a library bug. Feel free to file an issue with a stack trace.`;
export function assertOrAddApiVersionAndKind< T extends string, U extends string,>(input: JSONObject | { apiVersion?: JSONValue; kind?: JSONValue;}, expectedVersion: T, expectedKind: U, required = false) { const output = { apiVersion: expectedVersion, kind: expectedKind };
// If nothing is given, we might return the expected data if (!('apiVersion' in input && 'kind' in input)) { // Decents on what the caller thinks of course: if (!required) return output;
// Caller wanted the fields so build up an error. const expected = JSON.stringify(`${output.apiVersion}/${output.kind}`); throw new Error(`Kubernetes Resource Mistype: `+ `Expected ${expected}, but the given object didn't have any API metadata. ${libBug}`);
// Given and matching, all good! } else if (input.apiVersion === expectedVersion && input.kind === expectedKind) { return output; }
// If something goes wrong (access denied, not found) we get a Status if (input.apiVersion === 'v1' && input.kind === 'Status') { const status = toStatus(input); const err: any = new Error(`Kubernetes says: ${status.message}`); err.status = status; throw err; }
// Otherwise we're going to build up an error const given = JSON.stringify(`${input.apiVersion}/${input.kind}`); const expected = JSON.stringify(`${output.apiVersion}/${output.kind}`); throw new Error(`Kubernetes Resource Mistype: `+ `Expected ${expected}, but was given ${given}. ${libBug}`);}

export function identity(input: JSONValue) { return input;}
export function readOpt<T>(input: JSONValue, mapper: (raw: JSONValue) => T): T | null | undefined { if (input == null) return input; return mapper(input);}export function checkStr(input: JSONValue): string { if (input == null) throw new Error(`Expected a value here, but got null. ${libBug}`); if (typeof input !== 'string') throw new Error(`Expected a string here, but got a ${typeof input}. ${libBug}`); return input;}export function checkNum(input: JSONValue): number { if (input == null) throw new Error(`Expected a value here, but got null. ${libBug}`); if (typeof input !== 'number') throw new Error(`Expected a number here, but got a ${typeof input}. ${libBug}`); return input;}export function checkBool(input: JSONValue): boolean { if (input == null) throw new Error(`Expected a value here, but got null. ${libBug}`); if (typeof input !== 'boolean') throw new Error(`Expected a boolean here, but got a ${typeof input}. ${libBug}`); return input;}export function readList<V>(input: JSONValue, encoder: (x: JSONValue) => V): Array<V> { if (input == null) throw new Error(`Expected a value here, but got null. ${libBug}`); if (!Array.isArray(input)) throw new Error(`Expected an array here, but got a ${typeof input}. ${libBug}`); return;}export function readMap<V>(input: JSONValue, valEncoder: (x: JSONValue) => V): Record<string,V> { const obj = checkObj(input); const map: Record<string,V> = Object.create(null); for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(obj)) { map[key] = valEncoder(val); } return map;}
export function checkObj(input: JSONValue): JSONObject { if (input == null) throw new Error(`Expected a value here, but got null. ${libBug}`); if (typeof input !== 'object') throw new Error(`Expected an object here, but got a ${typeof input}. ${libBug}`); if (Array.isArray(input)) throw new Error(`Didn't expect an array here, but got one anyway. ${libBug}`); return input;}
// function throwMissingKeys(missingKeys: Iterable<string>, hadKeys: Iterable<string>): never {// throw new Error(`BUG: JSON object `+// `missing required keys ${JSON.stringify(Array.from(missingKeys))// } - had keys ${JSON.stringify(Array.from(hadKeys))}`);// }
export function writeMap<T,U extends JSONValue>(input: Record<string,T> | null | undefined, valEncoder: (x: T) => U): JSONValue { if (input == null) return input; // const obj = checkObj(input); const map: Record<string,U> = Object.create(null); for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(input)) { if (val != null) map[key] = valEncoder(val); } return map;}

// Semi-questionable method of expressing an "open string union" in Typescriptexport type UnexpectedEnumValue = string & {unexpected: never};export function readEnum<T extends string>(raw: unknown): T { if (raw == null) throw new Error(`Expected a string here, but got null. ${libBug}`); if (typeof raw !== "string") throw new Error(`Expected a string here, but got a ${typeof raw}. ${libBug}`); return raw as T;}

// Some schemas don't actually belong to any proper versioned API so I'm just putting them here.
// binarySuffixes = ['Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei'];const decimalSuffixes = ['k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'];export class Quantity { number: number; suffix: string; constructor(number: number, suffix: string) { this.number = number; this.suffix = suffix; } serialize(): string { return `${this.number}${this.suffix}`; }}export function toQuantity(raw: JSONValue): Quantity { const str = checkStr(raw); const [suffix] = str.match(/(?:[KMGTPE]i|[mkMGTPE]|[eE][-+]?[0-9.]+)$/) ?? ['']; const number = str.slice(0, str.length-suffix.length); return new Quantity(parseInt(number, 10), suffix);}export function fromQuantity(val: Quantity): JSONValue { return val?.serialize();}
export type Time = Date;export function toTime(input: JSONValue): Time { if (input == null) throw new Error(`Expected a value here, but got null. ${libBug}`); if (typeof input !== 'string') throw new Error(`Expected a string here, but got a ${typeof input}. ${libBug}`); if (!input.includes('T')) throw new Error(`Expected a time string here, but I didn't see a "T" in ${JSON.stringify(input)}. ${libBug}`); const d = new Date(input); if (isNaN(d.valueOf())) throw new Error(`Time string ${JSON.stringify(input)} failed to parse. ${libBug}`); return d;}export function fromTime(input: Time | number | null | undefined): JSONValue { if (input == null) return input; const date = typeof input === 'number' ? new Date(input*1000) : input; return date.toISOString();}

export class MicroTime { baseDate: Date; micros: number; constructor(baseDate: Date, micros: number) { this.baseDate = baseDate; this.micros = micros; } toISOString(): string { const suffix = '.' + this.micros.toString(10).padStart(6, '0') + 'Z'; return this.baseDate.toISOString().replace(/\.(\d+)Z$/, suffix); }}export function toMicroTime(raw: JSONValue): MicroTime { const str = checkStr(raw); const microsMatch = str.match(/\.(\d+)Z$/); if (!microsMatch) throw new Error(`TODO: toMicroTime for ${str}. ${libBug}`); const date = new Date(str.slice(0, microsMatch.index)+'Z'); if (isNaN(date.valueOf())) throw new Error(`BUG: toMicroTime NaN for ${str}. ${libBug}`); const micros = parseInt(microsMatch[1]); return new MicroTime(date, micros);}export function fromMicroTime(val: MicroTime): JSONValue { if (val == null) return val; return val.toISOString();}

export class Duration { constructor() { throw new Error(`TODO: Duration. ${libBug}`); }}export function toDuration(raw: JSONValue): Duration { const str = checkStr(raw); throw new Error(`TODO: toDuration for ${JSON.stringify(str)}. ${libBug}`);}export function fromDuration(val: Duration): JSONValue { // const str = c.checkStr(raw); throw new Error(`TODO: fromDuration for ${JSON.stringify(val)}. ${libBug}`);}

export type IntOrString = number | string;export function toIntOrString(input: JSONValue): string | number { if (input == null) throw new Error(`Expected a value here, but got null. ${libBug}`); if (typeof input === 'string' || typeof input === 'number') return input; throw new Error(`Expected a string or number here, but got a ${typeof input}. ${libBug}`);}

// Resource patching. Some patches are more sketchy than others...// strategic-merge adds extra 'directive' fields, but doesn't work on CRDs.// json-merge adds no extra fields, but always replaces any array you touch.// json-patch is a surgical tool that escapes types and, indeed, sanity.// apply-patch is an up-and-coming feature "Server-Side Apply" and not enabled by default yet.
export type PatchType = 'strategic-merge' | 'json-merge' | 'json-patch' | 'apply-patch';export function getPatchContentType(type: PatchType) { switch (type) { case 'strategic-merge': return 'application/strategic-merge-patch+json'; case 'json-merge': return 'application/merge-patch+json'; case 'json-patch': return 'application/json-patch+json'; case 'apply-patch': return 'application/apply-patch+yaml'; // All JSON documents are valid YAML. } throw new Error(`Unknown Kubernetes patch type: ${JSON.stringify(type)}`);}
// TODO: figure out how to do this properly// export type DeepPartial<T> = {// [P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends Array<infer I>// ? Array<DeepPartial<I>>// : DeepPartial<T[P]>;// };// export type StrategicPatch<T> = {// [P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends Array<infer I>// ? Array<StrategicPatch<I> & StrategicDirectives>// : (StrategicPatch<T[P]> & StrategicDirectives);// };// export interface StrategicDirectives {// $patch?: "replace" | "delete";// // $deleteFromPrimitiveList/<field>: T[]// // $setElementOrder/<field>: (T | {<mergekey>: string})[]// $retainKeys?: string[];// }
export type JsonPatch = JsonPatchOp[];export type JsonPatchOp =| { op: 'add', path: string, value: JSONValue }| { op: 'remove', path: string }| { op: 'replace', path: string, value: JSONValue }| { op: 'move', from: string, path: string }| { op: 'copy', from: string, path: string }| { op: 'test', path: string, value: JSONValue };
// used for API Server's 'connect to' endpointsexport type ProxyOptions = RequestOptions & { port?: string | number; };