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πŸ“„ CLI tool for checking license headers in files
// Copyright 2020-2022 Yoshiya Hinosawa. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** * This module is the main entry point for the license checker tool. * * Create `.licenserc.json` like the following: * * ```json * { * "*.ts": "// Copyright 2019 My Name. All rights reserved. MIT license." * } * ``` * * Then, run the command * * ``` * deno run --allow-read jsr:@kt3k/license-checker * ``` * * @module */
import { parse } from "./deps.ts";import { checkLicense, type Config } from "./lib.ts";
/** Reads Config */async function readConfig( config = ".licenserc.json",): Promise<Array<Config>> { let text: string; let configObj; try { if ( config.startsWith("http://") || config.startsWith("https://") || config.startsWith("file://") ) { const resp = await fetch(config); text = await resp.text(); } else { text = await Deno.readTextFile(config); } console.log(`Using config file "${config}"`); } catch (_e) { console.log(_e); console.log(`Error: config file "${config}" not found.`); Deno.exit(1); }
try { configObj = JSON.parse(text); } catch (e) { console.log(`Error: Failed to parse "${config}" as JSON.`); console.log(e); Deno.exit(1); }
let configObjArray: Array<Config>;
if (Array.isArray(configObj)) { configObjArray = configObj; } else { configObjArray = [configObj]; }
function configObjToConfig(configObj: Config): Config { const ignore = configObj.ignore || []; delete configObj.ignore;
const entries: Array<[string, string | string[]]> = Object.entries(configObj);
return { ignore, config: entries };}
type Opts = { help?: boolean; version?: boolean; quiet?: boolean; inject?: boolean; config?: string;};
const main = async (opts: Opts) => { if ( { console.log(`Usage: license_checker.ts [options]
Options: -H, --help Show this help message and exit. -V, --version Show the version number and exit. -q, --quiet Don't print messages except errors. -i, --inject Inject license into head if missing. -c, --config <filename> Specify config filename. Default is '.licenserc.json'.`); Deno.exit(0); }
if (opts.version) { console.log("3.2.11"); Deno.exit(0); }
const configList = await readConfig(opts.config);
if ( await checkLicense(configList, { inject: opts.inject, quiet: opts.quiet, }) ) { Deno.exit(0); } else { Deno.exit(1); }};
main( parse(Deno.args, { string: ["config"], boolean: ["quiet", "help", "version", "inject"], alias: { q: "quiet", i: "inject", h: "help", v: "version", c: "config", }, }),);