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The Low Output Latency streaming HTML rewriter/parser with CSS-selector based API, in Webassembly.
use lol_html::html_content::ContentType as NativeContentType;use std::cell::Cell;use std::convert::Into;use std::marker::PhantomData;use std::mem;use std::ops::Drop;use std::rc::Rc;use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
type JsResult<T> = Result<T, JsValue>;
struct Anchor<'r> { poisoned: Rc<Cell<bool>>, lifetime: PhantomData<&'r mut ()>,}
impl<'r> Anchor<'r> { pub fn new(poisoned: Rc<Cell<bool>>) -> Self { Anchor { poisoned, lifetime: PhantomData, } }}
impl Drop for Anchor<'_> { fn drop(&mut self) { self.poisoned.replace(true); }}
// NOTE: wasm_bindgen doesn't allow structures with lifetimes. To workaround that// we create a wrapper that erases all the lifetime information from the inner reference// and provides an anchor object that keeps track of the lifetime in the runtime.//// When anchor goes out of scope, wrapper becomes poisoned and any attempt to get inner// object results in exception.struct NativeRefWrap<R> { inner_ptr: *mut R, poisoned: Rc<Cell<bool>>,}
impl<R> NativeRefWrap<R> { pub fn wrap<I>(inner: &mut I) -> (Self, Anchor) { let wrap = NativeRefWrap { inner_ptr: unsafe { mem::transmute(inner) }, poisoned: Rc::new(Cell::new(false)), };
let anchor = Anchor::new(Rc::clone(&wrap.poisoned));
(wrap, anchor) }
fn assert_not_poisoned(&self) -> JsResult<()> { if self.poisoned.get() { Err("The object has been freed and can't be used anymore.".into()) } else { Ok(()) } }
pub fn get(&self) -> JsResult<&R> { self.assert_not_poisoned()?;
Ok(unsafe { self.inner_ptr.as_ref() }.unwrap()) }
pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> JsResult<&mut R> { self.assert_not_poisoned()?;
Ok(unsafe { self.inner_ptr.as_mut() }.unwrap()) }}
trait IntoJsResult<T> { fn into_js_result(self) -> JsResult<T>;}
impl<T, E: ToString> IntoJsResult<T> for Result<T, E> { #[inline] fn into_js_result(self) -> JsResult<T> { self.map_err(|e| JsValue::from(e.to_string())) }}
trait IntoNative<T> { fn into_native(self) -> T;}
#[wasm_bindgen]extern "C" { pub type ContentTypeOptions;
#[wasm_bindgen(method, getter)] fn html(this: &ContentTypeOptions) -> Option<bool>;}
impl IntoNative<NativeContentType> for Option<ContentTypeOptions> { fn into_native(self) -> NativeContentType { match self { Some(opts) => match opts.html() { Some(true) => NativeContentType::Html, Some(false) => NativeContentType::Text, None => NativeContentType::Text, }, None => NativeContentType::Text, } }}
macro_rules! impl_mutations { ($Ty:ident) => { #[wasm_bindgen] impl $Ty { pub fn before(&mut self, content: &str, content_type: Option<ContentTypeOptions>) -> Result<(), JsValue> { self.0.get_mut().map(|o| o.before(content, content_type.into_native())) }
pub fn after(&mut self, content: &str, content_type: Option<ContentTypeOptions>) -> Result<(), JsValue> { self.0.get_mut().map(|o| o.after(content, content_type.into_native())) }
pub fn replace(&mut self, content: &str, content_type: Option<ContentTypeOptions>) -> Result<(), JsValue> { self.0.get_mut().map(|o| o.replace(content, content_type.into_native())) }
pub fn remove(&mut self) -> Result<(), JsValue> { self.0.get_mut().map(|o| o.remove()) }
#[wasm_bindgen(getter)] pub fn removed(&self) -> JsResult<bool> { self.0.get().map(|o| o.removed()) } } };}
macro_rules! impl_from_native { ($Ty:ident --> $JsTy:ident) => { impl $JsTy { pub(crate) fn from_native<'r>(inner: &'r mut $Ty) -> (Self, Anchor<'r>) { let (ref_wrap, anchor) = NativeRefWrap::wrap(inner);
($JsTy(ref_wrap), anchor) } } };}
mod comment;mod doctype;mod document_end;mod element;mod handlers;mod html_rewriter;mod text_chunk;