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Deno bindings for Clang’s C API libclang. Full project details are found on the libclang-deno GitHub page.

Starting with beta.8 the bindings require Deno version 1.31.0 or higher.


To use libclang in your Deno program, import the mod.ts file into your program:

import * as libclang from "";

You must run your program with the LIBCLANG_PATH environment variable set to either the direct path to your / libclang.dll / libclang.dylib shared library or to the folder in which the shared library resides. If the environment variable is not set, the import will fail.

Basic usage

The following code will walk through all the cursors in a given header and log their kind and spelling:

import * as libclang from "";

const index = new libclang.CXIndex();

const tu = index.parseTranslationUnit("/path/to/header.h", [

tu.getCursor().visitChildren((cursor) => {
  console.log(`${cursor.getKindSpelling()}: ${cursor.getSpelling()}`);
  return libclang.CXChildVisitResult.CXChildVisit_Recurse;