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LDkit - Linked Data query toolkit for TypeScript developers
import type { SupportedDataTypes } from "./data_types.ts";
/** * Data property prototype that describes RDF predicate of a data entity. * Includes specification of other metadata, such as whether the property * is optional, array, inverse, or whether it is a nested data entity, etc. */export type Property = { "@id": string; "@type"?: keyof SupportedDataTypes; "@schema"?: Schema; "@optional"?: true; "@array"?: true; "@multilang"?: true; "@inverse"?: true;};
/** * Data schema prototype that describes a data entity. Includes an optional * specification of RDF type and a map of RDF properties. */export type Schema = { "@type"?: string | readonly string[];} & { [key: string]: Property | string | readonly string[];};
export type ExpandedProperty = { "@id": string; "@type"?: keyof SupportedDataTypes; "@schema"?: ExpandedSchema; "@optional"?: true; "@array"?: true; "@multilang"?: true; "@inverse"?: true;};
export type ExpandedSchema = { [key: string]: ExpandedProperty | string[]; "@type": string[];};