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🌳 Tiny & elegant JavaScript HTTP client based on the browser Fetch API
import test, {type ExecutionContext} from 'ava';import busboy from 'busboy';import express from 'express';import {chromium, webkit, type Page} from 'playwright';import type ky from '../source/index.js';import {createHttpTestServer, type ExtendedHttpTestServer, type HttpServerOptions} from './helpers/create-http-test-server.js';import {parseRawBody} from './helpers/parse-body.js';import {browserTest, defaultBrowsersTest} from './helpers/with-page.js';
declare global { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions interface Window { ky: typeof ky; }}
const DIST_DIR = new URL('../distribution', import.meta.url).toString();const createEsmTestServer = async (options?: HttpServerOptions) => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(options); server.use('/distribution', express.static(DIST_DIR.replace(/^file:\/\//, ''))); server.use((_, response, next) => { response.set('Connection', 'close'); next(); }); return server;};
const KY_SCRIPT = { type: 'module', content: ` import ky from '/distribution/index.js'; = ky; `,};const addKyScriptToPage = async (page: Page) => { await page.addScriptTag(KY_SCRIPT); await page.waitForFunction(() => typeof === 'function');};
let server: ExtendedHttpTestServer;test.beforeEach(async () => { server = await createEsmTestServer();});
test.afterEach(async () => { await server.close();});
defaultBrowsersTest('prefixUrl option', async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end('zebra'); });
server.get('/api/unicorn', (_request, response) => { response.end('rainbow'); });
await page.goto(server.url); await addKyScriptToPage(page);
await t.throwsAsync( page.evaluate(async () =>'/foo', {prefixUrl: '/'})), {message: /`input` must not begin with a slash when using `prefixUrl`/}, );
const results = await page.evaluate(async (url: string) => Promise.all([`${url}/api/unicorn`).text(), // @ts-expect-error unsupported {prefixUrl: null} type`${url}/api/unicorn`, {prefixUrl: null}).text(),'api/unicorn', {prefixUrl: url}).text(),'api/unicorn', {prefixUrl: `${url}/`}).text(), ]), server.url);
t.deepEqual(results, ['rainbow', 'rainbow', 'rainbow', 'rainbow']);});
defaultBrowsersTest('aborting a request', async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end('meow'); });
server.get('/test', (_request, response) => { setTimeout(() => { response.end('ok'); }, 500); });
await page.goto(server.url); await addKyScriptToPage(page);
const errorName = await page.evaluate(async (url: string) => { const controller = new AbortController(); const request =`${url}/test`, {signal: controller.signal}).text(); controller.abort(); return request.catch(error_ =>; }, server.url);, 'AbortError');});
defaultBrowsersTest('should copy origin response info when using `onDownloadProgress`', async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { const json = {hello: 'world'}; const status = 202; const statusText = 'Accepted'; server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end('meow'); });
server.get('/test', (_request, response) => { setTimeout(() => { response.statusMessage = statusText; response.status(status).header('X-ky-Header', 'ky').json(json); }, 500); }); await page.goto(server.url); await addKyScriptToPage(page); const data = await page.evaluate(async (url: string) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function const request =`${url}/test`, {onDownloadProgress() {}}).then(async v => ({ headers: v.headers.get('X-ky-Header'), status: v.status, statusText: v.statusText, data: await v.json(), })); return request; }, server.url);
t.deepEqual(data, { status, headers: 'ky', statusText, data: json, });});
defaultBrowsersTest('should not copy response body with 204 status code when using `onDownloadProgress` ', async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { const status = 204; const statusText = 'No content'; server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end('meow'); });
server.get('/test', (_request, response) => { setTimeout(() => { response.statusMessage = statusText; response.status(status).header('X-ky-Header', 'ky').end(null); }, 500); }); await page.goto(server.url); await addKyScriptToPage(page); const data = await page.evaluate(async (url: string) => { const progress: any = []; let totalBytes = 0; const response = await`${url}/test`, { onDownloadProgress(progressEvent) { progress.push(progressEvent); }, }).then(async v => { totalBytes = Number(v.headers.get('content-length')) || 0; return ({ headers: v.headers.get('X-ky-Header'), status: v.status, statusText: v.statusText, }); }); return { response, progress, totalBytes, }; }, server.url);
t.deepEqual(data.response, { status, headers: 'ky', statusText, }); t.deepEqual(data.progress, [{ percent: 1, totalBytes: data.totalBytes, transferredBytes: 0, }]);});
browserTest('aborting a request with onDownloadProgress', [chromium], async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end('meow'); });
server.get('/test', (_request, response) => { response.writeHead(200, { 'content-length': '4', });
response.write('me'); setTimeout(() => { response.end('ow'); }, 1000); });
await page.goto(server.url); await addKyScriptToPage(page);
const error = await page.evaluate(async (url: string) => { const controller = new AbortController(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function const request =`${url}/test`, {signal: controller.signal, onDownloadProgress() {}}).text(); setTimeout(() => { controller.abort(); }, 500); return request.catch(error_ => error_.toString()); }, server.url); // This should be an AbortError like in the 'aborting a request' test, but there is a bug in Chromium, 'TypeError: Failed to fetch');});
defaultBrowsersTest( 'throws TimeoutError even though it does not support AbortController', async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end(); });
server.get('/slow', (_request, response) => { setTimeout(() => { response.end('ok'); }, 1000); });
await page.goto(server.url); await page.addScriptTag({content: 'window.AbortController = undefined;\n'}); await addKyScriptToPage(page);
const error = await page.evaluate(async (url: string) => { const request =`${url}/slow`, {timeout: 500}).text(); return request.catch(error_ => ({ message: error_.toString(), request: {url: error_.request.url}, })); }, server.url);
if (typeof error !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Expected to have an object error'); }, 'TimeoutError: Request timed out');, `${server.url}/slow`); },);
// TODO: Fix.// browserTest('onDownloadProgress works', [chromium, webkit], async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => {// server.get('/', (_request, response) => {// response.writeHead(200, {// 'content-length': '4',// });
// response.write('me');// setTimeout(() => {// response.end('ow');// }, 1000);// });
// await page.goto(server.url);// await addKyScriptToPage(page);
// const result = await page.evaluate(async (url: string) => {// // `new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode` hangs up?// const decodeUtf8 = (array: Uint8Array) => String.fromCodePoint(...array);
// const data: any[] = [];// const text = await window// .ky(url, {// onDownloadProgress(progress, chunk) {// const stringifiedChunk = decodeUtf8(chunk);// data.push([progress, stringifiedChunk]);// },// })// .text();
// return {data, text};// }, server.url);
// t.deepEqual(, [// [{percent: 0, transferredBytes: 0, totalBytes: 4}, ''],// [{percent: 0.5, transferredBytes: 2, totalBytes: 4}, 'me'],// [{percent: 1, transferredBytes: 4, totalBytes: 4}, 'ow'],// ]);//, 'meow');// });
defaultBrowsersTest('throws if onDownloadProgress is not a function', async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end(); });
await page.goto(server.url); await addKyScriptToPage(page);
const error = await page.evaluate(async (url: string) => { // @ts-expect-error const request =, {onDownloadProgress: 1}).text(); return request.catch(error_ => error_.toString()); }, server.url);, 'TypeError: The `onDownloadProgress` option must be a function');});
defaultBrowsersTest('throws if does not support ReadableStream', async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end(); });
await page.goto(server.url); await page.addScriptTag({content: 'window.ReadableStream = undefined;\n'}); await addKyScriptToPage(page);
const error = await page.evaluate(async (url: string) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function const request =, {onDownloadProgress() {}}).text(); return request.catch(error_ => error_.toString()); }, server.url);, 'Error: Streams are not supported in your environment. `ReadableStream` is missing.');});
defaultBrowsersTest('FormData with searchParams', async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { t.plan(3);
server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end(); });'/', async (request, response) => { const requestBody = await parseRawBody(request); const contentType = request.headers['content-type']; const boundary = contentType!.split('boundary=')[1];
t.truthy(requestBody.includes(boundary!)); t.regex(requestBody, /bubblegum pie/); t.deepEqual(request.query, {foo: '1'}); response.end(); });
await page.goto(server.url); await addKyScriptToPage(page);
await page.evaluate(async (url: string) => { const formData = new window.FormData(); formData.append('file', new window.File(['bubblegum pie'], 'my-file')); return, { method: 'post', searchParams: 'foo=1', body: formData, }); }, server.url);});
defaultBrowsersTest('FormData with searchParams ("multipart/form-data" parser)', async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { t.plan(3);
server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end(); });'/', async (request, response) => { const [body, error] = await new Promise(resolve => { // @ts-expect-error const busboyInstance = busboy({headers: request.headers});
busboyInstance.on('error', (error: Error) => { resolve([null, error]); });
// eslint-disable-next-line max-params busboyInstance.on('file', async (fieldname, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) => { let fileContent = ''; try { for await (const chunk of file) { fileContent += chunk; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands }
resolve([{fieldname, filename, fileContent}, undefined]); } catch (error_: unknown) { resolve([null, error_]); } });
busboyInstance.on('finish', () => { response.writeHead(303, {Connection: 'close', Location: '/'}); response.end(); });
setTimeout(() => { resolve([null, new Error('Timeout')]); }, 3000);
request.pipe(busboyInstance); });
t.falsy(error); t.deepEqual(request.query, {foo: '1'});
t.deepEqual(body, { fieldname: 'file', filename: { filename: 'my-file', encoding: '7bit', mimeType: 'text/plain', }, fileContent: 'bubblegum pie', }); });
await page.goto(server.url); await addKyScriptToPage(page);
await page.evaluate(async url => { const formData = new window.FormData();
formData.append('file', new window.File(['bubblegum pie'], 'my-file', {type: 'text/plain'}));
return, { method: 'post', searchParams: 'foo=1', body: formData, }); }, server.url);});
defaultBrowsersTest( 'headers are preserved when input is a Request and there are searchParams in the options', async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { t.plan(2);
server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end(); });
server.get('/test', (request, response) => {['content-type'], 'text/css'); t.deepEqual(request.query, {foo: '1'}); response.end(); });
await page.goto(server.url); await addKyScriptToPage(page);
await page.evaluate(async (url: string) => { const request = new window.Request(`${url}/test`, { headers: {'content-type': 'text/css'}, });
return window .ky(request, { searchParams: 'foo=1', }) .text(); }, server.url); },);
browserTest('retry with body', [chromium, webkit], async (t: ExecutionContext, page: Page) => { t.plan(4);
let requestCount = 0;
server.get('/', (_request, response) => { response.end('zebra'); });
server.put('/test', async (request, response) => { requestCount++;, 'foo'); response.sendStatus(502); });
await page.goto(server.url); await addKyScriptToPage(page);
await t.throwsAsync( page.evaluate(async (url: string) =>`${url}/test`, { body: 'foo', method: 'PUT', retry: 1, }), server.url), {message: /HTTPError: Request failed with status code 502 Bad Gateway/}, );, 2);});