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Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
class kysely.DummyDriver
implements Driver
import { kysely } from "";
const { DummyDriver } = kysely;

A driver that does absolutely nothing.

You can use this to create Kysely instances solely for building queries


This example creates a Kysely instance for building postgres queries:

const db = new Kysely<Database>({
  dialect: {
    createAdapter() {
      return new PostgresAdapter()
    createDriver() {
      return new DummyDriver()
    createIntrospector(db: Kysely<any>) {
      return new PostgresIntrospector(db)
    createQueryCompiler() {
      return new PostgresQueryCompiler()

You can use it to build a query and compile it to SQL but trying to execute the query will throw an error.

const { sql } = db.selectFrom('person').selectAll().compile()
console.log(sql) // select * from "person"


Acquires a new connection from the pool.

beginTransaction(): Promise<void>

Begins a transaction.

commitTransaction(): Promise<void>

Commits a transaction.

destroy(): Promise<void>

Destroys the driver and releases all resources.

init(): Promise<void>

Initializes the driver.

After calling this method the driver should be usable and acquireConnection etc. methods should be callable.

releaseConnection(): Promise<void>

Releases a connection back to the pool.

rollbackTransaction(): Promise<void>

Rolls back a transaction.