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LDkit - Linked Data query toolkit for TypeScript developers
/** Original type of namespace specification */export type Namespace = { iri: string; prefix: string; terms: readonly string[];};
/** Resulting type of namespace providing access to all terms, prefix and IRI */export type NamespaceInterface<NamespaceSpec extends Namespace> = & { [Term in NamespaceSpec["terms"][number]]: `${NamespaceSpec["prefix"]}${Term}`; } & { $prefix: NamespaceSpec["prefix"]; $iri: NamespaceSpec["iri"]; };
/** * Creates a strongly typed container for Linked Data vocabulary to provide * type safe access to all vocabulary terms as well as IDE autocompletion. * * @example * ```typescript * import { createNamespace } from "ldkit"; * * const onto = createNamespace( * { * iri: "", * prefix: "onto:", * terms: [ * "object", * "predicate", * "subject", * ], * } as const, * ); * * console.log(onto.subject); // prints * console.log(onto.unknown); // TypeScript error! This term does not exist * ``` * * @param namespaceSpec Specification of the namespace * @returns */export function createNamespace<N extends Namespace>( namespaceSpec: N,): NamespaceInterface<N> { return Object.assign( namespaceSpec.terms.reduce((acc, term) => { acc[term] = `${namespaceSpec.iri}${term}`; return acc; }, {} as Record<string, string>), { $prefix: namespaceSpec["prefix"], $iri: namespaceSpec["iri"], }, ) as unknown as NamespaceInterface<N>;}