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⏰ Blazing fast & lightweight (157 bytes) date formatting for Node.js and the browser.
/** * Use this API for simple, most common formatting. * * @param {Date} date - Date object, which should be used. * @param {string} exp - String, which you want to format, for example: `{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd}` or Current time: `{hh}:{mm}:{ss}`. * @return {string} String with formatted date. * * @example * format(new Date(2014, 1, 11), '{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd}') //=> '2014-01-11' */export const format = (date: Date, exp: string): string => exp.replace(/\\?{.*?}/g, key => { if (key.startsWith('\\')) { return key.slice(1); }
switch (key) { case '{yyyy}': return `${date.getFullYear()}`; case '{yy}': return `${date.getFullYear()}`.slice(-2); case '{MM}': return `${(date.getMonth() + 1)}`.padStart(2, '0'); case '{dd}': return `${date.getDate()}`.padStart(2, '0'); case '{HH}': return `${date.getHours()}`.padStart(2, '0'); case '{mm}': return `${date.getMinutes()}`.padStart(2, '0'); case '{ss}': return `${date.getSeconds()}`.padStart(2, '0'); case '{SSS}': return `${date.getMilliseconds()}`.padStart(3, '0'); default: return ''; }});
/* c8 ignore next */export {default as localeFormat} from './locale';