A minimalistic connect-like web framework. Automatically works out of the box with Deno Deploy, Deno's Native HTTP and Deno's Standard HTTP server.
Current version released
4 years ago
A minimalistic connect-like web framework. Automatically works out of the box with Deno Deploy, Native HTTP(S) and Deno’s standard http(s) server.
// Imports
import App from "https://deno.land/x/little/mod.ts";
// Create a new application.
const app = new App();
// Add middlewares to the application.
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
const start = Date.now();
await next();
`${ctx.method} ${ctx.response?.status ?? "???"} ${ctx.url} ${Date.now() -
app.use(async (ctx) => {
await ctx.respond(new Response("Hello"));
// Automatically detect environment.
const strategy = app.detect({
// Define listen options,
// just incase the script
// isn't running on Deno
// Deploy.
port: 3000,
hostname: "",
// Print the server strategy.
console.log("Using strategy", strategy);
deployctl run example.ts
# Using strategy deploy
deno run --unstable --allow-net example.ts
# Using strategy native
deno run --allow-net example.ts
# Using strategy std