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Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the deno-postgres client.
import { DatabaseIntrospector, Dialect, DialectAdapter, Driver, Kysely, PostgresAdapter, PostgresIntrospector, PostgresQueryCompiler, QueryCompiler,} from "./deps.ts";
import { PostgresDriver } from "./src/postgres-driver.ts";import { PostgresDialectConfig } from "./src/postgres-dialect-config.ts";
export { type DatabaseConnection, kysely, Pool, postgres } from "./deps.ts";export { type PostgresConnection } from "./src/postgres-connection.ts";
export class KyselyDenoPostgresDialect implements Dialect { readonly #config: PostgresDialectConfig;
constructor(config: PostgresDialectConfig) { this.#config = config; }
createDriver(): Driver { return new PostgresDriver(this.#config); }
createQueryCompiler(): QueryCompiler { return new PostgresQueryCompiler(); }
createAdapter(): DialectAdapter { return new PostgresAdapter(); }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any createIntrospector(db: Kysely<any>): DatabaseIntrospector { return new PostgresIntrospector(db); }}
export { getDB, setup, wrapTransaction } from "./src/utils.ts";