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Lucid is a library, which allows you to create Cardano transactions and off-chain code for your Plutus contracts in JavaScript, Deno and Node.js.
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import { C } from "../core/mod.ts";import { coreToUtxo, createCostModels, fromHex, paymentCredentialOf, toHex, Utils, utxoToCore,} from "../utils/mod.ts";import { Address, Datum, Delegation, ExternalWallet, KeyHash, Network, OutRef, Payload, PrivateKey, Provider, RewardAddress, SignedMessage, Slot, Transaction, TxHash, Unit, UTxO, Wallet, WalletApi,} from "../types/mod.ts";import { Tx } from "./tx.ts";import { TxComplete } from "./tx_complete.ts";import { discoverOwnUsedTxKeyHashes, walletFromSeed } from "../misc/wallet.ts";import { signData, verifyData } from "../misc/sign_data.ts";import { Message } from "./message.ts";import { SLOT_CONFIG_NETWORK } from "../plutus/time.ts";import { Data } from "../plutus/data.ts";import { TSchema } from "";import { Emulator } from "../provider/emulator.ts";import { Credential } from "../types/types.ts";
export class Lucid { txBuilderConfig!: C.TransactionBuilderConfig; wallet!: Wallet; provider!: Provider; network: Network = "Mainnet"; utils!: Utils;
static async new(provider?: Provider, network?: Network): Promise<Lucid> { const lucid = new this(); if (network) = network; if (provider) { lucid.provider = provider; const protocolParameters = await provider.getProtocolParameters();
if (lucid.provider instanceof Emulator) { = "Custom"; SLOT_CONFIG_NETWORK[] = { zeroTime:, zeroSlot: 0, slotLength: 1000, }; }
const slotConfig = SLOT_CONFIG_NETWORK[]; lucid.txBuilderConfig = .coins_per_utxo_byte( C.BigNum.from_str(protocolParameters.coinsPerUtxoByte.toString()), ) .fee_algo( C.BigNum.from_str(protocolParameters.minFeeA.toString()), C.BigNum.from_str(protocolParameters.minFeeB.toString()), ), ) .key_deposit( C.BigNum.from_str(protocolParameters.keyDeposit.toString()), ) .pool_deposit( C.BigNum.from_str(protocolParameters.poolDeposit.toString()), ) .max_tx_size(protocolParameters.maxTxSize) .max_value_size(protocolParameters.maxValSize) .collateral_percentage(protocolParameters.collateralPercentage) .max_collateral_inputs(protocolParameters.maxCollateralInputs) .max_tx_ex_units( C.BigNum.from_str(protocolParameters.maxTxExMem.toString()), C.BigNum.from_str(protocolParameters.maxTxExSteps.toString()), ), ) .ex_unit_prices( C.ExUnitPrices.from_float( protocolParameters.priceMem, protocolParameters.priceStep, ), ) .slot_config( C.BigNum.from_str(slotConfig.zeroTime.toString()), C.BigNum.from_str(slotConfig.zeroSlot.toString()), slotConfig.slotLength, ) .blockfrost( // We have Aiken now as native plutus core engine (primary), but we still support blockfrost (secondary) in case of bugs. // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ((provider as any)?.url || "") + "/utils/txs/evaluate", // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (provider as any)?.projectId || "", ), ) .costmdls(createCostModels(protocolParameters.costModels)) .build(); } lucid.utils = new Utils(lucid); return lucid; }
/** * Switch provider and/or network. * If provider or network unset, no overwriting happens. Provider or network from current instance are taken then. */ async switchProvider(provider?: Provider, network?: Network): Promise<Lucid> { if ( === "Custom") { throw new Error("Cannot switch when on custom network."); } const lucid = await provider, network, ); this.txBuilderConfig = lucid.txBuilderConfig; this.provider = provider || this.provider; = network ||; this.wallet = lucid.wallet; return this; }
newTx(): Tx { return new Tx(this); }
fromTx(tx: Transaction): TxComplete { return new TxComplete(this, C.Transaction.from_bytes(fromHex(tx))); }
/** Signs a message. Expects the payload to be Hex encoded. */ newMessage(address: Address | RewardAddress, payload: Payload): Message { return new Message(this, address, payload); }
/** Verify a message. Expects the payload to be Hex encoded. */ verifyMessage( address: Address | RewardAddress, payload: Payload, signedMessage: SignedMessage, ): boolean { const { paymentCredential, stakeCredential, address: { hex: addressHex } } = this.utils.getAddressDetails( address, ); const keyHash = paymentCredential?.hash || stakeCredential?.hash; if (!keyHash) throw new Error("Not a valid address provided.");
return verifyData(addressHex, keyHash, payload, signedMessage); }
currentSlot(): Slot { return this.utils.unixTimeToSlot(; }
utxosAt(addressOrCredential: Address | Credential): Promise<UTxO[]> { return this.provider.getUtxos(addressOrCredential); }
utxosAtWithUnit( addressOrCredential: Address | Credential, unit: Unit, ): Promise<UTxO[]> { return this.provider.getUtxosWithUnit(addressOrCredential, unit); }
/** Unit needs to be an NFT (or optionally the entire supply in one UTxO). */ utxoByUnit(unit: Unit): Promise<UTxO> { return this.provider.getUtxoByUnit(unit); }
utxosByOutRef(outRefs: Array<OutRef>): Promise<UTxO[]> { return this.provider.getUtxosByOutRef(outRefs); }
delegationAt(rewardAddress: RewardAddress): Promise<Delegation> { return this.provider.getDelegation(rewardAddress); }
awaitTx(txHash: TxHash, checkInterval = 3000): Promise<boolean> { return this.provider.awaitTx(txHash, checkInterval); }
async datumOf<T = Datum>(utxo: UTxO, shape?: TSchema): Promise<T> { if (!utxo.datum) { if (!utxo.datumHash) { throw new Error("This UTxO does not have a datum hash."); } utxo.datum = await this.provider.getDatum(utxo.datumHash); } return shape ? Data.from<T>(utxo.datum, shape) : utxo.datum as T; }
/** * Cardano Private key in bech32; not the BIP32 private key or any key that is not fully derived. * Only an Enteprise address (without stake credential) is derived. */ selectWalletFromPrivateKey(privateKey: PrivateKey): Lucid { const priv = C.PrivateKey.from_bech32(privateKey); const pubKeyHash = priv.to_public().hash();
this.wallet = { // deno-lint-ignore require-await address: async (): Promise<Address> => === "Mainnet" ? 1 : 0, C.StakeCredential.from_keyhash(pubKeyHash), ) .to_address() .to_bech32(undefined), // deno-lint-ignore require-await rewardAddress: async (): Promise<RewardAddress | null> => null, getUtxos: async (): Promise<UTxO[]> => { return await this.utxosAt( paymentCredentialOf(await this.wallet.address()), ); }, getUtxosCore: async (): Promise<C.TransactionUnspentOutputs> => { const utxos = await this.utxosAt( paymentCredentialOf(await this.wallet.address()), ); const coreUtxos =; utxos.forEach((utxo) => { coreUtxos.add(utxoToCore(utxo)); }); return coreUtxos; }, // deno-lint-ignore require-await getDelegation: async (): Promise<Delegation> => { return { poolId: null, rewards: 0n }; }, // deno-lint-ignore require-await signTx: async ( tx: C.Transaction, ): Promise<C.TransactionWitnessSet> => { const witness = C.make_vkey_witness( C.hash_transaction(tx.body()), priv, ); const txWitnessSetBuilder =; txWitnessSetBuilder.add_vkey(witness); return; }, // deno-lint-ignore require-await signMessage: async ( address: Address | RewardAddress, payload: Payload, ): Promise<SignedMessage> => { const { paymentCredential, address: { hex: hexAddress } } = this.utils .getAddressDetails(address); const keyHash = paymentCredential?.hash;
const originalKeyHash = pubKeyHash.to_hex();
if (!keyHash || keyHash !== originalKeyHash) { throw new Error(`Cannot sign message for address: ${address}.`); }
return signData(hexAddress, payload, privateKey); }, submitTx: async (tx: Transaction): Promise<TxHash> => { return await this.provider.submitTx(tx); }, }; return this; }
selectWallet(api: WalletApi): Lucid { const getAddressHex = async () => { const [addressHex] = await api.getUsedAddresses(); if (addressHex) return addressHex;
const [unusedAddressHex] = await api.getUnusedAddresses(); return unusedAddressHex; };
this.wallet = { address: async (): Promise<Address> => C.Address.from_bytes( fromHex(await getAddressHex()), ).to_bech32(undefined), rewardAddress: async (): Promise<RewardAddress | null> => { const [rewardAddressHex] = await api.getRewardAddresses(); const rewardAddress = rewardAddressHex ? C.RewardAddress.from_address( C.Address.from_bytes(fromHex(rewardAddressHex)), )! .to_address() .to_bech32(undefined) : null; return rewardAddress; }, getUtxos: async (): Promise<UTxO[]> => { const utxos = ((await api.getUtxos()) || []).map((utxo) => { const parsedUtxo = C.TransactionUnspentOutput.from_bytes( fromHex(utxo), ); return coreToUtxo(parsedUtxo); }); return utxos; }, getUtxosCore: async (): Promise<C.TransactionUnspentOutputs> => { const utxos =; ((await api.getUtxos()) || []).forEach((utxo) => { utxos.add(C.TransactionUnspentOutput.from_bytes(fromHex(utxo))); }); return utxos; }, getDelegation: async (): Promise<Delegation> => { const rewardAddr = await this.wallet.rewardAddress();
return rewardAddr ? await this.delegationAt(rewardAddr) : { poolId: null, rewards: 0n }; }, signTx: async ( tx: C.Transaction, ): Promise<C.TransactionWitnessSet> => { const witnessSet = await api.signTx(toHex(tx.to_bytes()), true); return C.TransactionWitnessSet.from_bytes(fromHex(witnessSet)); }, signMessage: async ( address: Address | RewardAddress, payload: Payload, ): Promise<SignedMessage> => { const hexAddress = toHex(C.Address.from_bech32(address).to_bytes()); return await api.signData(hexAddress, payload); }, submitTx: async (tx: Transaction): Promise<TxHash> => { const txHash = await api.submitTx(tx); return txHash; }, }; return this; }
/** * Emulates a wallet by constructing it with the utxos and an address. * If utxos are not set, utxos are fetched from the provided address. */ selectWalletFrom({ address, utxos, rewardAddress, }: ExternalWallet): Lucid { const addressDetails = this.utils.getAddressDetails(address); this.wallet = { // deno-lint-ignore require-await address: async (): Promise<Address> => address, // deno-lint-ignore require-await rewardAddress: async (): Promise<RewardAddress | null> => { const rewardAddr = !rewardAddress && addressDetails.stakeCredential ? (() => { if (addressDetails.stakeCredential.type === "Key") { return === "Mainnet" ? 1 : 0, C.StakeCredential.from_keyhash( C.Ed25519KeyHash.from_hex( addressDetails.stakeCredential.hash, ), ), ) .to_address() .to_bech32(undefined); } return === "Mainnet" ? 1 : 0, C.StakeCredential.from_scripthash( C.ScriptHash.from_hex(addressDetails.stakeCredential.hash), ), ) .to_address() .to_bech32(undefined); })() : rewardAddress; return rewardAddr || null; }, getUtxos: async (): Promise<UTxO[]> => { return utxos ? utxos : await this.utxosAt(paymentCredentialOf(address)); }, getUtxosCore: async (): Promise<C.TransactionUnspentOutputs> => { const coreUtxos =; (utxos ? utxos : await this.utxosAt(paymentCredentialOf(address))) .forEach((utxo) => coreUtxos.add(utxoToCore(utxo))); return coreUtxos; }, getDelegation: async (): Promise<Delegation> => { const rewardAddr = await this.wallet.rewardAddress();
return rewardAddr ? await this.delegationAt(rewardAddr) : { poolId: null, rewards: 0n }; }, // deno-lint-ignore require-await signTx: async (): Promise<C.TransactionWitnessSet> => { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, // deno-lint-ignore require-await signMessage: async (): Promise<SignedMessage> => { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, submitTx: async (tx: Transaction): Promise<TxHash> => { return await this.provider.submitTx(tx); }, }; return this; }
/** * Select wallet from a seed phrase (e.g. 15 or 24 words). You have the option to choose between a Base address (with stake credential) * and Enterprise address (without stake credential). You can also decide which account index to derive. By default account 0 is derived. */ selectWalletFromSeed( seed: string, options?: { addressType?: "Base" | "Enterprise"; accountIndex?: number; password?: string; }, ): Lucid { const { address, rewardAddress, paymentKey, stakeKey } = walletFromSeed( seed, { addressType: options?.addressType || "Base", accountIndex: options?.accountIndex || 0, password: options?.password, network:, }, );
const paymentKeyHash = C.PrivateKey.from_bech32(paymentKey).to_public() .hash().to_hex(); const stakeKeyHash = stakeKey ? C.PrivateKey.from_bech32(stakeKey).to_public().hash().to_hex() : "";
const privKeyHashMap = { [paymentKeyHash]: paymentKey, [stakeKeyHash]: stakeKey, };
this.wallet = { // deno-lint-ignore require-await address: async (): Promise<Address> => address, // deno-lint-ignore require-await rewardAddress: async (): Promise<RewardAddress | null> => rewardAddress || null, // deno-lint-ignore require-await getUtxos: async (): Promise<UTxO[]> => this.utxosAt(paymentCredentialOf(address)), getUtxosCore: async (): Promise<C.TransactionUnspentOutputs> => { const coreUtxos =; (await this.utxosAt(paymentCredentialOf(address))).forEach((utxo) => coreUtxos.add(utxoToCore(utxo)) ); return coreUtxos; }, getDelegation: async (): Promise<Delegation> => { const rewardAddr = await this.wallet.rewardAddress();
return rewardAddr ? await this.delegationAt(rewardAddr) : { poolId: null, rewards: 0n }; }, signTx: async ( tx: C.Transaction, ): Promise<C.TransactionWitnessSet> => { const utxos = await this.utxosAt(address);
const ownKeyHashes: Array<KeyHash> = [paymentKeyHash, stakeKeyHash];
const usedKeyHashes = discoverOwnUsedTxKeyHashes( tx, ownKeyHashes, utxos, );
const txWitnessSetBuilder =; usedKeyHashes.forEach((keyHash) => { const witness = C.make_vkey_witness( C.hash_transaction(tx.body()), C.PrivateKey.from_bech32(privKeyHashMap[keyHash]!), ); txWitnessSetBuilder.add_vkey(witness); }); return; }, // deno-lint-ignore require-await signMessage: async ( address: Address | RewardAddress, payload: Payload, ): Promise<SignedMessage> => { const { paymentCredential, stakeCredential, address: { hex: hexAddress }, } = this.utils .getAddressDetails(address);
const keyHash = paymentCredential?.hash || stakeCredential?.hash;
const privateKey = privKeyHashMap[keyHash!];
if (!privateKey) { throw new Error(`Cannot sign message for address: ${address}.`); }
return signData(hexAddress, payload, privateKey); }, submitTx: async (tx: Transaction): Promise<TxHash> => { return await this.provider.submitTx(tx); }, }; return this; }}