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A deno runtime for AWS Lambda. Deploy deno via docker, SAM, serverless, or bundle it yourself.
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// deno-lint-ignore-file// Type definitions for AWS Lambda 8.10// Project: Definitions by: James Darbyshire <>// Michael Skarum <>// Stef Heyenrath <>// Rich Buggy <>// Yoriki Yamaguchi <>// wwwy3y3 <>// Ishaan Malhi <>// Michael Marner <>// Daniel Cottone <>// Kostya Misura <>// Markus Tacker <>// Palmi Valgeirsson <>// Danilo Raisi <>// Simon Buchan <>// David Hayden <>// Chris Redekop <>// Aneil Mallavarapu <>// Jeremy Nagel <>// Louis Larry <>// Daniel Papukchiev <>// Oliver Hookins <>// Trevor Leach <>// James Gregory <>// Erik Dalén <>// Loïk Gaonac'h <>// Roberto Zen <>// Grzegorz Redlicki <>// Juan Carbonel <>// Peter McIntyre <>// Alex Bolenok <>// Marian Zange <>// Alexander Pepper <>// Alessandro Palumbo <>// Sachin Shekhar <>// Ivan Martos <>// Zach Anthony <>// Peter Savnik <>// Sven Milewski <>// Definitions: TypeScript Version: 3.0
// TODO:
// ElastiCache section just describes using lambdas in an ElastiCache context (VPC issues, etc.)// EC2 events are delivered using cloudwatch events...
export as namespace AWSLambda;/** * The interface that AWS Lambda will invoke your handler with. * There are more specialized types for many cases where AWS services * invoke your lambda, but you can directly use this type for when you are invoking * your lambda directly. * * See tme {@link AWS documentation} * for more information about the runtime behavior, and the * {@link AWS Blog post} * introducing the async handler behavior in the 8.10 runtime. * * @example <caption>Defining a custom handler type</caption> * import { Handler } from 'aws-lambda' * * interface NameEvent { * fullName: string * } * interface NameResult { * firstName: string * middleNames: string * lastName: string * } * type PersonHandler = Handler<NameEvent, NameResult> * * export const handler: PersonHandler = async (event) => { * const names = event.fullName.split(' ') * const firstName = names.shift() * const lastName = names.pop() * return { firstName, middleNames: names, lastName } * } * * @example <caption>Logs the contents of the event object and returns the location of the logs</caption> * import { Handler } from 'aws-lambda' * * export const handler: Handler = async (event, context) => { * console.log("EVENT: \n" + JSON.stringify(event, null, 2)) * return context.logStreamName * } * * @example <caption>AWS SDK with Async Function and Promises</caption> * import { Handler } from 'aws-lambda' * import AWS from 'aws-sdk' * * const s3 = new AWS.S3() * * export const handler: Handler = async (event) => { * const response = await s3.listBuckets().promise() * return response? => bucket.Name) * } * * @example <caption>HTTP Request with Callback</caption> * import { Handler } from 'aws-lambda' * import https from 'https' * * let url = "" * * export const handler: Handler<void, number> = (event, context, callback) => { * https.get(url, (res) => { * callback(null, res.statusCode) * }).on('error', (e) => { * callback(Error(e)) * }) * } * * @param event * Parsed JSON data in the lambda request payload. For an AWS service triggered * lambda this should be in the format of a type ending in Event, for example the * S3Handler receives an event of type S3Event. * @param context * Runtime contextual information of the current invocation, for example the caller * identity, available memory and time remaining, legacy completion callbacks, and * a mutable property controlling when the lambda execution completes. * @param callback * NodeJS-style completion callback that the AWS Lambda runtime will provide that can * be used to provide the lambda result payload value, or any execution error. Can * instead return a promise that resolves with the result payload value or rejects * with the execution error. * @return * A promise that resolves with the lambda result payload value, or rejects with the * execution error. Note that if you implement your handler as an async function, * you will automatically return a promise that will resolve with a returned value, * or reject with a thrown value. */export type Handler<TEvent = any, TResult = any> = ( event: TEvent, context: Context,) => Promise<TResult>;
/** * {@link Handler} context parameter. * See {@link AWS documentation}. */export interface Context { callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop: boolean; functionName: string; functionVersion: string; invokedFunctionArn: string; memoryLimitInMB: string; awsRequestId: string; logGroupName: string; logStreamName: string; identity?: CognitoIdentity; clientContext?: ClientContext;
getRemainingTimeInMillis(): number;
// Functions for compatibility with earlier Node.js Runtime v0.10.42 // No longer documented, so they are deprecated, but they still work // as of the 12.x runtime, so they are not removed from the types.
/** @deprecated Use handler callback or promise result */ done(error?: Error, result?: any): void; /** @deprecated Use handler callback with first argument or reject a promise result */ fail(error: Error | string): void; /** @deprecated Use handler callback with second argument or resolve a promise result */ succeed(messageOrObject: any): void; // Unclear what behavior this is supposed to have, I couldn't find any still extant reference, // and it behaves like the above, ignoring the object parameter. /** @deprecated Use handler callback or promise result */ succeed(message: string, object: any): void;}
export interface CognitoIdentity { cognitoIdentityId: string; cognitoIdentityPoolId: string;}
export interface ClientContext { client: ClientContextClient; Custom?: any; env: ClientContextEnv;}
export interface ClientContextClient { installationId: string; appTitle: string; appVersionName: string; appVersionCode: string; appPackageName: string;}
export interface ClientContextEnv { platformVersion: string; platform: string; make: string; model: string; locale: string;}
// Poorly documented, but API Gateway will just fail internally if// the context type does not match this.// Note that although non-string types will be accepted, they will be// coerced to strings on the other side.export interface APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext { [name: string]: string | number | boolean | null | undefined;}
// Default authorizer type, prefer using a specific type with the "...WithAuthorizer..." variant types.// Note that this doesn't have to be a context from a custom lambda outhorizer, AWS also has a cognito// authorizer type and could add more, so the property won't always be a string.export type APIGatewayEventDefaultAuthorizerContext = undefined | null | { [name: string]: any;};
export type APIGatewayEventRequestContext = APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer< APIGatewayEventDefaultAuthorizerContext >;
// The requestContext property of both request authorizer and proxy integration events.export interface APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer< TAuthorizerContext,> { accountId: string; apiId: string; // This one is a bit confusing: it is not actually present in authorizer calls // and proxy calls without an authorizer. We model this by allowing undefined in the type, // since it ends up the same and avoids breaking users that are testing the property. // This lets us allow parameterizing the authorizer for proxy events that know what authorizer // context values they have. authorizer: TAuthorizerContext; connectedAt?: number; connectionId?: string; domainName?: string; domainPrefix?: string; eventType?: string; extendedRequestId?: string; protocol: string; httpMethod: string; identity: APIGatewayEventIdentity; messageDirection?: string; messageId?: string | null; path: string; stage: string; requestId: string; requestTime?: string; requestTimeEpoch: number; resourceId: string; resourcePath: string; routeKey?: string;}
export interface APIGatewayEventIdentity { accessKey: string | null; accountId: string | null; apiKey: string | null; apiKeyId: string | null; caller: string | null; cognitoAuthenticationProvider: string | null; cognitoAuthenticationType: string | null; cognitoIdentityId: string | null; cognitoIdentityPoolId: string | null; principalOrgId: string | null; sourceIp: string; user: string | null; userAgent: string | null; userArn: string | null;}/** * CloudFront events * * Bear in mind that the "example" event structure in the page above includes * both an S3 and a Custom origin, which is not strictly allowed. Only one * of these per event may be present. */export interface CloudFrontHeaders { [name: string]: Array<{ key?: string; value: string; }>;}
export type CloudFrontOrigin = | { s3: CloudFrontS3Origin; custom?: never } | { custom: CloudFrontCustomOrigin; s3?: never };
export interface CloudFrontCustomOrigin { customHeaders: CloudFrontHeaders; domainName: string; keepaliveTimeout: number; path: string; port: number; protocol: "http" | "https"; readTimeout: number; sslProtocols: string[];}
export interface CloudFrontS3Origin { authMethod: "origin-access-identity" | "none"; customHeaders: CloudFrontHeaders; domainName: string; path: string; region: string;}
export interface CloudFrontResponse { status: string; statusDescription: string; headers: CloudFrontHeaders;}
export interface CloudFrontRequest { body?: { action: "read-only" | "replace"; data: string; encoding: "base64" | "text"; readonly inputTruncated: boolean; }; readonly clientIp: string; readonly method: string; uri: string; querystring: string; headers: CloudFrontHeaders; origin?: CloudFrontOrigin;}
export interface CloudFrontEvent { config: { readonly distributionDomainName: string; readonly distributionId: string; readonly eventType: | "origin-request" | "origin-response" | "viewer-request" | "viewer-response"; readonly requestId: string; };}
/** * Generated HTTP response in viewer request event or origin request event * * */export interface CloudFrontResultResponse { status: string; statusDescription?: string; headers?: CloudFrontHeaders; bodyEncoding?: "text" | "base64"; body?: string;}
export type ALBHandler = Handler<ALBEvent, ALBResult>;
// interface ALBEventRequestContext { elb: { targetGroupArn: string; };}
export interface ALBEventQueryStringParameters { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
export interface ALBEventHeaders { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
export interface ALBEventMultiValueHeaders { [name: string]: string[] | undefined;}
export interface ALBEventMultiValueQueryStringParameters { [name: string]: string[] | undefined;}
export interface ALBEvent { requestContext: ALBEventRequestContext; httpMethod: string; path: string; queryStringParameters?: ALBEventQueryStringParameters; // URL encoded headers?: ALBEventHeaders; multiValueQueryStringParameters?: ALBEventMultiValueQueryStringParameters; // URL encoded multiValueHeaders?: ALBEventMultiValueHeaders; body: string | null; isBase64Encoded: boolean;}
export interface ALBResult { statusCode: number; statusDescription?: string; headers?: { [header: string]: boolean | number | string }; multiValueHeaders?: { [header: string]: Array<boolean | number | string> }; body?: string; isBase64Encoded?: boolean;}
export type APIGatewayAuthorizerHandler = Handler< APIGatewayAuthorizerEvent, APIGatewayAuthorizerResult>;export type APIGatewayAuthorizerWithContextHandler< TAuthorizerContext extends APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext,> = Handler< APIGatewayAuthorizerEvent, APIGatewayAuthorizerWithContextResult<TAuthorizerContext>>;
export type APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerHandler = Handler< APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerEvent, APIGatewayAuthorizerResult>;export type APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerWithContextHandler< TAuthorizerContext extends APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext,> = Handler< APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerEvent, APIGatewayAuthorizerWithContextResult<TAuthorizerContext>>;
export type APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerHandler = Handler< APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEvent, APIGatewayAuthorizerResult>;export type APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerWithContextHandler< TAuthorizerContext extends APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext,> = Handler< APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEvent, APIGatewayAuthorizerWithContextResult<TAuthorizerContext>>;
export type APIGatewayAuthorizerEvent = | APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerEvent | APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEvent;
export interface APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerEvent { type: "TOKEN"; methodArn: string; authorizationToken: string;}
export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventHeaders { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventMultiValueHeaders { [name: string]: string[] | undefined;}
export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventPathParameters { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventQueryStringParameters { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventMultiValueQueryStringParameters { [name: string]: string[] | undefined;}
export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventStageVariables { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
// Note, when invoked by the tester in the AWS web console, the map values can be null,// but they will be empty objects in the real object.// Worse, it will include "body" and "isBase64Encoded" properties, unlike the real call!// See for the// formal definition.export interface APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEvent { type: "REQUEST"; methodArn: string; resource: string; path: string; httpMethod: string; headers: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventHeaders | null; multiValueHeaders: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventMultiValueHeaders | null; pathParameters: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventPathParameters | null; queryStringParameters: | APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventQueryStringParameters | null; multiValueQueryStringParameters: | APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventMultiValueQueryStringParameters | null; stageVariables: APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEventStageVariables | null; requestContext: APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer<undefined>;}
export interface APIGatewayAuthorizerResult { principalId: string; policyDocument: PolicyDocument; context?: APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext | null; usageIdentifierKey?: string | null;}
// Separate type so the context property is required, without pulling complex type magic.export interface APIGatewayAuthorizerWithContextResult< TAuthorizerContext extends APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext,> { principalId: string; policyDocument: PolicyDocument; context: TAuthorizerContext; usageIdentifierKey?: string | null;}
/** @deprecated Use APIGatewayAuthorizerHandler or a subtype */export type CustomAuthorizerHandler = Handler< CustomAuthorizerEvent, APIGatewayAuthorizerResult>;
/** @deprecated Use APIGatewayAuthorizerEvent or a subtype */export interface CustomAuthorizerEvent { type: string; methodArn: string; authorizationToken?: string; resource?: string; path?: string; httpMethod?: string; headers?: { [name: string]: string }; multiValueHeaders?: { [name: string]: string[] }; pathParameters?: { [name: string]: string } | null; queryStringParameters?: { [name: string]: string } | null; multiValueQueryStringParameters?: { [name: string]: string[] } | null; stageVariables?: { [name: string]: string }; requestContext?: APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer< APIGatewayEventDefaultAuthorizerContext >; domainName?: string; apiId?: string;}
export type CustomAuthorizerResult = APIGatewayAuthorizerResult;export type AuthResponse = APIGatewayAuthorizerResult;export type AuthResponseContext = APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext;
/** * API Gateway CustomAuthorizer AuthResponse.PolicyDocument. * * */export interface PolicyDocument { Version: string; Id?: string; Statement: Statement[];}
/** * API Gateway CustomAuthorizer AuthResponse.PolicyDocument.Condition. * * */export interface ConditionBlock { [condition: string]: Condition | Condition[];}
export interface Condition { [key: string]: string | string[];}
/** * API Gateway CustomAuthorizer AuthResponse.PolicyDocument.Statement. * * */export type Statement = & BaseStatement & StatementAction & (StatementResource | StatementPrincipal);
export interface BaseStatement { Effect: string; Sid?: string; Condition?: ConditionBlock;}
export type PrincipalValue = | { [key: string]: string | string[] } | string | string[];export interface MaybeStatementPrincipal { Principal?: PrincipalValue; NotPrincipal?: PrincipalValue;}export interface MaybeStatementResource { Resource?: string | string[]; NotResource?: string | string[];}export type StatementAction = { Action: string | string[] } | { NotAction: string | string[];};export type StatementResource = & MaybeStatementPrincipal & ({ Resource: string | string[] } | { NotResource: string | string[] });export type StatementPrincipal = & MaybeStatementResource & ({ Principal: PrincipalValue } | { NotPrincipal: PrincipalValue });
/** * Works with Lambda Proxy Integration for Rest API or HTTP API integration Payload Format version 1.0 * @see - */export type APIGatewayProxyHandler = Handler< APIGatewayProxyEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult>;/** * Works with Lambda Proxy Integration for Rest API or HTTP API integration Payload Format version 1.0 * @see - */
/** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - */export type APIGatewayProxyHandlerV2<T = never> = Handler< APIGatewayProxyEventV2, APIGatewayProxyResultV2<T>>;/** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - */
/** * Works with Lambda Proxy Integration for Rest API or HTTP API integration Payload Format version 1.0 * @see - */export type APIGatewayProxyEvent = APIGatewayProxyEventBase< APIGatewayEventDefaultAuthorizerContext>;
export type APIGatewayProxyWithLambdaAuthorizerHandler<TAuthorizerContext> = Handler< APIGatewayProxyWithLambdaAuthorizerEvent<TAuthorizerContext>, APIGatewayProxyResult >;
export type APIGatewayProxyWithCognitoAuthorizerHandler = Handler< APIGatewayProxyWithCognitoAuthorizerEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult>;
export type APIGatewayProxyWithLambdaAuthorizerEvent<TAuthorizerContext> = APIGatewayProxyEventBase< APIGatewayEventLambdaAuthorizerContext<TAuthorizerContext> >;
export type APIGatewayProxyWithLambdaAuthorizerEventRequestContext< TAuthorizerContext,> = APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer< APIGatewayEventLambdaAuthorizerContext<TAuthorizerContext>>;
// API Gateway proxy integration mangles the context from a custom authorizer,// converting all number or boolean properties to string, and adding some extra properties.export type APIGatewayEventLambdaAuthorizerContext<TAuthorizerContext> = & { [P in keyof TAuthorizerContext]: TAuthorizerContext[P] extends null ? null : string; } & { principalId: string; integrationLatency: number; };
export type APIGatewayProxyWithCognitoAuthorizerEvent = APIGatewayProxyEventBase<APIGatewayProxyCognitoAuthorizer>;
// All claims are coerced into strings.export interface APIGatewayProxyCognitoAuthorizer { claims: { [name: string]: string; };}
export interface APIGatewayProxyEventHeaders { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
export interface APIGatewayProxyEventMultiValueHeaders { [name: string]: string[] | undefined;}
export interface APIGatewayProxyEventPathParameters { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
export interface APIGatewayProxyEventQueryStringParameters { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
export interface APIGatewayProxyEventMultiValueQueryStringParameters { [name: string]: string[] | undefined;}
export interface APIGatewayProxyEventStageVariables { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
export interface APIGatewayProxyEventBase<TAuthorizerContext> { body: string | null; headers: APIGatewayProxyEventHeaders; multiValueHeaders: APIGatewayProxyEventMultiValueHeaders; httpMethod: string; isBase64Encoded: boolean; path: string; pathParameters: APIGatewayProxyEventPathParameters | null; queryStringParameters: APIGatewayProxyEventQueryStringParameters | null; multiValueQueryStringParameters: | APIGatewayProxyEventMultiValueQueryStringParameters | null; stageVariables: APIGatewayProxyEventStageVariables | null; requestContext: APIGatewayEventRequestContextWithAuthorizer< TAuthorizerContext >; resource: string;}
/** * Works with Lambda Proxy Integration for Rest API or HTTP API integration Payload Format version 1.0 * @see - */export interface APIGatewayProxyResult { statusCode: number; headers?: { [header: string]: boolean | number | string; }; multiValueHeaders?: { [header: string]: Array<boolean | number | string>; }; body: string; isBase64Encoded?: boolean;}
/** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - */export interface APIGatewayProxyEventV2 { version: string; routeKey: string; rawPath: string; rawQueryString: string; cookies?: string[]; headers: APIGatewayProxyEventHeaders; queryStringParameters?: APIGatewayProxyEventQueryStringParameters; requestContext: { accountId: string; apiId: string; authorizer?: { jwt: { claims: { [name: string]: string | number | boolean | string[] }; scopes: string[]; }; }; domainName: string; domainPrefix: string; http: { method: string; path: string; protocol: string; sourceIp: string; userAgent: string; }; requestId: string; routeKey: string; stage: string; time: string; timeEpoch: number; }; body?: string; pathParameters?: APIGatewayProxyEventPathParameters; isBase64Encoded: boolean; stageVariables?: APIGatewayProxyEventStageVariables;}
/** * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - */export type APIGatewayProxyResultV2<T = never> = | APIGatewayProxyStructuredResultV2 | string | T;
/** * Interface for structured response with `statusCode` and`headers` * Works with HTTP API integration Payload Format version 2.0 * @see - */export interface APIGatewayProxyStructuredResultV2 { statusCode?: number; headers?: { [header: string]: boolean | number | string; }; body?: string; isBase64Encoded?: boolean; cookies?: string[];}
// Legacy namesexport type ProxyHandler = APIGatewayProxyHandler;export type APIGatewayEvent = APIGatewayProxyEvent;export type ProxyResult = APIGatewayProxyResult;
export type AppSyncResolverHandler<T, V> = Handler< AppSyncResolverEvent<T>, V | V[]>;
export interface AppSyncResolverEventHeaders { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
/** * See * * @param T type of the arguments */export interface AppSyncResolverEvent<T> { arguments: T; identity?: AppSyncIdentityIAM | AppSyncIdentityCognito; source: { [key: string]: any } | null; request: { headers: AppSyncResolverEventHeaders; }; info: { selectionSetList: string[]; selectionSetGraphQL: string; parentTypeName: string; fieldName: string; variables: { [key: string]: any }; }; prev: { result: { [key: string]: any } } | null; stash: { [key: string]: any };}
export interface AppSyncIdentityIAM { accountId: string; cognitoIdentityPoolId: string; cognitoIdentityId: string; sourceIp: string[]; username: string; userArn: string; cognitoIdentityAuthType: string; cognitoIdentityAuthProvider: string;}
export interface AppSyncIdentityCognito { sub: string; issuer: string; username: string; claims: any; sourceIp: string[]; defaultAuthStrategy: string; groups: string[] | null;}
// Note, responses are *not* lambda results, they are sent to the event ResponseURL.export type CloudFormationCustomResourceHandler = Handler< CloudFormationCustomResourceEvent, void>;
export type CloudFormationCustomResourceEvent = | CloudFormationCustomResourceCreateEvent | CloudFormationCustomResourceUpdateEvent | CloudFormationCustomResourceDeleteEvent;
export type CloudFormationCustomResourceResponse = | CloudFormationCustomResourceSuccessResponse | CloudFormationCustomResourceFailedResponse;
/** * CloudFormation Custom Resource event and response * */export interface CloudFormationCustomResourceEventCommon { ServiceToken: string; ResponseURL: string; StackId: string; RequestId: string; LogicalResourceId: string; ResourceType: string; ResourceProperties: { ServiceToken: string; [Key: string]: any; };}
export interface CloudFormationCustomResourceCreateEvent extends CloudFormationCustomResourceEventCommon { RequestType: "Create";}
export interface CloudFormationCustomResourceUpdateEvent extends CloudFormationCustomResourceEventCommon { RequestType: "Update"; PhysicalResourceId: string; OldResourceProperties: { [Key: string]: any; };}
export interface CloudFormationCustomResourceDeleteEvent extends CloudFormationCustomResourceEventCommon { RequestType: "Delete"; PhysicalResourceId: string;}
export interface CloudFormationCustomResourceResponseCommon { PhysicalResourceId: string; StackId: string; RequestId: string; LogicalResourceId: string; Data?: { [Key: string]: any; }; NoEcho?: boolean;}
export interface CloudFormationCustomResourceSuccessResponse extends CloudFormationCustomResourceResponseCommon { Status: "SUCCESS"; Reason?: string;}
export interface CloudFormationCustomResourceFailedResponse extends CloudFormationCustomResourceResponseCommon { Status: "FAILED"; Reason: string;}
export type CloudFrontRequestHandler = Handler< CloudFrontRequestEvent, CloudFrontRequestResult>;
/** * CloudFront viewer request or origin request event * * */export interface CloudFrontRequestEvent { Records: Array<{ cf: CloudFrontEvent & { request: CloudFrontRequest; }; }>;}
export type CloudFrontRequestResult = | undefined | null | CloudFrontResultResponse | CloudFrontRequest;
export type CloudFrontResponseHandler = Handler< CloudFrontResponseEvent, CloudFrontResponseResult>;
/** * CloudFront viewer response or origin response event * * */export interface CloudFrontResponseEvent { Records: Array<{ cf: CloudFrontEvent & { readonly request: Pick< CloudFrontRequest, Exclude<keyof CloudFrontRequest, "body"> >; response: CloudFrontResponse; }; }>;}
export type CloudFrontResponseResult = | undefined | null | CloudFrontResultResponse;
export type ScheduledHandler<TDetail = any> = EventBridgeHandler< "Scheduled Event", TDetail, void>;
/** * */export interface ScheduledEvent<TDetail = any> extends EventBridgeEvent<"Scheduled Event", TDetail> {}
export type CloudWatchLogsHandler = Handler<CloudWatchLogsEvent, void>;
/** * See */export interface CloudWatchLogsEvent { awslogs: CloudWatchLogsEventData;}
export interface CloudWatchLogsEventData { data: string;}
export interface CloudWatchLogsDecodedData { owner: string; logGroup: string; logStream: string; subscriptionFilters: string[]; messageType: string; logEvents: CloudWatchLogsLogEvent[];}
export interface CloudWatchLogsLogEventExtractedFields { [name: string]: string | undefined;}
/** * See */export interface CloudWatchLogsLogEvent { id: string; timestamp: number; message: string; extractedFields?: CloudWatchLogsLogEventExtractedFields;}
export type CodeBuildCloudWatchStateHandler = EventBridgeHandler< "CodeBuild Build State Change", CodeBuildStateEventDetail, void>;
export type CodeBuildStateType = | "IN_PROGRESS" | "SUCCEEDED" | "FAILED" | "STOPPED";export type CodeBuildPhaseType = | "COMPLETED" | "FINALIZING" | "UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS" | "POST_BUILD" | "BUILD" | "PRE_BUILD" | "INSTALL" | "QUEUED" | "DOWNLOAD_SOURCE" | "PROVISIONING" | "SUBMITTED";export type CodeBuildPhaseStatusType = | "TIMED_OUT" | "STOPPED" | "FAILED" | "SUCCEEDED" | "FAULT" | "CLIENT_ERROR";export type CodeBuildCacheType = "NO_CACHE" | "LOCAL" | "S3";export type CodeBuildSourceLocationType = | "CODECOMMIT" | "CODEPIPELINE" | "GITHUB" | "GITHUB_ENTERPRISE" | "BITBUCKET" | "S3" | "NO_SOURCE";export type CodeBuildEnvironmentType = | "LINUX_CONTAINER" | "LINUX_GPU_CONTAINER" | "WINDOWS_CONTAINER" | "ARM_CONTAINER";export type CodeBuildEnvironmentPullCredentialsType = | "CODEBUILD" | "SERVICE_ROLE";export type CodeBuildEnvironmentComputeType = | "BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL" | "BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM" | "BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE" | "BUILD_GENERAL1_2XLARGE";export type CodeBuildEnvironmentVariableType = | "PARAMETER_STORE" | "PLAINTEXT" | "SECRETS_MANAGER";
export interface CodeBuildStateEventDetail { "build-status": CodeBuildStateType; "project-name": string; "build-id": string; "current-phase": CodeBuildPhaseType; "current-phase-context": string; version: string; "additional-information": { cache: { type: CodeBuildCacheType; }; "build-number": number; "timeout-in-minutes": number; "build-complete": boolean; initiator: string; "build-start-time": string; source: { buildspec: string; location: string; type: CodeBuildSourceLocationType; }; "source-version": string; artifact: { location: string; }; environment: { image: string; "privileged-mode": boolean; "image-pull-credentials-type"?: CodeBuildEnvironmentPullCredentialsType; "compute-type": CodeBuildEnvironmentComputeType; type: CodeBuildEnvironmentType; "environment-variables": Array<{ name: string; type?: CodeBuildEnvironmentVariableType; value: string; }>; }; "project-file-system-locations": []; logs: { "group-name": string; "stream-name": string; "deep-link": string; }; phases: Array<{ "phase-context"?: string[]; // Not available for COMPLETED phase-type "start-time": string; "end-time"?: string; // Not available for COMPLETED phase-type "duration-in-seconds"?: number; // Not available for COMPLETED phase-type "phase-type": CodeBuildPhaseType; "phase-status"?: CodeBuildPhaseStatusType; // Not available for COMPLETED phase-type }>; "queued-timeout-in-minutes": number; };}
export interface CodeBuildCloudWatchStateEvent extends EventBridgeEvent< "CodeBuild Build State Change", CodeBuildStateEventDetail > { source: "aws.codebuild";}
export type CodePipelineHandler = Handler<CodePipelineEvent, void>;
/** * CodePipeline events * */export interface S3ArtifactLocation { bucketName: string; objectKey: string;}export interface S3ArtifactStore { type: "S3"; s3Location: S3ArtifactLocation;}
export type ArtifactLocation = S3ArtifactStore;
export interface Artifact { name: string; revision: string | null; location: ArtifactLocation;}
export interface Credentials { accessKeyId: string; secretAccessKey: string; sessionToken?: string;}
export interface EncryptionKey { type: string; id: string;}
export interface CodePipelineEvent { "CodePipeline.job": { id: string; accountId: string; data: { actionConfiguration: { configuration: { FunctionName: string; UserParameters: string; }; }; inputArtifacts: Artifact[]; outputArtifacts: Artifact[]; artifactCredentials: Credentials; encryptionKey?: EncryptionKey & { type: "KMS" }; continuationToken?: string; }; };}
export type CodePipelineCloudWatchHandler = Handler< CodePipelineCloudWatchEvent, void>;
export type CodePipelineCloudWatchEvent = | CodePipelineCloudWatchPipelineEvent | CodePipelineCloudWatchStageEvent | CodePipelineCloudWatchActionEvent;
export type CodePipelineCloudWatchActionHandler = Handler< CodePipelineCloudWatchActionEvent, void>;
export type CodePipelineActionCategory = | "Approval" | "Build" | "Deploy" | "Invoke" | "Source" | "Test";export type CodePipelineActionState = | "STARTED" | "SUCCEEDED" | "FAILED" | "CANCELED";
export interface CodePipelineCloudWatchActionEvent { version: string; id: string; "detail-type": "CodePipeline Action Execution State Change"; source: "aws.codepipeline"; account: string; time: string; region: string; resources: string[]; detail: { pipeline: string; version: number; "execution-id": string; stage: string; action: string; state: CodePipelineActionState; type: { owner: "AWS" | "Custom" | "ThirdParty"; category: CodePipelineActionCategory; provider: string; version: number; }; };}
export type CodePipelineCloudWatchPipelineHandler = Handler< CodePipelineCloudWatchPipelineEvent, void>;
export type CodePipelineState = | "STARTED" | "SUCCEEDED" | "RESUMED" | "FAILED" | "CANCELED" | "SUPERSEDED";
/** * CodePipeline CloudWatch Events * * * The above CodePipelineEvent is when a lambda is invoked by a CodePipeline. * These events are when you subscribe to CodePipeline events in CloudWatch. * * Their documentation says that detail.version is a string, but it is actually an integer */
export interface CodePipelineCloudWatchPipelineEvent { version: string; id: string; "detail-type": "CodePipeline Pipeline Execution State Change"; source: "aws.codepipeline"; account: string; time: string; region: string; resources: string[]; detail: { pipeline: string; version: number; state: CodePipelineState; "execution-id": string; };}
export type CodePipelineCloudWatchStageHandler = Handler< CodePipelineCloudWatchStageEvent, void>;
export type CodePipelineStageState = | "STARTED" | "SUCCEEDED" | "RESUMED" | "FAILED" | "CANCELED";
export interface CodePipelineCloudWatchStageEvent { version: string; id: string; "detail-type": "CodePipeline Stage Execution State Change"; source: "aws.codepipeline"; account: string; time: string; region: string; resources: string[]; detail: { pipeline: string; version: number; "execution-id": string; stage: string; state: CodePipelineStageState; };}
/** * Cognito User Pool event * @deprecated Please use specific event types instead * */export interface CognitoUserPoolTriggerEvent { version: number; triggerSource: | "PreSignUp_SignUp" | "PreSignUp_ExternalProvider" | "PostConfirmation_ConfirmSignUp" | "PreAuthentication_Authentication" | "PostAuthentication_Authentication" | "CustomMessage_SignUp" | "CustomMessage_AdminCreateUser" | "CustomMessage_ResendCode" | "CustomMessage_ForgotPassword" | "CustomMessage_UpdateUserAttribute" | "CustomMessage_VerifyUserAttribute" | "CustomMessage_Authentication" | "DefineAuthChallenge_Authentication" | "CreateAuthChallenge_Authentication" | "VerifyAuthChallengeResponse_Authentication" | "PreSignUp_AdminCreateUser" | "PostConfirmation_ConfirmForgotPassword" | "TokenGeneration_HostedAuth" | "TokenGeneration_Authentication" | "TokenGeneration_NewPasswordChallenge" | "TokenGeneration_AuthenticateDevice" | "TokenGeneration_RefreshTokens" | "UserMigration_Authentication" | "UserMigration_ForgotPassword"; region: string; userPoolId: string; userName?: string; callerContext: { awsSdkVersion: string; clientId: string; }; request: { userAttributes: { [key: string]: string }; validationData?: { [key: string]: string }; codeParameter?: string; linkParameter?: string; usernameParameter?: string; newDeviceUsed?: boolean; session?: Array<{ challengeName: | "CUSTOM_CHALLENGE" | "PASSWORD_VERIFIER" | "SMS_MFA" | "DEVICE_SRP_AUTH" | "DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER" | "ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH" | "SRP_A"; challengeResult: boolean; challengeMetadata?: string; }>; challengeName?: string; privateChallengeParameters?: { [key: string]: string }; challengeAnswer?: string; password?: string; clientMetadata?: { [key: string]: string }; userNotFound?: boolean; }; response: { autoConfirmUser?: boolean; autoVerifyPhone?: boolean; autoVerifyEmail?: boolean; smsMessage?: string; emailMessage?: string; emailSubject?: string; challengeName?: string; issueTokens?: boolean; failAuthentication?: boolean; publicChallengeParameters?: { [key: string]: string }; privateChallengeParameters?: { [key: string]: string }; challengeMetadata?: string; answerCorrect?: boolean; userAttributes?: { [key: string]: string }; finalUserStatus?: "CONFIRMED" | "RESET_REQUIRED"; messageAction?: "SUPPRESS"; desiredDeliveryMediums?: Array<"EMAIL" | "SMS">; forceAliasCreation?: boolean; claimsOverrideDetails?: { claimsToAddOrOverride?: { [key: string]: string }; claimsToSuppress?: string[]; groupOverrideDetails?: null | { groupsToOverride?: string[]; iamRolesToOverride?: string[]; preferredRole?: string; }; }; };}
/** * @deprecated Please use specific event types instead */export type CognitoUserPoolEvent = CognitoUserPoolTriggerEvent;
/** * @deprecated Please use specific event handler types instead */export type CognitoUserPoolTriggerHandler = Handler< CognitoUserPoolTriggerEvent>;
export type ConnectContactFlowHandler = Handler< ConnectContactFlowEvent, ConnectContactFlowResult>;
// Connect// interface ConnectContactFlowEvent { Details: { ContactData: { Attributes: { [key: string]: string }; Channel: ConnectContactFlowChannel; ContactId: string; CustomerEndpoint: ConnectContactFlowEndpoint | null; InitialContactId: string; InitiationMethod: ConnectContactFlowInitiationMethod; InstanceARN: string; PreviousContactId: string; Queue: ConnectContactFlowQueue | null; SystemEndpoint: ConnectContactFlowEndpoint | null; MediaStreams: { Customer: { Audio: CustomerAudio; }; }; }; Parameters: { [key: string]: string }; }; Name: "ContactFlowEvent";}
export type ConnectContactFlowChannel = "VOICE" | "CHAT";
export type ConnectContactFlowInitiationMethod = | "INBOUND" | "OUTBOUND" | "TRANSFER" | "CALLBACK" | "API";
export interface ConnectContactFlowEndpoint { Address: string; Type: "TELEPHONE_NUMBER";}
export interface ConnectContactFlowQueue { ARN: string; Name: string;}
export interface ConnectContactFlowResult { [key: string]: string | null;}
export type CustomerAudio = | null // If Media Streaming has never been started. | StartedCustomerAudio // If Media Streaming has been started, but not stopped. | StartedCustomerAudio & StoppedCustomerAudio // If Media Streaming has been started and stopped.;
export interface StartedCustomerAudio { StartFragmentNumber: string; StartTimestamp: string; StreamARN: string;}
export interface StoppedCustomerAudio { StopFragmentNumber: string; StopTimestamp: string;}
export type DynamoDBStreamHandler = Handler<DynamoDBStreamEvent, void>;
// interface AttributeValue { B?: string; BS?: string[]; BOOL?: boolean; L?: AttributeValue[]; M?: { [id: string]: AttributeValue }; N?: string; NS?: string[]; NULL?: boolean; S?: string; SS?: string[];}
// interface StreamRecord { ApproximateCreationDateTime?: number; Keys?: { [key: string]: AttributeValue }; NewImage?: { [key: string]: AttributeValue }; OldImage?: { [key: string]: AttributeValue }; SequenceNumber?: string; SizeBytes?: number; StreamViewType?: | "KEYS_ONLY" | "NEW_IMAGE" | "OLD_IMAGE" | "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES";}
// interface DynamoDBRecord { awsRegion?: string; dynamodb?: StreamRecord; eventID?: string; eventName?: "INSERT" | "MODIFY" | "REMOVE"; eventSource?: string; eventSourceARN?: string; eventVersion?: string; userIdentity?: any;}
// interface DynamoDBStreamEvent { Records: DynamoDBRecord[];}
export type EventBridgeHandler<TDetailType extends string, TDetail, TResult> = Handler< EventBridgeEvent<TDetailType, TDetail>, TResult >;
export interface EventBridgeEvent<TDetailType extends string, TDetail> { id: string; version: string; account: string; time: string; region: string; resources: string[]; source: string; "detail-type": TDetailType; detail: TDetail;}
export type IoTHandler = Handler<IoTEvent, void>;
// IoT// IoT payload is not restriced to JSON, but JSON is highly recommended. Types as string, number or array are possible to use.
export type IoTEvent<T = never> = string | number | T;
// PreProvisioningHook// When using AWS IoT fleet provisioning, you can set up a Lambda function to validate parameters passed from the device before allowing the device to be provisioned.export type IoTPreProvisioningHookHandler = Handler< IoTPreProvisioningHookEvent, IoTPreProvisioningHookResult>;
export interface IoTPreProvisioningHookEvent { claimCertificateId: string; certificateId: string; certificatePem: string; templateArn: string; clientId: string; parameters: Record<string, string>;}
export interface IoTPreProvisioningHookResult { allowProvisioning: boolean; parameterOverrides: Record<string, string>;}
export type FirehoseTransformationHandler = Handler< FirehoseTransformationEvent, FirehoseTransformationResult>;
// Kinesis Data Firehose Event// Examples in the lambda blueprintsexport interface FirehoseTransformationEvent { invocationId: string; deliveryStreamArn: string; region: string; records: FirehoseTransformationEventRecord[];}
export interface FirehoseTransformationEventRecord { recordId: string; approximateArrivalTimestamp: number; /** Base64 encoded */ data: string; kinesisRecordMetadata?: FirehoseRecordMetadata;}
export interface FirehoseRecordMetadata { shardId: string; partitionKey: string; approximateArrivalTimestamp: number; sequenceNumber: string; subsequenceNumber: string;}
export type FirehoseRecordTransformationStatus = | "Ok" | "Dropped" | "ProcessingFailed";
export interface FirehoseTransformationResultRecord { recordId: string; result: FirehoseRecordTransformationStatus; /** Encode in Base64 */ data: string;}
export interface FirehoseTransformationResult { records: FirehoseTransformationResultRecord[];}
export type KinesisStreamHandler = Handler<KinesisStreamEvent, void>;
// Kinesis Streams// interface KinesisStreamRecordPayload { approximateArrivalTimestamp: number; data: string; kinesisSchemaVersion: string; partitionKey: string; sequenceNumber: string;}
export interface KinesisStreamRecord { awsRegion: string; eventID: string; eventName: string; eventSource: string; eventSourceARN: string; eventVersion: string; invokeIdentityArn: string; kinesis: KinesisStreamRecordPayload;}
export interface KinesisStreamEvent { Records: KinesisStreamRecord[];}
export type LexHandler = Handler<LexEvent, LexResult>;
export interface LexEventSlots { [name: string]: string | undefined | null;}
export interface LexEventSessionAttributes { [key: string]: string | undefined;}
export interface LexEventRequestAttributes { [key: string]: string | undefined;}
// Lex// interface LexEvent { currentIntent: { name: string; slots: LexEventSlots; slotDetails: LexSlotDetails; confirmationStatus: "None" | "Confirmed" | "Denied"; }; bot: { name: string; alias: string; version: string; }; userId: string; inputTranscript: string; invocationSource: "DialogCodeHook" | "FulfillmentCodeHook"; outputDialogMode: "Text" | "Voice"; messageVersion: "1.0"; sessionAttributes: LexEventSessionAttributes; requestAttributes: LexEventRequestAttributes | null;}
export interface LexSlotResolution { value: string;}
export interface LexSlotDetail { // "at least 1 but no more than 5 items" resolutions: [ LexSlotResolution, LexSlotResolution?, LexSlotResolution?, LexSlotResolution?, LexSlotResolution?, ]; originalValue: string;}
export interface LexSlotDetails { [name: string]: LexSlotDetail;}
export interface LexGenericAttachment { title: string; subTitle: string; imageUrl: string; attachmentLinkUrl: string; buttons: Array<{ text: string; value: string; }>;}
export interface LexDialogActionBase { type: "Close" | "ElicitIntent" | "ElicitSlot" | "ConfirmIntent"; message?: { contentType: "PlainText" | "SSML" | "CustomPayload"; content: string; }; responseCard?: { version: number; contentType: "application/vnd.amazonaws.card.generic"; genericAttachments: LexGenericAttachment[]; };}
export interface LexDialogActionClose extends LexDialogActionBase { type: "Close"; fulfillmentState: "Fulfilled" | "Failed";}
export interface LexDialogActionElicitIntent extends LexDialogActionBase { type: "ElicitIntent";}
export interface LexDialogActionElicitSlot extends LexDialogActionBase { type: "ElicitSlot"; intentName: string; slots: { [name: string]: string | null }; slotToElicit: string;}
export interface LexDialogActionConfirmIntent extends LexDialogActionBase { type: "ConfirmIntent"; intentName: string; slots: { [name: string]: string | null };}
export interface LexDialogActionDelegate { type: "Delegate"; slots: { [name: string]: string | null };}
export type LexDialogAction = | LexDialogActionClose | LexDialogActionElicitIntent | LexDialogActionElicitSlot | LexDialogActionConfirmIntent | LexDialogActionDelegate;
export interface LexResult { sessionAttributes?: { [key: string]: string }; dialogAction: LexDialogAction;}
export type S3Handler = Handler<S3Event, void>;
/** * S3Create event * */
export interface S3EventRecordGlacierRestoreEventData { lifecycleRestorationExpiryTime: string; lifecycleRestoreStorageClass: string;}
export interface S3EventRecordGlacierEventData { restoreEventData: S3EventRecordGlacierRestoreEventData;}
export interface S3EventRecord { eventVersion: string; eventSource: string; awsRegion: string; eventTime: string; eventName: string; userIdentity: { principalId: string; }; requestParameters: { sourceIPAddress: string; }; responseElements: { "x-amz-request-id": string; "x-amz-id-2": string; }; s3: { s3SchemaVersion: string; configurationId: string; bucket: { name: string; ownerIdentity: { principalId: string; }; arn: string; }; object: { key: string; size: number; eTag: string; versionId?: string; sequencer: string; }; }; glacierEventData?: S3EventRecordGlacierEventData;}
export interface S3Event { Records: S3EventRecord[];}
export type S3CreateEvent = S3Event; // old name
/** * S3 Batch Operations event * */export type S3BatchHandler = Handler<S3BatchEvent, S3BatchResult>;
export interface S3BatchEvent { invocationSchemaVersion: string; invocationId: string; job: S3BatchEventJob; tasks: S3BatchEventTask[];}
export interface S3BatchEventJob { id: string;}
export interface S3BatchEventTask { taskId: string; s3Key: string; s3VersionId: string | null; s3BucketArn: string;}
export interface S3BatchResult { invocationSchemaVersion: string; treatMissingKeysAs: S3BatchResultResultCode; invocationId: string; results: S3BatchResultResult[];}
export type S3BatchResultResultCode = | "Succeeded" | "TemporaryFailure" | "PermanentFailure";
export interface S3BatchResultResult { taskId: string; resultCode: S3BatchResultResultCode; resultString: string;}
export type SESHandler = Handler<SESEvent, void>;
// SES eventexport interface SESMailHeader { name: string; value: string;}
export interface SESMailCommonHeaders { returnPath: string; from?: string[]; date: string; to?: string[]; cc?: string[]; bcc?: string[]; sender?: string[]; replyTo?: string[]; messageId: string; subject?: string;}
export interface SESMail { timestamp: string; source: string; messageId: string; destination: string[]; headersTruncated: boolean; headers: SESMailHeader[]; commonHeaders: SESMailCommonHeaders;}
export interface SESReceiptStatus { status: "PASS" | "FAIL" | "GRAY" | "PROCESSING_FAILED" | "DISABLED";}
export interface SESReceiptS3Action { type: "S3"; topicArn?: string; bucketName: string; objectKey: string;}
export interface SESReceiptSnsAction { type: "SNS"; topicArn: string;}
export interface SESReceiptBounceAction { type: "Bounce"; topicArn?: string; smtpReplyCode: string; statusCode: string; message: string; sender: string;}
export interface SESReceiptLambdaAction { type: "Lambda"; topicArn?: string; functionArn: string; invocationType: string;}
export interface SESReceiptStopAction { type: "Stop"; topicArn?: string;}
export interface SESReceiptWorkMailAction { type: "WorkMail"; topicArn?: string; organizationArn: string;}
export interface SESReceipt { timestamp: string; processingTimeMillis: number; recipients: string[]; spamVerdict: SESReceiptStatus; virusVerdict: SESReceiptStatus; spfVerdict: SESReceiptStatus; dkimVerdict: SESReceiptStatus; dmarcVerdict: SESReceiptStatus; dmarcPolicy?: "none" | "quarantine" | "reject"; action: | SESReceiptS3Action | SESReceiptSnsAction | SESReceiptBounceAction | SESReceiptLambdaAction | SESReceiptStopAction | SESReceiptWorkMailAction;}
export interface SESMessage { mail: SESMail; receipt: SESReceipt;}
export interface SESEventRecord { eventSource: string; eventVersion: string; ses: SESMessage;}
export interface SESEvent { Records: SESEventRecord[];}
export type SNSHandler = Handler<SNSEvent, void>;
// SNS "event"export interface SNSMessageAttribute { Type: string; Value: string;}
export interface SNSMessageAttributes { [name: string]: SNSMessageAttribute;}
export interface SNSMessage { SignatureVersion: string; Timestamp: string; Signature: string; SigningCertUrl: string; MessageId: string; Message: string; MessageAttributes: SNSMessageAttributes; Type: string; UnsubscribeUrl: string; TopicArn: string; Subject: string;}
export interface SNSEventRecord { EventVersion: string; EventSubscriptionArn: string; EventSource: string; Sns: SNSMessage;}
export interface SNSEvent { Records: SNSEventRecord[];}
export type SQSHandler = Handler<SQSEvent, void>;
// SQS// interface SQSRecord { messageId: string; receiptHandle: string; body: string; attributes: SQSRecordAttributes; messageAttributes: SQSMessageAttributes; md5OfBody: string; eventSource: string; eventSourceARN: string; awsRegion: string;}
export interface SQSEvent { Records: SQSRecord[];}
export interface SQSRecordAttributes { AWSTraceHeader?: string; ApproximateReceiveCount: string; SentTimestamp: string; SenderId: string; ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp: string; SequenceNumber?: string; MessageGroupId?: string; MessageDeduplicationId?: string;}
export type SQSMessageAttributeDataType = | "String" | "Number" | "Binary" | string;
export interface SQSMessageAttribute { stringValue?: string; binaryValue?: string; stringListValues: never[]; // Not implemented. Reserved for future use. binaryListValues: never[]; // Not implemented. Reserved for future use. dataType: SQSMessageAttributeDataType;}
export interface SQSMessageAttributes { [name: string]: SQSMessageAttribute;}
export type MSKHandler = Handler<MSKEvent, void>;
export interface MSKRecord { topic: string; partition: number; offset: number; timestamp: number; timestampType: "CREATE_TIME" | "LOG_APPEND_TIME"; key: string; value: string;}
export interface MSKEvent { eventSource: "aws:kafka"; eventSourceArn: string; records: { [topic: string]: MSKRecord[]; };}