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🌳 Tiny & elegant JavaScript HTTP client based on the browser Fetch API
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import {Buffer} from 'node:buffer';import type {IncomingHttpHeaders} from 'node:http';import test from 'ava';import type {RequestHandler} from 'express';import ky from '../source/index.js';import {createHttpTestServer} from './helpers/create-http-test-server.js';
const timeout = 60_000;
const echoHeaders: RequestHandler = (request, response) => { request.resume(); response.end(JSON.stringify(request.headers));};
test.serial('works with nullish headers even in old browsers', async t => { t.plan(4);
const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const OriginalHeaders = Headers; // Some old browsers throw for new Headers(undefined) or new Headers(null) // so we check that Ky never does that and passes an empty object instead. // See: globalThis.Headers = class Headers extends OriginalHeaders { constructor(headersInit?: RequestInit['headers']) { t.deepEqual(headersInit, {}); super(headersInit); } }; const response = await ky.get(server.url).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>(); response, 'object'); t.truthy(response);
await server.close();
globalThis.Headers = OriginalHeaders;});
test('`user-agent`', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const headers = await ky.get(server.url).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();['user-agent'], 'node');});
test('`accept-encoding`', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const headers = await ky.get(server.url).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();['accept-encoding'], 'gzip, deflate');});
test('does not override provided `accept-encoding`', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const headers = await ky .get(server.url, { headers: { 'accept-encoding': 'gzip', }, }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();['accept-encoding'], 'gzip');});
test('does not remove user headers from `url` object argument', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const headers = await ky .get(server.url, { headers: { 'X-Request-Id': 'value', }, }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();, 'application/json');['user-agent'], 'node');['accept-encoding'], 'gzip, deflate');['x-request-id'], 'value');});
test('`accept` header with `json` option', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
let headers = await ky.get(server.url).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();, 'application/json');
headers = await ky .get(server.url, { headers: { accept: '', }, }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();, 'application/json');});
test('`host` header', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const headers = await ky.get(server.url).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();, `localhost:${server.port}`);});
test('transforms names to lowercase', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const headers = await ky(server.url, { headers: { 'ACCEPT-ENCODING': 'identity', }, }).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();['accept-encoding'], 'identity');});
test('setting `content-length` to 0', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer();'/', echoHeaders);
const request = ky .post(server.url, { headers: { 'content-length': '0', }, body: 'sup', }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();
const error = await t.throwsAsync(request);, 'UND_ERR_REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH');});
test('sets `content-length` to `0` when requesting PUT with empty body', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.put('/', echoHeaders);
const headers = await ky.put(server.url).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();['content-length'], '0');});
test('json manual `content-type` header', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer();'/', echoHeaders);
const headers = await ky .post(server.url, { headers: { 'content-type': 'custom', }, json: { foo: true, }, }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();['content-type'], 'custom');});
test('form-data manual `content-type` header', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer();'/', echoHeaders);
const form = new FormData(); form.append('a', 'b'); const headers = await ky .post(server.url, { headers: { 'content-type': 'custom', }, // @ts-expect-error FormData type mismatch body: form, }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();['content-type'], 'custom');});
test('form-data automatic `content-type` header', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer();'/', echoHeaders);
const form = new FormData(); form.append('a', 'b'); const headers = await ky .post(server.url, { // @ts-expect-error FormData type mismatch body: form, }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();
// eslint-disable-next-line ava/assertion-arguments t.true(headers['content-type'].startsWith('multipart/form-data; boundary='), headers['content-type']);});
test('form-data manual `content-type` header with search params', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer();'/', echoHeaders);
const form = new FormData(); form.append('a', 'b'); const headers = await ky .post(server.url, { searchParams: 'foo=1', headers: { 'content-type': 'custom', }, // @ts-expect-error FormData type mismatch body: form, }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();['content-type'], 'custom');});
test('form-data automatic `content-type` header with search params', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer();'/', echoHeaders);
const form = new FormData(); form.append('a', 'b'); const headers = await ky .post(server.url, { searchParams: 'foo=1', // @ts-expect-error FormData type mismatch body: form, }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();
// eslint-disable-next-line ava/assertion-arguments t.true(headers['content-type'].startsWith('multipart/form-data; boundary='), headers['content-type']);});
test('form-data sets `content-length` header', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer();'/', echoHeaders);
const form = new FormData(); form.append('a', 'b');
// @ts-expect-error FormData type mismatch const headers = await, {body: form}).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();['content-length'], '119');});
test('buffer as `options.body` sets `content-length` header', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer();'/', echoHeaders);
const buffer = Buffer.from('unicorn'); const headers = await ky .post(server.url, { body: buffer, }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();['content-length']), buffer.length);});
test.failing('removes undefined value headers', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const headers = await ky .get(server.url, { headers: { 'user-agent': undefined, unicorn: 'unicorn', }, }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();['user-agent'], 'undefined');['unicorn'], 'unicorn');});
test('non-existent headers set to undefined are omitted', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const headers = await ky .get(server.url, { headers: { blah: undefined, rainbow: 'unicorn', }, }) .json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();
t.false('blah' in headers); t.true('rainbow' in headers);});
test('preserve port in host header if non-standard port', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const body = await ky.get(server.url).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();, `localhost:${server.port}`);});
test('strip port in host header if explicit standard port (:80) & protocol (HTTP)', async t => { const body = await ky.get('', {timeout}).json<{headers: IncomingHttpHeaders}>();['Host'], '');});
test('strip port in host header if explicit standard port (:443) & protocol (HTTPS)', async t => { const body = await ky.get('', {timeout}).json<{headers: IncomingHttpHeaders}>();['Host'], '');});
test('strip port in host header if implicit standard port & protocol (HTTP)', async t => { const body = await ky.get('', {timeout}).json<{headers: IncomingHttpHeaders}>();['Host'], '');});
test('strip port in host header if implicit standard port & protocol (HTTPS)', async t => { const body = await ky.get('', {timeout}).json<{headers: IncomingHttpHeaders}>();['Host'], '');});
test('remove custom header by extending instance (plain objects)', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const original = ky.create({ headers: { rainbow: 'rainbow', unicorn: 'unicorn', }, });
const extended = original.extend({ headers: { rainbow: undefined, }, });
const response = await extended(server.url).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();
t.true('unicorn' in response); t.false('rainbow' in response);
await server.close();});
test('remove header by extending instance (Headers instance)', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const original = ky.create({ headers: new Headers({ rainbow: 'rainbow', unicorn: 'unicorn', }), });
const extended = original.extend({ // @ts-expect-error Headers does not support undefined values headers: new Headers({ rainbow: undefined, }), });
const response = await extended(server.url).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();
t.false('rainbow' in response); t.true('unicorn' in response);
await server.close();});
test('remove header by extending instance (Headers instance and plain object)', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const original = ky.create({ headers: new Headers({ rainbow: 'rainbow', unicorn: 'unicorn', }), });
const extended = original.extend({ headers: { rainbow: undefined, }, });
const response = await extended(server.url).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();
t.false('rainbow' in response); t.true('unicorn' in response);
await server.close();});
test('remove header by extending instance (plain object and Headers instance)', async t => { const server = await createHttpTestServer(); server.get('/', echoHeaders);
const original = ky.create({ headers: { rainbow: 'rainbow', unicorn: 'unicorn', }, });
const extended = original.extend({ // @ts-expect-error Headers does not support undefined values headers: new Headers({ rainbow: undefined, }), });
const response = await extended(server.url).json<IncomingHttpHeaders>();
t.false('rainbow' in response); t.true('unicorn' in response);
await server.close();});