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Utilities for working with Deno KV πŸ¦•πŸ—οΈ
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/** * Provides the function {@linkcode batchedAtomic} which is like * {@linkcode Deno.Kv.prototype.atomic} but will work around the per atomic * transaction limits imposed by Deno KV. * * It also supports `setBlob()` and `checkBlob()` to allow setting of checking * of kv-toolbox blob values as part of a transaction. * * In the past, Deno KV had very low limits (like 10 mutations per transaction) * but those limits have been changed to far more reasonable levels, so in most * cases {@linkcode batchedAtomic} is not needed. The only _advantage_ is that * you can make arbitrarily large atomic transactions and not worry about * having to deal with a limit failure in code. But most users should consider * just dealing with {@linkcode Deno.Kv.prototype.atomic} directly. * * @example * * ```ts * import { batchedAtomic } from "jsr:/@kitsonk/kv-toolbox/batched_atomic"; * * const kv = await Deno.openKv(); * await batchedAtomic(kv) * .check({ key: ["hello"], versionstamp: null }) * .set(["hello"], "deno kv") * .commit(); * await kv.close(); * ``` * * @module */
import { BLOB_KEY, BLOB_META_KEY, setBlob } from "./blob_util.ts";import { keys } from "./keys.ts";
interface KVToolboxAtomicOperation extends Deno.AtomicOperation { deleteBlob(key: Deno.KvKey): this;
setBlob( key: Deno.KvKey, value: ArrayBufferLike | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | Blob, options?: { expireIn?: number }, ): this;}
type AtomicOperationKeys = keyof KVToolboxAtomicOperation;
// These are indicated from deno/ext/kv/ and are current as of 524e451// We have to use slightly less numbers, because we can only estimate byte// lengths and in some cases we underestimate the size of keys and valuesconst MAX_CHECKS = 99;const MAX_MUTATIONS = 999;const MAX_TOTAL_MUTATION_SIZE_BYTES = 750_000;const MAX_TOTAL_KEY_SIZE_BYTES = 75_000;
let serialize: ((value: unknown) => { byteLength: number }) | undefined = undefined;
function getByteLength(value: unknown): number { if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) { return value.byteLength; } if (value instanceof Deno.KvU64) { return 8; } return serialize!(value).byteLength;}
/** * The class that encapsulates the batched atomic operations. Works around * limitations imposed by Deno KV related to individual atomic operations. */export class BatchedAtomicOperation { #kv: Deno.Kv; #maxChecks: number; #maxBytes: number; #maxKeyBytes: number; #maxMutations: number; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any #queue: [AtomicOperationKeys, any[]][] = [];
#enqueue<Op extends AtomicOperationKeys>( operation: Op, args: Parameters<KVToolboxAtomicOperation[Op]>, ): this { this.#queue.push([operation, args]); return this; }
constructor( kv: Deno.Kv, { maxChecks = MAX_CHECKS, maxMutations = MAX_MUTATIONS, maxBytes = MAX_TOTAL_MUTATION_SIZE_BYTES, maxKeyBytes = MAX_TOTAL_KEY_SIZE_BYTES, }: { maxChecks?: number; maxMutations?: number; maxBytes?: number; maxKeyBytes?: number; } = {}, ) { this.#kv = kv; this.#maxChecks = maxChecks; this.#maxBytes = maxBytes; this.#maxKeyBytes = maxKeyBytes; this.#maxMutations = maxMutations; }
/** * Add to the operation a check that ensures that the versionstamp of the * key-value pair in the KV store matches the given versionstamp. If the check * fails, the entire operation will fail and no mutations will be performed * during the commit. * * If there are additional batches of atomic operations to perform, they will * be abandoned. */ check(...checks: Deno.AtomicCheck[]): this { return this.#enqueue("check", checks); }
/** * Add to the operation a check that ensures that the versionstamp of the blob * key-value pair in the KV store matches the given versionstamp. If the check * fails, the entire operation will fail and no mutations will be performed * during the commit. * * The blob should have previously been set via kv-toolbox's `set()` or as * part of an batched atomic operation via `setBlob()`. * * If there are additional batches of atomic operations to perform, they will * be abandoned. */ checkBlob(...checks: Deno.AtomicCheck[]): this { return this.#enqueue( "check",{ key, versionstamp }) => ({ key: [...key, BLOB_META_KEY], versionstamp, })), ); }
/** * Add to the operation a mutation that performs the specified mutation on * the specified key if all checks pass during the commit. The types and * semantics of all available mutations are described in the documentation for * {@linkcode Deno.KvMutation}. */ mutate(...mutations: Deno.KvMutation[]): this { return this.#enqueue("mutate", mutations); }
/** * Shortcut for creating a `sum` mutation. This method wraps `n` in a * {@linkcode Deno.KvU64}, so the value of `n` must be in the range * `[0, 2^64-1]`. */ sum(key: Deno.KvKey, n: bigint): this { return this.#enqueue("sum", [key, n]); }
/** * Shortcut for creating a `min` mutation. This method wraps `n` in a * {@linkcode Deno.KvU64}, so the value of `n` must be in the range * `[0, 2^64-1]`. */ min(key: Deno.KvKey, n: bigint): this { return this.#enqueue("min", [key, n]); }
/** * Shortcut for creating a `max` mutation. This method wraps `n` in a * {@linkcode Deno.KvU64}, so the value of `n` must be in the range * `[0, 2^64-1]`. */ max(key: Deno.KvKey, n: bigint): this { return this.#enqueue("max", [key, n]); }
/** * Add to the operation a mutation that sets the value of the specified key * to the specified value if all checks pass during the commit. * * Optionally an `expireIn` option can be specified to set a time-to-live * (TTL) for the key. The TTL is specified in milliseconds, and the key will * be deleted from the database at earliest after the specified number of * milliseconds have elapsed. Once the specified duration has passed, the * key may still be visible for some additional time. If the `expireIn` * option is not specified, the key will not expire. */ set(key: Deno.KvKey, value: unknown, options?: { expireIn?: number }): this { return this.#enqueue("set", [key, value, options]); }
/** * Add to the operation a mutation that sets a blob value in the store if all * checks pass during the commit. The blob can be any array buffer like * structure, a byte {@linkcode ReadableStream}, or a {@linkcode Blob} or * {@linkcode File}. */ setBlob( key: Deno.KvKey, value: ArrayBufferLike | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | Blob, options?: { expireIn?: number }, ): this { return this.#enqueue("setBlob", [key, value, options]); }
/** * Add to the operation a mutation that deletes the specified key if all * checks pass during the commit. */ delete(key: Deno.KvKey): this { return this.#enqueue("delete", [key]); }
/** * Add to the operation a set of mutations to delete the specified parts of * a blob value if all checks pass during the commit. */ deleteBlob(key: Deno.KvKey): this { return this.#enqueue("deleteBlob", [key]); }
/** * Add to the operation a mutation that enqueues a value into the queue if all * checks pass during the commit. */ enqueue( value: unknown, options?: { delay?: number; keysIfUndelivered?: Deno.KvKey[]; backoffSchedule?: number[]; }, ): this { return this.#enqueue("enqueue", [value, options]); }
/** * Commit the operation to the KV store. Returns an array of values indicating * whether checks passed and mutations were performed. If the operation failed * because of a failed check, the last element of the return value will be a * {@linkcode Deno.KvCommitError} with an `ok: false` property. If the * operation failed for any other reason (storage error, invalid value, etc.), * the promise will be rejected with an exception. If the operation succeeded, * the return value will be an individual {@linkcode Deno.KvCommitResult} * object with a `ok: true` property and the versionstamp of the value * committed to KV broken up by the batch size, which defaults to `10`. * * If the commit returns `ok: false`, one may create a new atomic operation * with updated checks and mutations and attempt to commit it again. See the * note on optimistic locking in the documentation for * {@linkcode Deno.AtomicOperation}. */ async commit(): Promise<(Deno.KvCommitResult | Deno.KvCommitError)[]> { if (!this.#queue.length) { return Promise.resolve([]); } if (!serialize) { serialize = (await import("node:v8")).serialize; } const results: Promise<Deno.KvCommitResult | Deno.KvCommitError>[] = []; let checks = 0; let mutations = 0; let payloadBytes = 0; let keyBytes = 0; let operation = this.#kv.atomic(); let hasCheck = false; while (this.#queue.length) { const [method, args] = this.#queue.shift()!; if (method === "setBlob") { const queue = this.#queue; this.#queue = []; const [key, value, options] = args as [ Deno.KvKey, ArrayBufferLike | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | Blob, { expireIn?: number } | undefined, ]; const items = await keys(this.#kv, { prefix: [...key, BLOB_KEY] }); await setBlob(this, key, value, items.length, options); this.#queue.push(...queue); } else if (method === "deleteBlob") { const [key] = args as [Deno.KvKey]; const items = await keys(this.#kv, { prefix: [...key, BLOB_KEY] }); for (const item of items) { this.#queue.unshift(["delete", [item]]); } this.#queue.unshift(["delete", [[...key, BLOB_META_KEY]]]); } else { if (method === "check") { checks++; for (const { key } of args as Deno.AtomicCheck[]) { const len = key.reduce( (prev: number, part: Deno.KvKeyPart) => prev + getByteLength(part), 0, ); payloadBytes += len; keyBytes += len; } hasCheck = true; } else { mutations++; if (method === "mutate") { for (const mutation of args as Deno.KvMutation[]) { const keyLen = getByteLength(mutation.key); payloadBytes += keyLen; keyBytes += keyLen; if (mutation.type === "set") { payloadBytes += getByteLength(mutation.value); } else if (mutation.type !== "delete") { payloadBytes += 8; } } } else if (method === "max" || method === "min" || method === "sum") { const [key] = args as [Deno.KvKey]; const keyLen = getByteLength(key); keyBytes += keyLen; payloadBytes += keyLen + 8; } else if (method === "set") { const [key, value] = args as [Deno.KvKey, unknown]; const keyLen = getByteLength(key); keyBytes += keyLen; payloadBytes += keyLen + getByteLength(value); } else if (method === "delete") { const [key] = args as [Deno.KvKey]; const keyLen = getByteLength(key); keyBytes += keyLen; payloadBytes += keyLen; } else if (method === "enqueue") { const [value] = args as [unknown]; payloadBytes += getByteLength(value); } } if ( checks > this.#maxChecks || mutations > this.#maxMutations || payloadBytes > this.#maxBytes || keyBytes > this.#maxKeyBytes ) { const rp = operation.commit(); results.push(rp); if (hasCheck) { const result = await rp; if (!result.ok) { break; } } checks = 0; mutations = 0; payloadBytes = 0; keyBytes = 0; operation = this.#kv.atomic(); } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (operation[method] as any).apply(operation, args); if (!this.#queue.length) { const rp = operation.commit(); results.push(rp); } } } return Promise.all(results); }}
/** * Options which can be adjusted when using a batched atomic. * * These all default to the current values used by Deno, so typically these * never need to be set unless you specifically know what you are doing! */export interface BatchAtomicOptions { /** * Deno KV limits the number of checks per atomic transaction. This changes * the default of 99. */ maxChecks?: number; /** * Deno KV limits the number of mutations per atomic transactions. This * changes the default of 999. */ maxMutations?: number; /** * Deno KV limits the overall byte size of an atomic transaction, which * includes data for checks and mutations. This changes the default of 800k. * * There is also the limit of 64K per value. */ maxBytes?: number; /** * Deno KV limits the total byte size of keys associated with an atomic * transaction. This changes the default of 80k. */ maxKeyBytes?: number;}
/** * Similar to {@linkcode Deno.Kv.prototype.atomic} but deals with the limits of * transactions imposed by Deno KV. * * When committing the transaction, the operation is broken up in batches and * each commit result from each batch is returned, unless there is a commit * error, where any pending batched operations will be abandoned and the last * item in the commit result array will be the error. */export function batchedAtomic( kv: Deno.Kv, options?: BatchAtomicOptions,): BatchedAtomicOperation { return new BatchedAtomicOperation(kv, options);}