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A linq-like lazy-evaluation enumerable/iteration library that aims to support deno, node & browser
import * as aggregates from './aggregates.ts';import type { AggFn, BoolPredicate, CallbackFn, ComparerFn, MapFn, StrFn,} from './aggregates.ts';import * as iterators from './iterators.ts';import type { CombineFn, IGrouping, IndexIsPredicate, IndexMapFn, IndexPredicate, SortFn,} from './iterators.ts';
// Base lazy class.
/** * The base class that all lazy iterable objects derive from. * This can be extended with custom iterators if needed. */export abstract class Lazy<TElement> implements Iterable<TElement> { // ===================================== Base iterators =====================================
/** * Creates an empty lazy iterable. * @returns The empty lazy iterable object. */ public static empty<TElement>(): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyEmpty<TElement>(); }
/** * Creates a lazy iterable object from the given iterable object. * @param iterable The object to source for lazy iteration. * @returns The lazy iterable object with the given iterable as the source. * @remarks If you pass in a lazy iterator, then it is returned without * changes. */ public static from<TElement>(iterable: Iterable<TElement>): Lazy<TElement> { if (iterable instanceof Lazy) { return iterable as Lazy<TElement>; } return new LazyIterator(iterable); }
/** * Creates a lazy iterable object that will produce a range of integers. * @param start The starting number of the range (inclusive). * @param end The ending number of the range (exclusive). If not given, then * the value is assumed to be +Infinity. * @returns The lazy iterable object with the range as the source. * @remarks When creating an infinite interable, be very careful. If you do not * include your own stop condition (e.g. with `.take(n)`), then it will lock * up the thread until the process is aborted. You will also have to take into * account that some lazy iterators *require* the interable to be finite to work. * Check the remarks on the function you want to use to see which ones will work. */ public static range(start: number, end?: number): Lazy<number> { return new LazyRange(start, end); }
/** * Creates a lazy iterable object that will repeate the element a given number * of times. * @param element The value to repeat. * @param count The number of times to repeat it. If not given, then the * value is assumed to be +Infinity. * @returns The lazy iterable object with the repeated value as the source. * @throws {Error} If count < 0. * @remarks When creating an infinite interable, be very careful. If you do not * include your own stop condition (e.g. with `.take(n)`), then it will lock * up the thread until the process is aborted. You will also have to take into * account that some lazy iterators *require* the interable to be finite to work. * Check the remarks on the function you want to use to see which ones will work. */ public static repeat<TElement>( element: TElement, count?: number, ): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyRepeat(element, count); }
// ===================================== Aggregates =====================================
/** * Applies an accumulator function over an interable. * @param agg The accumulator function to apply over the iterable. * @returns The final accumulator value. * @throws {Error} If the iterable was empty. * @remarks The function works very similarly to `Array.prototype.reduce`, with * the added benefit of working on any general iterable object. * This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public aggregate(agg: AggFn<TElement, TElement>): TElement; /** * Applies an accumulator function over an interable. * @param agg The accumulator function to apply over the iterable. * @param seed The seed to set the initial `acc` param to in the accumulator function. * If not given, then the first element is used. * @returns The final accumulator value. * @remarks The function works very similarly to `Array.prototype.reduce`, with * the added benefit of working on any general iterable object. * This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public aggregate<TAcc>(agg: AggFn<TElement, TAcc>, seed: TAcc): TAcc; public aggregate<TAcc>(agg: AggFn<TElement, TAcc | TElement>, seed?: TAcc) { if (arguments.length >= 2) { return aggregates.aggregate(this, agg as any, seed); } else { return aggregates.aggregate(this, agg as any); } }
/** * Returns whether all elements satisfy the given condition. * @param predicate The function to use to test each element. * @returns Whether all elements satisfied the condition. * @remarks This will iterate until the condition is false or until the iterable * ends. */ public all(predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>): boolean { return aggregates.all(this, predicate); }
/** * Returns whether the iterable is not empty. * @returns Whether the iterable is not empty. * @remarks For checking whether the given lazy query has any elements, prefer to use * this function over [[Lazy.count]], as that function will iterate the entire * object, whereas this will stop at the first. * This will iterate only a single time. */ public any(): boolean; /** * Returns whether any of the elements satisfy the given condition. * @param predicate The function to use to test each element. * @returns Whether any element in the iterable satisfied the condition. * If the iterable was empty, then `false` is returned * @remarks For checking whether the given lazy query has any elements, prefer to use * this function over [[Lazy.count]], as that function will iterate the entire * object, whereas this will stop at the first element that satisfies the condition. * This will iterate until the condition is true or until the iterable ends. */ public any(predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>): boolean; public any(predicate?: BoolPredicate<TElement>): boolean { return aggregates.any(this, predicate); }
/** * Computes the average of the iterable. * @returns The numeric average of the iterable. * @throws {TypeError} If any element in the iterable was a non-number. * @throws {Error} If the iterable was empty. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public average(): TElement extends number ? number : never; /** * Computes the average of result of the selector function over the iterable. * @param selector The transformation function to use for each element. * @returns The numeric average of the results of the selector function. * @throws {Error} If the iterable was empty. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public average(selector: MapFn<TElement, number>): number; public average(selector?: MapFn<TElement, number>) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion return aggregates.average(this, selector as any); }
/** * Determines whether the iterable has a given element. * @param element The value to search for. * @param comparer The function that compares 2 elements and returns a boolean on whether they * are equal or not. If not given, defaults to strict equals (`===`). * @returns Whether the element was in the iterable. * @remarks This will iterable until the given value is found, or until the * iterable ends. */ public contains(element: TElement, comparer?: ComparerFn<TElement>): boolean { return aggregates.contains(this, element, comparer); }
/** * Returns the number of elements in the iterable. * @returns The number of elements in the iterable. * @remarks To determine whether an iterable has any elements, prefer the * [[Lazy.any]] method, as this will iterate the entire iterable regardless. * This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public count(): number; /** * Returns the number of elements that satify the given condition. * @param predicate The predicate to test each element with. * @returns The number of elements in the iterable that matched the condition. * @remarks To determine whether an iterable has any elements, prefer the * [[Lazy.any]] method, as this will iterate the entire iterable regardless. * This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public count(predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>): number; public count(predicate?: BoolPredicate<TElement>) { return aggregates.count(this, predicate); }
/** * Returns the element at the given index of the iterable. * @param index The index of the element to get. * @returns The element at the given index. * @throws {Error} If the index was < 0 or if it is >= the length of the iterable. * @remarks The will iterate until the specified index, or until the iterable * ends. */ public elementAt(index: number): TElement { return aggregates.elementAt(this, index); }
/** * Returns the element at the given index of the iterable, or the given default * value if out of range. * @param index The index of the element to get. * @param defaultValue The default value to use if the index was out of range. * @returns The element at the given index. * @remarks This will iterable until the specified index, or unitl the iterable * ends. */ public elementAtOrDefault(index: number, defaultValue: TElement): TElement; /** * Returns the element at the given index of the iterable, or the given default * value if out of range. * @param index The index of the element to get. * @param defaultValue The default value to use if the index was out of range. * @returns The element at the given index. * @remarks This will iterable until the specified index, or unitl the iterable * ends. */ public elementAtOrDefault<TDefault>( index: number, defaultValue: TDefault, ): TElement | TDefault; public elementAtOrDefault<TDefault = TElement>( index: number, defaultValue: TDefault, ) { return aggregates.elementAtOrDefault(this, index, defaultValue); }
/** * Returns the first element in the iterable. * @returns The first element in the iterable. * @throws {Error} If the iterable was empty. * @remarks This will only iterate a single time. */ public first(): TElement; /** * Returns the first element that satisfies the given condition. * @param predicate The predicate to test each element with. * @returns The first element in the iterable that satisfies the condition. * @throws {Error} If the iterable was empty. * @remarks This will iterate until the condition is satisfied, or until the * iterable ends. */ public first(predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>): TElement; public first(predicate?: BoolPredicate<TElement>): TElement { return aggregates.first(this, predicate); }
/** * Returns the first element in the iterable, or the given default value if * the iterable was empty. * @param defaultValue The value to use of the iterable was empty. * @returns The first element in the iterable, or the default value if empty. * @remarks This will only iterate a single time. */ public firstOrDefault(defaultValue: TElement): TElement; /** * Returns the first element in the iterable, or the given default value if * the iterable was empty. * @param defaultValue The value to use of the iterable was empty. * @returns The first element in the iterable, or the default value if empty. * @remarks This will only iterate a single time. */ public firstOrDefault<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): TElement | TDefault; /** * Returns the first element in the iterable that satisfies the condition, * or the given default value. * @param defaultValue The value to use if no element satisfied the condition. * @param predicate The predicate to test each element with. * @returns The first element in the iterable that satisfies the condition, * or the default value if none satisfied it. * @remarks This will iterate until the condition is satisfied, or until the * iterable ends. */ public firstOrDefault( defaultValue: TElement, predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>, ): TElement; /** * Returns the first element in the iterable that satisfies the condition, * or the given default value. * @param defaultValue The value to use if no element satisfied the condition. * @param predicate The predicate to test each element with. * @returns The first element in the iterable that satisfies the condition, * or the default value if none satisfied it. * @remarks This will iterate until the condition is satisfied, or until the * iterable ends. */ public firstOrDefault<TDefault>( defaultValue: TDefault, predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>, ): TElement | TDefault; public firstOrDefault<TDefault = TElement>( defaultValue: TDefault, predicate?: BoolPredicate<TElement>, ) { return aggregates.firstOrDefault(this, defaultValue, predicate); }
/** * Mimics the behaviour of `Array.prototype.forEach`, with the exception * of not providing the entire array as the 3rd param of the callback. * @param callbackFn The callback function that will be executed for each element * in the iterable. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public forEach(callbackFn: CallbackFn<TElement>): void { aggregates.forEach(this, callbackFn); }
/** * Determines whether 2 iterables are equal. * @param second The iterable to compare against. * @param comparer The function to perform the comparision of each pair of * elements with. If not given, defaults to strict equals (`===`). * @returns Whether the 2 iterables were both equal. * @remarks This will check for both order and value, and will iterate * both iterables completely. */ public iterableEquals( second: Iterable<TElement>, comparer?: ComparerFn<TElement>, ): boolean { return aggregates.iterableEquals(this, second, comparer); }
/** * Returns the last element in the iterable. * @returns The last element in the iterable. * @throws {Error} If the iterable was empty. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public last(): TElement; /** * Returns the last element in the iterable that satisfies the given condition. * @param predicate The predicate to test each element with. * @returns The last element in the iterable that satisfied the condition. * @throws {Error} If no elements satisfied the condition. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public last(predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>): TElement; public last(predicate?: BoolPredicate<TElement>): TElement { return aggregates.last(this, predicate); }
/** * Returns the last element in the iterable, or the given default value if * the iterable was empty. * @param defaultValue The value to use of the iterable was empty. * @returns The last element in the iterable, or the default value if empty. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public lastOrDefault(defaultValue: TElement): TElement; /** * Returns the last element in the iterable, or the given default value if * the iterable was empty. * @param defaultValue The value to use of the iterable was empty. * @returns The last element in the iterable, or the default value if empty. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public lastOrDefault<TDefault>(defaultValue: TDefault): TElement | TDefault; /** * Returns the last element in the iterable that satisfies the given condition, * or the given default value. * @param defaultValue The value to use of the iterable was empty. * @param predicate The predicate to test each element with. * @returns The last element in the iterable, or the default value if no element * satisfied the condition. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public lastOrDefault( defaultValue: TElement, predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>, ): TElement; /** * Returns the last element in the iterable that satisfies the given condition, * or the given default value. * @param defaultValue The value to use of the iterable was empty. * @param predicate The predicate to test each element with. * @returns The last element in the iterable, or the default value if no element * satisfied the condition. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public lastOrDefault<TDefault>( defaultValue: TDefault, predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>, ): TElement | TDefault; public lastOrDefault( defaultValue: TElement, predicate?: BoolPredicate<TElement>, ) { return aggregates.lastOrDefault(this, defaultValue, predicate); }
/** * Returns the maximum value in the iterable. * @returns The maximum element. * @throws {TypeError} If any element in the iterable was a non-number. * @throws {Error} If the iterable was empty. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public max(): TElement extends number ? number : never; /** * Returns the maximum value of result of the selector function over the iterable. * @param selector The transformation function to use for each element. * @returns The maximum result of the selector function. * @throws {Error} If the iterable was empty. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public max(selector: MapFn<TElement, number>): number; public max(selector?: MapFn<TElement, number>) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion return aggregates.max(this, selector as any); }
/** * Returns the minimum value in the iterable. * @returns The minimum element. * @throws {TypeError} If any element in the iterable was a non-number. * @throws {Error} If the iterable was empty. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public min(): TElement extends number ? number : never; /** * Returns the minimum value of result of the selector function over the iterable. * @param selector The transformation function to use for each element. * @returns The minimum result of the selector function. * @throws {Error} If the iterable was empty. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public min(selector: MapFn<TElement, number>): number; public min(selector?: MapFn<TElement, number>) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion return aggregates.min(this, selector as any); }
/** * Resolves all of the promises in the iterable, and returns a new Lazy * iterable from the result. * @returns A promise that will resolve to a lazy iterable object. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. * This will behave similar to [[cache]], in that the original lazy iterable * will be resolved completely and then discarded, in favour of the resolved * iterable. */ public resolveAll(): Promise< TElement extends PromiseLike<infer TResult> ? Lazy<TResult> : Lazy<TElement> > { return aggregates .resolveAll(this) .then(iterable => Lazy.from(iterable)) as any; }
/** * Returns a single element from the iterable that matches the given * condition. * @param predicate The predicate function to test each element with. * @returns The element that satisfies the condition. * @throws {Error} If no element could be found that matched the condition. * @remarks This will iterate until the condition is met or until the iterable * ends. */ public single(predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>): TElement { return aggregates.single(this, predicate); }
/** * Returns a single element from the iterable that matches the given * condition, or a default value if no element was found. * @param predicate The predicate function to test each element with. * @param defaultValue The default value to use if no element could be found. * @returns The element that satisfies the condition, or the default value * if no element was found. * @remarks This will iterate until the condition is met or until the iterable * ends. */ public singleOrDefault( predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>, defaultValue: TElement, ): TElement; /** * Returns a single element from the iterable that matches the given * condition, or a default value if no element was found. * @param predicate The predicate function to test each element with. * @param defaultValue The default value to use if no element could be found. * @returns The element that satisfies the condition, or the default value * if no element was found. * @remarks This will iterate until the condition is met or until the iterable * ends. */ public singleOrDefault<TDefault>( predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>, defaultValue: TDefault, ): TElement | TDefault; public singleOrDefault<TDefault = TElement>( predicate: BoolPredicate<TElement>, defaultValue: TDefault, ) { return aggregates.singleOrDefault(this, predicate, defaultValue); }
/** * Joins all the elements in the iterable together into a single string, * split by the given separator. * @param separator The separator to split each element with in the string. * Defaults to `''`. * @param strFn The function to convert each element into a string. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public stringJoin(separator?: string, strFn?: StrFn<TElement>): string { return aggregates.stringJoin(this, separator, strFn); }
/** * Computes the sum of all the elements in the iterable. * @returns The sum of all the elements. * @throws {TypeError} If any element in the iterable was a non-number. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public sum(): TElement extends number ? number : never; /** * Returns the sum of all the results of the selector function over the iterable. * @param selector The transformation function to use for each element. * @returns The sum of the results of the selector function. * @throws {Error} If the iterable was empty. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public sum(selector: MapFn<TElement, number>): number; public sum(selector?: MapFn<TElement, number>) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion return aggregates.sum(this, selector as any); }
/** * Converts the iterable into a standard JavaScript `Array`. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public toArray(): TElement[] { return aggregates.toArray(this); }
/** * Converts the iterable to a JSON-serialisable array. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. * This will not do anything to the elements, meaning that you are * responsible for ensuring that they are all JSON-serialisable. */ public toJSON(): TElement[] { return this.toArray(); }
/** * Converts the iterable into a map using the key and value function. * @param keyFn The function to use to derive the key of each map element. * @param valueFn The function to use to derive the value of map value. If * not given, then the value itself is used. * @returns A `Map<TKey, TResult>` derived from the iterable. * @remarks This will cause a complete iteration of the iterable object. */ public toMap<TKey, TResult = TElement>( keyFn: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, valueFn?: MapFn<TElement, TResult>, ): Map<TKey, TResult> { return aggregates.toMap(this, keyFn, valueFn); }
// ===================================== Iterators =====================================
/** * Appends the element to the end of the iterable. * @param element The element to append. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public append(element: TElement): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyAppendPrepend(this, element, false); }
/** * Applies the given lazy iterable implementation to the current object. * This allows for using custom Lazy implementations using the standard * chaining syntax. * @param fn The function that will create the iterable instance using * the current object. * @returns The instantiated iterable object. */ public apply<TLazy extends Lazy<TResult>, TResult = TElement>( fn: (t: Lazy<TElement>) => TLazy, ): Lazy<TResult> { return fn(this); }
/** * Batches elements in groups of the given batch size. * @param batchSize The size of each batch. * @param includeIncomplete Whether to include batches * that are smaller than the target size. This only applies * to the final batch of the iterable if the total size is * not a multiple of the batch size. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public batchIn( batchSize: number, includeIncomplete = true, ): Lazy<Iterable<TElement>> { return new LazyBatchIn(this, batchSize, includeIncomplete); }
/** * Resolves the underlaying iterable completely and returns a lazy * of the result. * @remarks This will completely iterate the underlaying iterable, * and return a completely new lazy object of the result. This allows * for some optimisation when a chain has become complex and iteration * of it is needed multiple times (as the resulting iterable will only be * calulated once, and then reused). This can also be used to ensure * that side-effects of the chain are only done once, which can be useful * in more complicated computations. * Since this will return a completely new Lazy iterable, it means that, * if no other references exist, then the previous chain (and even the * original iterable) can be freed for garbage collection, potentially * helping with memory. */ public cache(): Lazy<TElement> { return Lazy.from(this.toArray()); }
/** * Concatinates multiple iterables in order. * @param iterables The other iterables to concatinate with. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public concat(...iterables: Array<Iterable<TElement>>): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyConcat(this, ...iterables); }
/** * Returns the elements in the iterable, or the given default value * as the only element if it contained none. * @param defaultValue The value to use if the iterable was empty. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public defaultIfEmpty(defaultValue: TElement): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyDefaultIfEmpty(this, defaultValue); }
/** * Returns the distinct elements in the iterable. * @param compareOn A mapping function to get the key to compare with. The result * will be effectively compared using a strict equals (`===`) against the others. * If not given, then each element will used directly. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public distinct<TKey>(compareOn?: MapFn<TElement, TKey>): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyDistinct(this, compareOn); }
/** * Returns the set difference between 2 iterables. This like doing an XOR * over the 2 iterables. * @param second The iterable to get the difference of. * @param compareOn A mapping function to get the key to compare with. The value * will be effectively compared using a strict equals (`===`) againt the others. * If not given, then each element will used directly. * @remarks This will iterate the second iterable completely once it has * started iteration (not before). It will not cause additional unexpected iteration * on the underlying iterable. */ public except<TKey = TElement>( second: Iterable<TElement>, compareOn?: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, ): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyExcept(this, second, compareOn); }
/** * Groups the elements by key. * @param keyFn The function to extract the key from each element. * @remarks When this is iterated (not before), the underlying iterator is walked through * completely. */ public groupBy<TKey>( keyFn: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, ): Lazy<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>>; /** * Groups the elements by key and projects each element using the given function. * @param keyFn The function to extract the key from each element. * @param elementSelector The transformation function to use for each element. * @remarks When this is iterated (not before), the underlying iterator is walked through * completely. */ public groupBy<TKey, TItem>( keyFn: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, elementSelector: MapFn<TElement, TItem>, ): Lazy<IGrouping<TKey, TItem>>; /** * Groups the elements by key and projects each element using the given function. * The elements of each group are projected using the given function. * @param keyFn The function to extract the key from each element. * @param elementSelector The transformation function to use for each element. * @param resultSelector The transformation function to create the result elements with. * @remarks When this is iterated (not before), the underlying iterator is walked through * completely. */ public groupBy<TKey, TItem, TResult>( keyFn: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, elementSelector: MapFn<TElement, TItem>, resultSelector: CombineFn<TKey, Iterable<TItem>, TResult>, ): Lazy<TResult>; public groupBy<TKey, TItem = TElement, TResult = IGrouping<TKey, TElement>>( keyFn: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, elementSelector?: MapFn<TElement, TItem>, resultSelector?: CombineFn<TKey, Iterable<TItem>, TResult>, ): Lazy<TResult> { return new LazyGroupBy(this, keyFn, elementSelector, resultSelector); }
/** * Joins 2 iterables on the given key and groups the results. * @param second The other iterable to group join with. * @param firstKeyFn The function that extracts the key from an element * of the first iterable. * @param secondKeyFn The function that extracts the key from an element * of the second iterable. * @param joinFn The function that takes an element from the first and an * iterable of elements from the second, and outputs the resulting element. * @remarks This will iterate the second iterable completely once it has * started iteration (not before). It will not cause additional unexpected iteration * on the underlying iterable. */ public groupJoin<TSecond, TKey, TResult>( second: Iterable<TSecond>, firstKeyFn: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, secondKeyFn: MapFn<TSecond, TKey>, joinFn: CombineFn<TElement, Iterable<TSecond>, TResult>, ): Lazy<TResult> { return new LazyGroupJoin(this, second, firstKeyFn, secondKeyFn, joinFn); }
/** * Returns the set intersection between 2 iterables. This like doing an AND * over the 2 iterables. * @param second The iterable to get the intersection of. * @param compareOn A mapping function to get the key to compare with. The value * will be effectively compared using a strict equals (`===`) against the others. * If not given, then each element will used directly. * @remarks This will iterate the second iterable completely once it has * started iteration (not before). It will not cause additional unexpected iteration * on the underlying iterable. */ public intersect<TKey = TElement>( second: Iterable<TElement>, compareOn?: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, ): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyIntersect(this, second, compareOn); }
/** * Joins 2 iterables on the given matching keys. This is similar to a JOIN in * SQL. * @param second The iterable to join. * @param firstKeyFn The function that extracts the key from the first iterable. * @param secondKeyFn The function that extracts the key from the second iterable. * @param joinFn The function that takes in a single element from the from each of * the first and second iterables, and outputs the resulting element. * @remarks This will iterate the second iterable completely once it has * started iteration (not before). It will not cause additional unexpected iteration * on the underlying iterable. */ public join<TSecond, TKey, TResult>( second: Iterable<TSecond>, firstKeyFn: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, secondKeyFn: MapFn<TSecond, TKey>, joinFn: CombineFn<TElement, TSecond, TResult>, ): Lazy<TResult> { return new LazyJoin(this, second, firstKeyFn, secondKeyFn, joinFn); }
/** * Sorts the iterable in ascending order. * @param keyFn The function used to get the key from a given element. * @param compareFn The function that is passed to `Array.prototype.sort` to * compare values and return the comparison number. If not given, a default * sorting function will be used. This sorting function will match the * behaviour of the standard sort comparison function. * @remarks When this is iterated (not before), the underlying iterator is walked through * completely in order to allow sorting. */ public orderBy<TKey>( keyFn: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, compareFn?: SortFn<TKey>, ): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyOrderBy(this, keyFn, compareFn, false); }
/** * Sorts the iterable in descending order. * @param keyFn The function used to get the key from a given element. * @param compareFn The function that is passed to `Array.prototype.sort` to * compare values and return the comparison number. If not given, a default * sorting function will be used. This sorting function will match the * behaviour of the standard sort comparison function. * @remarks When this is iterated (not before), the underlying iterator is walked through * completely in order to allow sorting. */ public orderByDecending<TKey>( keyFn: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, compareFn?: SortFn<TKey>, ): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyOrderBy(this, keyFn, compareFn, true); }
/** * Sorts the iterable in acending order according to the numeric * result of the key function. * @param keyFn The function user to get the key from the given element. * @remarks When this is iterated (not before), the underlying iterator is walked through * completely in order to allow sorting. * This function is equivalent to [[orderBy]] with a numeric comparison * compare function. */ public orderNumericallyBy(keyFn: MapFn<TElement, number>): Lazy<TElement> { return this.orderBy(keyFn, iterators.numericComparer); }
/** * Sorts the iterable in descending order according to the numeric * result of the key function. * @param keyFn The function used to get the key from a given element. * @remarks When this is iterated (not before), the underlying iterator is walked through * completely in order to allow sorting. * This function is equivalent to [[orderByDecending]] with a numeric comparison * compare function. */ public orderNumericallyByDecending( keyFn: MapFn<TElement, number>, ): Lazy<TElement> { return this.orderByDecending(keyFn, iterators.numericComparer); }
/** * Prepends the element to the beginning of the iterable. * @param element The element to prepend. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public prepend(element: TElement): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyAppendPrepend(this, element, true); }
/** * Reverses the order of the iterable. * @remarks When this is iterated (not before), the underlying iterator is walked through * completely in order to allow starting from the end. */ public reverse(): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyReverse(this); }
/** * Projects the elements of the iterable into a new form. * @param selector The transformation function to use for each element. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public select<TResult>( selector: IndexMapFn<TElement, TResult>, ): Lazy<TResult> { return new LazySelect(this, selector); }
/** * Projects the elements of the iterable into a new form, and flattens the iterable of iterables * into a single iterable. * @param selector The transformation function to use for each element. The index parameter * is the index that the element was at in the source iterable, *not* the resulting one. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public selectMany<TResult>( selector: IndexMapFn<TElement, Iterable<TResult>>, ): Lazy<TResult> { return new LazySelectMany(this, selector); }
/** * Skips the given number of elements from the start of the iterable and returns * the rest. * @param count The number of elements to skip. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public skip(count: number): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazySkip(this, count); }
/** * Skips the given number of elements from the end of the iterable, returning the rest. * @param count The number of elements to skip from the end. * @remarks This iterator requires the iterable to be finite in length. It will iterate * slightly ahead of the resulting iterable. */ public skipLast(count: number): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazySkipLast(this, count); }
/** * Skips all elements in the iterable until the condition returns true, after which all * elements are returned regardless. * @param predicate The predicate function to check the condition with. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public skipWhile(predicate: IndexPredicate<TElement>): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazySkipWhile(this, predicate); }
/** * Returns the given number of elements from the start of the iterable, ignoring * the rest. * @param count The number of elements to take from the start. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public take(count: number): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyTake(this, count); }
/** * Returns the given number of elements from the end of the iterable, ignore the * elements before. * @remarks This iterator requires the iterable to be finite in length. It will iterate * until the end. */ public takeLast(count: number): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyTakeLast(this, count); }
/** * Takes all elements in the iterable until the condition returns true, after which * the iterable is considered to have ended. * @param predicate The predicate function to check the condition with. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public takeWhile(predicate: IndexPredicate<TElement>): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyTakeWhile(this, predicate); }
/** * Returns the set union between 2 iterables. This like doing an OR * over the 2 iterables. * @param second The iterable to get the union of. * @param compareOn A mapping function to get the key to compare with. The value * will be effectively compared using a strict equals (`===`) against the others. * If not given, then the element will used directly. * @remarks This will iterate the second iterable completely once it has * started iteration (not before). It will not cause additional unexpected iteration * on the underlying iterable. */ public union<TKey = TElement>( second: Iterable<TElement>, compareOn?: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, ): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyUnion(this, second, compareOn); }
/** * Filters elements based on the given predicate. * @param predicate The predicate function to filter elements with. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public where<TResult extends TElement>( predicate: IndexIsPredicate<TElement, TResult>, ): Lazy<TResult>; /** * Filters elements based on the given predicate. * @param predicate The predicate function to filter elements with. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public where(predicate: IndexPredicate<TElement>): Lazy<TElement>; public where(predicate: IndexPredicate<TElement>): Lazy<TElement> { return new LazyWhere(this, predicate); }
/** * Combines 2 iterables into an iterable of tuples. This will merge elements * on the same index, finishing on the iterable that finishes first. If the * first iterable has 3 elements, and the second 4, then the result will * have 3 elements. * @param second The iterable to zip with. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public zip<TSecond>(second: Iterable<TSecond>): Lazy<[TElement, TSecond]>; /** * Combines 2 iterables using the given selector. This will merge elements * on the same index, finishing on the iterable that finishes first. If the * first iterable has 3 elements, and the second 4, then the result will * have 3 elements. * @param second The iterable to zip with. * @param selector The function to combine the iterables with. * @remarks Does not cause additional unexpected iteration. */ public zip<TSecond, TResult>( second: Iterable<TSecond>, selector: CombineFn<TElement, TSecond, TResult>, ): Lazy<TResult>; public zip<TSecond, TResult>( second: Iterable<TSecond>, selector?: CombineFn<TElement, TSecond, TResult>, ): Lazy<TResult> { return new LazyZip(this, second, selector); }
public abstract [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement>;}
// Base iterators.
/** * @hidden */class LazyEmpty<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return { next() { return { done: true, value: undefined as any, }; }, }; }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyIterator<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor(private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>) { super(); }
public count(predicate?: BoolPredicate<TElement>): number { if (predicate) { return super.count(predicate); }
// Use shortcut if we are directly on an array. if (Array.isArray(this._iterable)) { return this._iterable.length; }
return super.count(); }
public elementAt(index: number): TElement { // Use shortcut if we are directly on an array. if (Array.isArray(this._iterable)) { if (index >= 0 && index < this._iterable.length) { return this._iterable[index]; } else { throw new Error('Index out of array bounds'); } }
return super.elementAt(index); }
public elementAtOrDefault(index: number, defaultValue: TElement): TElement { // Use shortcut if we are directly on an array. if (Array.isArray(this._iterable)) { if (index >= 0 && index < this._iterable.length) { return this._iterable[index]; } else { return defaultValue; } }
return super.elementAtOrDefault(index, defaultValue); }
public first(predicate?: BoolPredicate<TElement>): TElement { if (predicate) { return super.first(predicate); }
// Use shortcut if we are directly on an array. if (Array.isArray(this._iterable)) { if (this._iterable.length > 0) { return this._iterable[0]; } else { throw new Error(aggregates.Errors.Empty); } }
return super.first(); }
public firstOrDefault( defaultValue: TElement, predicate?: BoolPredicate<TElement>, ): TElement { if (predicate) { return super.firstOrDefault(defaultValue, predicate); }
// Use shortcut if we are directly on an array. if (Array.isArray(this._iterable)) { if (this._iterable.length > 0) { return this._iterable[0]; } else { return defaultValue; } }
return super.firstOrDefault(defaultValue); }
public last(predicate?: BoolPredicate<TElement>): TElement { if (predicate) { return super.last(predicate); }
// Use shortcut if we are directly on an array. if (Array.isArray(this._iterable)) { if (this._iterable.length > 0) { return this._iterable[this._iterable.length - 1]; } else { throw new Error(aggregates.Errors.Empty); } }
return super.last(); }
public lastOrDefault( defaultValue: TElement, predicate?: BoolPredicate<TElement>, ): TElement { if (predicate) { return super.lastOrDefault(defaultValue, predicate); }
// Use shortcut if we are directly on an array. if (Array.isArray(this._iterable)) { if (this._iterable.length > 0) { return this._iterable[this._iterable.length - 1]; } else { return defaultValue; } } return super.lastOrDefault(defaultValue); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return this._iterable[Symbol.iterator](); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyRange extends Lazy<number> { public constructor( private readonly _start: number, private readonly _end: number = +Infinity, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<number> { return new iterators.LazyRangeIterator(this._start, this._end); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyRepeat<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _element: TElement, private readonly _count: number = +Infinity, ) { super(); if (_count < 0) { throw new Error('Count cannot be < 0'); } }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyRepeatIterator(this._element, this._count); }}
/* Iterator implementations. Each of these will apply some form of transformation on an iterable, but *only* while it is being iterated.*/
/** * @hidden */class LazyAppendPrepend<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _element: TElement, private readonly _atStart: boolean, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyAppendPrependIterator( this._iterable, this._element, this._atStart, ); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyBatchIn<TElement> extends Lazy<Iterable<TElement>> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _batchSize: number, private readonly _includeComplete: boolean, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<Iterable<TElement>> { return new iterators.LazyBatchInIterator( this._iterable, this._batchSize, this._includeComplete, ); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyConcat<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { private readonly _iterables: Array<Iterable<TElement>>;
public constructor(..._iterables: Array<Iterable<TElement>>) { super(); this._iterables = _iterables; }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyConcatIterator(this._iterables); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyDefaultIfEmpty<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _defaultValue: TElement, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyDefaultIfEmptyIterator( this._iterable, this._defaultValue, ); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyDistinct<TElement, TKey = TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _compareOn?: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyDistinctIterator(this._iterable, this._compareOn); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyExcept<TElement, TKey = TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _firstIterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _secondIterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _compareOn?: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyExceptIterator( this._firstIterable, this._secondIterable, this._compareOn, ); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyGroupBy< TSource, TKey, TElement = TSource, TResult = IGrouping<TKey, TElement>> extends Lazy<TResult> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TSource>, private readonly _keyFn: MapFn<TSource, TKey>, private readonly _elementSelector?: MapFn<TSource, TElement>, private readonly _resultSelector?: CombineFn< TKey, Iterable<TElement>, TResult >, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TResult> { return new iterators.LazyGroupByIterator( this._iterable, this._keyFn, this._elementSelector, this._resultSelector, ); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyGroupJoin<TFirst, TSecond, TKey, TResult> extends Lazy<TResult> { public constructor( private readonly _firstIterable: Iterable<TFirst>, private readonly _secondIterable: Iterable<TSecond>, private readonly _firstKeyFn: MapFn<TFirst, TKey>, private readonly _secondKeyFn: MapFn<TSecond, TKey>, private readonly _joinFn: CombineFn<TFirst, Iterable<TSecond>, TResult>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TResult> { return new iterators.LazyGroupJoinIterator( this._firstIterable, this._secondIterable, this._firstKeyFn, this._secondKeyFn, this._joinFn, ); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyIntersect<TElement, TKey = TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _firstIterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _secondIterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _compareOn?: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyIntersectIterator( this._firstIterable, this._secondIterable, this._compareOn, ); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyJoin<TFirst, TSecond, TKey, TResult> extends Lazy<TResult> { public constructor( private readonly _firstIterable: Iterable<TFirst>, private readonly _secondIterable: Iterable<TSecond>, private readonly _firstKeyFn: MapFn<TFirst, TKey>, private readonly _secondKeyFn: MapFn<TSecond, TKey>, private readonly _joinFn: CombineFn<TFirst, TSecond, TResult>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TResult> { return new iterators.LazyJoinIterator( this._firstIterable, this._secondIterable, this._firstKeyFn, this._secondKeyFn, this._joinFn, ); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyOrderBy<TElement, TKey> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _keyFn: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, private readonly _compareFn: SortFn<TKey> | undefined, private readonly _decending: boolean, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return iterators.lazyOrderBy( this._iterable, this._keyFn, this._compareFn, this._decending, ); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyReverse<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor(private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyReverseIterator(this._iterable); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazySelect<TSource, TResult> extends Lazy<TResult> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TSource>, private readonly _selector: IndexMapFn<TSource, TResult>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TResult> { return new iterators.LazySelectIterator(this._iterable, this._selector); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazySelectMany<TSource, TResult> extends Lazy<TResult> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TSource>, private readonly _selector: IndexMapFn<TSource, Iterable<TResult>>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TResult> { return new iterators.LazySelectManyIterator(this._iterable, this._selector); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazySkip<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _count: number, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazySkipIterator(this._iterable, this._count); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazySkipLast<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _count: number, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazySkipLastIterator(this._iterable, this._count); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazySkipWhile<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _predicate: IndexPredicate<TElement>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazySkipWhile(this._iterable, this._predicate); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyTake<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _count: number, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyTakeIterator(this._iterable, this._count); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyTakeLast<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _count: number, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyTakeLastIterator(this._iterable, this._count); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyTakeWhile<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _predicate: IndexPredicate<TElement>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyTakeWhileIterator(this._iterable, this._predicate); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyUnion<TElement, TKey = TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _firstIterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _secondIterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _compareOn?: MapFn<TElement, TKey>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyUnionIterator( this._firstIterable, this._secondIterable, this._compareOn, ); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyWhere<TElement> extends Lazy<TElement> { public constructor( private readonly _iterable: Iterable<TElement>, private readonly _predicate: IndexPredicate<TElement>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TElement> { return new iterators.LazyWhereIterator(this._iterable, this._predicate); }}
/** * @hidden */class LazyZip< TFirst, TSecond, TResult = [TFirst, TSecond]> extends Lazy<TResult> { public constructor( private readonly _firstIterable: Iterable<TFirst>, private readonly _secondIterable: Iterable<TSecond>, private readonly _selector?: CombineFn<TFirst, TSecond, TResult>, ) { super(); }
public [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<TResult> { return new iterators.LazyZipIterator( this._firstIterable, this._secondIterable, this._selector, ); }}