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interface supabase.AuthSession
import { type supabase } from "";
const { AuthSession } = supabase;


provider_token: string | null

The oauth provider token. If present, this can be used to make external API requests to the oauth provider used.

provider_refresh_token: string | null

The oauth provider refresh token. If present, this can be used to refresh the provider_token via the oauth provider's API. Not all oauth providers return a provider refresh token. If the provider_refresh_token is missing, please refer to the oauth provider's documentation for information on how to obtain the provider refresh token.

access_token: string

The access token jwt. It is recommended to set the JWT_EXPIRY to a shorter expiry value.

refresh_token: string

A one-time used refresh token that never expires.

expires_in: number

The number of seconds until the token expires (since it was issued). Returned when a login is confirmed.

expires_at: number

A timestamp of when the token will expire. Returned when a login is confirmed.

token_type: string
user: User