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import type { LibraryContext } from "./context.ts";import { toRdf, Quad, Iri, Literal, NamedNode, BlankNode, DataFactory, literal, Variable,} from "./rdf.ts";import type { Schema, Property } from "./schema/mod.ts";import { rdf, xsd } from "./namespaces/mod.ts";
type DecodedNode = Record<string, unknown>;
type NodeId = NamedNode | BlankNode;
export const encode = ( node: DecodedNode, schema: Schema, context: LibraryContext, variableInitCounter = 0) => { return Encoder.encode(node, schema, context, variableInitCounter);};
class Encoder { private context: LibraryContext;
private df: DataFactory = new DataFactory({ blankNodePrefix: "b", });
private variableCounter: number;
private output: Quad[] = [];
private constructor(context: LibraryContext, variableInitCounter: number) { this.context = context; this.variableCounter = variableInitCounter; }
static encode( node: DecodedNode, schema: Schema, context: LibraryContext, variableInitCounter: number ) { return new Encoder(context, variableInitCounter).encode(node, schema); }
encode(node: DecodedNode, schema: Schema) { const nodeId = this.getNodeId(node); this.encodeNode(node, schema, nodeId);
return this.output; }
push( s: NamedNode | BlankNode, p: NamedNode, o: NamedNode | BlankNode | Literal | Variable ) { this.output.push(this.df.quad(s, p, o)); }
getNodeId(node: DecodedNode) { return node.$id ? this.df.namedNode(node.$id as string) : this.df.blankNode(); }
getNodeTypes(node: DecodedNode) { if (Array.isArray(node.$type)) { return node.$type; }
return node.$type ? [node.$type] : []; }
encodeNode(node: DecodedNode, schema: Schema, nodeId: NodeId) { this.encodeNodeType(node, schema["@type"], nodeId);
Object.keys(schema).forEach((key) => { if (key === "@type") { return; } this.encodeNodeProperty(node[key], schema[key] as Property, nodeId); }); }
encodeNodeType(node: DecodedNode, requiredTypes: Iri[], nodeId: NodeId) { const finalTypes = new Set([...this.getNodeTypes(node), ...requiredTypes]);
finalTypes.forEach((type) => { this.push(nodeId, this.df.namedNode(rdf.type), this.df.namedNode(type)); }); }
encodeNodeProperty(value: any, property: Property, nodeId: NodeId) { if (value === undefined) { return; }
const propertyId = this.df.namedNode(property["@id"]);
if (value === null) { // TODO this.push( nodeId, propertyId, this.df.variable(`v${this.variableCounter++}`) ); return; }
if (property["@multilang"]) { Object.keys(value).forEach((language) => { const languageValue: string[] = Array.isArray(value[language]) ? value[language] : [value[language]]; languageValue.forEach((singleValue) => { this.push( nodeId, propertyId, literal(singleValue, language.length > 0 ? language : undefined) ); }); }); return; }
const values = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
values.forEach((val) => { if (property["@context"]) { const subNodeId = this.getNodeId(val); this.encodeNode(val, property["@context"], subNodeId); this.push(nodeId, propertyId, subNodeId); return; }
const propertyType = property["@type"] ?? xsd.string;
if (typeof val === "string" && this.context.language) { if (propertyType === xsd.string || propertyType === rdf.langString) { this.push(nodeId, propertyId, literal(val, this.context.language)); return; } }
const rdfValue = toRdf(val, { datatype: this.df.namedNode(property["@type"] ?? xsd.string), }); this.push(nodeId, propertyId, rdfValue); }); }}