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Lucid is a library, which allows you to create Cardano transactions and off-chain code for your Plutus contracts in JavaScript, Deno and Node.js.
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import { C } from "../core/core.ts";import { Address, Assets, Credential, Datum, DatumHash, Delegation, Lovelace, OutRef, PoolId, ProtocolParameters, Provider, RewardAddress, ScriptHash, Transaction, TxHash, Unit, UnixTime, UTxO,} from "../types/types.ts";import { PROTOCOL_PARAMETERS_DEFAULT } from "../utils/mod.ts";import { coreToUtxo, fromHex, getAddressDetails, toHex,} from "../utils/utils.ts";
/** Concatentation of txHash + outputIndex */type FlatOutRef = string;
export class Emulator implements Provider { ledger: Record<FlatOutRef, { utxo: UTxO; spent: boolean }>; mempool: Record<FlatOutRef, { utxo: UTxO; spent: boolean }> = {}; /** * Only stake key registrations/delegations and rewards are tracked. * Other certificates are not tracked. */ chain: Record< RewardAddress, { registeredStake: boolean; delegation: Delegation } > = {}; blockHeight: number; slot: number; time: UnixTime; protocolParameters: ProtocolParameters; datumTable: Record<DatumHash, Datum> = {};
constructor( accounts: { address: Address; assets: Assets }[], protocolParameters: ProtocolParameters = PROTOCOL_PARAMETERS_DEFAULT, ) { const GENESIS_HASH = "00".repeat(32); this.blockHeight = 0; this.slot = 0; this.time =; this.ledger = {}; accounts.forEach(({ address, assets }, index) => { this.ledger[GENESIS_HASH + index] = { utxo: { txHash: GENESIS_HASH, outputIndex: index, address, assets, }, spent: false, }; }); this.protocolParameters = protocolParameters; }
now(): UnixTime { return this.time; }
awaitSlot(length = 1) { this.slot += length; this.time += length * 1000; const currentHeight = this.blockHeight; this.blockHeight = Math.floor(this.slot / 20);
if (this.blockHeight > currentHeight) { for (const [outRef, { utxo, spent }] of Object.entries(this.mempool)) { this.ledger[outRef] = { utxo, spent }; }
for (const [outRef, { spent }] of Object.entries(this.ledger)) { if (spent) delete this.ledger[outRef]; }
this.mempool = {}; } }
awaitBlock(height = 1) { this.blockHeight += height; this.slot += height * 20; this.time += height * 20 * 1000;
for (const [outRef, { utxo, spent }] of Object.entries(this.mempool)) { this.ledger[outRef] = { utxo, spent }; }
for (const [outRef, { spent }] of Object.entries(this.ledger)) { if (spent) delete this.ledger[outRef]; }
this.mempool = {}; }
getUtxos(addressOrCredential: Address | Credential): Promise<UTxO[]> { const utxos: UTxO[] = Object.values(this.ledger).flatMap(({ utxo }) => { if (typeof addressOrCredential === "string") { return addressOrCredential === utxo.address ? utxo : []; } else { const { paymentCredential } = getAddressDetails( utxo.address, ); return paymentCredential?.hash === addressOrCredential.hash ? utxo : []; } });
return Promise.resolve( utxos, ); }
getProtocolParameters(): Promise<ProtocolParameters> { return Promise.resolve(this.protocolParameters); }
getDatum(datumHash: DatumHash): Promise<Datum> { return Promise.resolve(this.datumTable[datumHash]); }
getUtxosWithUnit( addressOrCredential: Address | Credential, unit: Unit, ): Promise<UTxO[]> { const utxos: UTxO[] = Object.values(this.ledger).flatMap(({ utxo }) => { if (typeof addressOrCredential === "string") { return addressOrCredential === utxo.address && utxo.assets[unit] > 0n ? utxo : []; } else { const { paymentCredential } = getAddressDetails( utxo.address, ); return paymentCredential?.hash === addressOrCredential.hash && utxo.assets[unit] > 0n ? utxo : []; } });
return Promise.resolve( utxos, ); }
getUtxosByOutRef(outRefs: OutRef[]): Promise<UTxO[]> { return Promise.resolve( outRefs.flatMap((outRef) => this.ledger[outRef.txHash + outRef.outputIndex]?.utxo || [] ), ); }
getUtxoByUnit(unit: string): Promise<UTxO> { const utxos: UTxO[] = Object.values(this.ledger).flatMap(({ utxo }) => utxo.assets[unit] > 0n ? utxo : [] );
if (utxos.length > 1) { throw new Error("Unit needs to be an NFT or only held by one address."); }
return Promise.resolve(utxos[0]); }
getDelegation(rewardAddress: RewardAddress): Promise<Delegation> { return Promise.resolve({ poolId: this.chain[rewardAddress]?.delegation?.poolId || null, rewards: this.chain[rewardAddress]?.delegation?.rewards || 0n, }); }
awaitTx(txHash: string): Promise<boolean> { if (this.mempool[txHash + 0]) { this.awaitBlock(); return Promise.resolve(true); } return Promise.resolve(true); }
/** * Emulates the behaviour of the reward distribution at epoch boundaries. * Stake keys need to be registered and delegated like on a real chain in order to receive rewards. */ distributeRewards(rewards: Lovelace) { for ( const [rewardAddress, { registeredStake, delegation }] of Object.entries( this.chain, ) ) { if (registeredStake && delegation.poolId) { this.chain[rewardAddress] = { registeredStake, delegation: { poolId: delegation.poolId, rewards: delegation.rewards += rewards, }, }; } } this.awaitBlock(); }
submitTx(tx: Transaction): Promise<TxHash> { /* Checks that are already handled by the transaction builder: - Fee calculation - Phase 2 evaluation - Input value == Output value (including mint value) - Min ada requirement - Stake key registration deposit amount - Collateral
Checks that need to be done: - Verify witnesses - Correct count of scripts and vkeys - Stake key registration - Withdrawals - Validity interval */
const desTx = C.Transaction.from_bytes(fromHex(tx));
const body = desTx.body(); const witnesses = desTx.witness_set(); const datums = witnesses.plutus_data();
const txHash = C.hash_transaction(body).to_hex();
// Validity interval // Lower bound is inclusive? // Upper bound is inclusive? const lowerBound = body.validity_start_interval() ? parseInt(body.validity_start_interval()!.to_str()) : null; const upperBound = body.ttl() ? parseInt(body.ttl()!.to_str()) : null;
if (Number.isInteger(lowerBound) && this.slot < lowerBound!) { throw new Error( `Lower bound (${lowerBound}) not in slot range (${this.slot}).`, ); }
if (Number.isInteger(upperBound) && this.slot > upperBound!) { throw new Error( `Upper bound (${upperBound}) not in slot range (${this.slot}).`, ); }
// Datums in witness set const datumTable = (() => { const table: Record<DatumHash, Datum> = {}; for (let i = 0; i < (datums?.len() || 0); i++) { const datum = datums!.get(i); const datumHash = C.hash_plutus_data(datum).to_hex(); table[datumHash] = toHex(datum.to_bytes()); } return table; })();
const consumedHashes = new Set();
// Witness keys const keyHashes = (() => { const keyHashes = []; for (let i = 0; i < (witnesses.vkeys()?.len() || 0); i++) { const witness = witnesses.vkeys()!.get(i); const publicKey = witness.vkey().public_key(); const keyHash = publicKey.hash().to_hex();
if (!publicKey.verify(fromHex(txHash), witness.signature())) { throw new Error( `Invalid vkey witness. Key hash: ${keyHash}`, ); } keyHashes.push(keyHash); } return keyHashes; })();
// We only need this to verify native scripts. The check happens in the CML. const edKeyHashes =; keyHashes.forEach((keyHash) => edKeyHashes.add(C.Ed25519KeyHash.from_hex(keyHash)) );
const nativeHashes = (() => { const scriptHashes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < (witnesses.native_scripts()?.len() || 0); i++) { const witness = witnesses.native_scripts()!.get(i); const scriptHash = witness.hash(C.ScriptHashNamespace.NativeScript) .to_hex();
if ( !witness.verify( Number.isInteger(lowerBound) ? C.BigNum.from_str(lowerBound!.toString()) : undefined, Number.isInteger(upperBound) ? C.BigNum.from_str(upperBound!.toString()) : undefined, edKeyHashes, ) ) { throw new Error( `Invalid native script witness. Script hash: ${scriptHash}`, ); } for (let i = 0; i < witness.get_required_signers().len(); i++) { const keyHash = witness.get_required_signers().get(i).to_hex(); consumedHashes.add(keyHash); } scriptHashes.push(scriptHash); } return scriptHashes; })();
const nativeHashesOptional: Record<ScriptHash, C.NativeScript> = {}; const plutusHashesOptional: ScriptHash[] = [];
const plutusHashes = (() => { const scriptHashes = []; for (let i = 0; i < (witnesses.plutus_scripts()?.len() || 0); i++) { const script = witnesses.plutus_scripts()!.get(i); const scriptHash = script.hash(C.ScriptHashNamespace.PlutusV1) .to_hex();
scriptHashes.push(scriptHash); } for (let i = 0; i < (witnesses.plutus_v2_scripts()?.len() || 0); i++) { const script = witnesses.plutus_v2_scripts()!.get(i); const scriptHash = script.hash(C.ScriptHashNamespace.PlutusV2) .to_hex();
scriptHashes.push(scriptHash); } return scriptHashes; })();
const inputs = body.inputs(); inputs.sort();
type ResolvedInput = { entry: { utxo: UTxO; spent: boolean }; type: "Ledger" | "Mempool"; };
const resolvedInputs: ResolvedInput[] = [];
// Check existence of inputs and look for script refs. for (let i = 0; i < inputs.len(); i++) { const input = inputs.get(i);
const outRef = input.transaction_id().to_hex() + input.index().to_str();
const entryLedger = this.ledger[outRef];
const { entry, type }: ResolvedInput = !entryLedger ? { entry: this.mempool[outRef]!, type: "Mempool" } : { entry: entryLedger, type: "Ledger" };
if (!entry || entry.spent) { throw new Error( `Could not spend UTxO: ${ JSON.stringify({ txHash: entry?.utxo.txHash, outputIndex: entry?.utxo.outputIndex, }) }\nIt does not exist or was already spent.`, ); }
const scriptRef = entry.utxo.scriptRef; if (scriptRef) { switch (scriptRef.type) { case "Native": { const script = C.NativeScript.from_bytes(fromHex(scriptRef.script)); nativeHashesOptional[ script.hash(C.ScriptHashNamespace.NativeScript).to_hex() ] = script; break; } case "PlutusV1": { const script = C.PlutusScript.from_bytes(fromHex(scriptRef.script)); plutusHashesOptional.push( script.hash(C.ScriptHashNamespace.PlutusV1).to_hex(), ); break; } case "PlutusV2": { const script = C.PlutusScript.from_bytes(fromHex(scriptRef.script)); plutusHashesOptional.push( script.hash(C.ScriptHashNamespace.PlutusV2).to_hex(), ); break; } } }
if (entry.utxo.datumHash) consumedHashes.add(entry.utxo.datumHash);
resolvedInputs.push({ entry, type }); }
// Check existence of reference inputs and look for script refs. for (let i = 0; i < (body.reference_inputs()?.len() || 0); i++) { const input = body.reference_inputs()!.get(i);
const outRef = input.transaction_id().to_hex() + input.index().to_str();
const entry = this.ledger[outRef] || this.mempool[outRef];
if (!entry || entry.spent) { throw new Error( `Could not read UTxO: ${ JSON.stringify({ txHash: entry?.utxo.txHash, outputIndex: entry?.utxo.outputIndex, }) }\nIt does not exist or was already spent.`, ); }
const scriptRef = entry.utxo.scriptRef; if (scriptRef) { switch (scriptRef.type) { case "Native": { const script = C.NativeScript.from_bytes(fromHex(scriptRef.script)); nativeHashesOptional[ script.hash(C.ScriptHashNamespace.NativeScript).to_hex() ] = script; break; } case "PlutusV1": { const script = C.PlutusScript.from_bytes(fromHex(scriptRef.script)); plutusHashesOptional.push( script.hash(C.ScriptHashNamespace.PlutusV1).to_hex(), ); break; } case "PlutusV2": { const script = C.PlutusScript.from_bytes(fromHex(scriptRef.script)); plutusHashesOptional.push( script.hash(C.ScriptHashNamespace.PlutusV2).to_hex(), ); break; } } }
if (entry.utxo.datumHash) consumedHashes.add(entry.utxo.datumHash); }
type Tag = "Spend" | "Mint" | "Cert" | "Reward";
const redeemers = (() => { const tagMap: Record<number, Tag> = { 0: "Spend", 1: "Mint", 2: "Cert", 3: "Reward", }; const collected = []; for (let i = 0; i < (witnesses.redeemers()?.len() || 0); i++) { const redeemer = witnesses.redeemers()!.get(i); collected.push({ tag: tagMap[redeemer.tag().kind()], index: parseInt(redeemer.index().to_str()), }); } return collected; })();
function checkAndConsumeHash( credential: Credential, tag: Tag | null, index: number | null, ) { switch (credential.type) { case "Key": { if (!keyHashes.includes(credential.hash)) { throw new Error( `Missing vkey witness. Key hash: ${credential.hash}`, ); } consumedHashes.add(credential.hash); break; } case "Script": { if (nativeHashes.includes(credential.hash)) { consumedHashes.add(credential.hash); break; } else if (nativeHashesOptional[credential.hash]) { if ( !nativeHashesOptional[credential.hash].verify( Number.isInteger(lowerBound) ? C.BigNum.from_str(lowerBound!.toString()) : undefined, Number.isInteger(upperBound) ? C.BigNum.from_str(upperBound!.toString()) : undefined, edKeyHashes, ) ) { throw new Error( `Invalid native script witness. Script hash: ${credential.hash}`, ); } break; } else if ( plutusHashes.includes(credential.hash) || plutusHashesOptional.includes(credential.hash) ) { if ( redeemers.find((redeemer) => redeemer.tag === tag && redeemer.index === index ) ) { consumedHashes.add(credential.hash); break; } } throw new Error( `Missing script witness. Script hash: ${credential.hash}`, ); } } }
// Check collateral inputs
for (let i = 0; i < (body.collateral()?.len() || 0); i++) { const input = body.collateral()!.get(i);
const outRef = input.transaction_id().to_hex() + input.index().to_str();
const entry = this.ledger[outRef] || this.mempool[outRef];
if (!entry || entry.spent) { throw new Error( `Could not read UTxO: ${ JSON.stringify({ txHash: entry?.utxo.txHash, outputIndex: entry?.utxo.outputIndex, }) }\nIt does not exist or was already spent.`, ); }
const { paymentCredential } = getAddressDetails(entry.utxo.address); if (paymentCredential?.type === "Script") { throw new Error("Collateral inputs can only contain vkeys."); } checkAndConsumeHash(paymentCredential!, null, null); }
// Check required signers
for (let i = 0; i < (body.required_signers()?.len() || 0); i++) { const signer = body.required_signers()!.get(i); checkAndConsumeHash({ type: "Key", hash: signer.to_hex() }, null, null); }
// Check mint witnesses
for (let index = 0; index < ( || 0); index++) { const policyId =!.keys().get(index).to_hex(); checkAndConsumeHash({ type: "Script", hash: policyId }, "Mint", index); }
// Check withdrawal witnesses
const withdrawalRequests: { rewardAddress: RewardAddress; withdrawal: Lovelace; }[] = [];
for ( let index = 0; index < (body.withdrawals()?.keys().len() || 0); index++ ) { const rawAddress = body.withdrawals()!.keys().get(index); const withdrawal: Lovelace = BigInt( body.withdrawals()!.get(rawAddress)!.to_str(), ); const rewardAddress = rawAddress.to_address().to_bech32(undefined); const { stakeCredential } = getAddressDetails( rewardAddress, ); checkAndConsumeHash(stakeCredential!, "Reward", index); if (this.chain[rewardAddress]?.delegation.rewards !== withdrawal) { throw new Error( "Withdrawal amount doesn't match actual reward balance.", ); } withdrawalRequests.push({ rewardAddress, withdrawal }); }
// Check cert witnesses
const certRequests: { type: "Registration" | "Deregistration" | "Delegation"; rewardAddress: RewardAddress; poolId?: PoolId; }[] = [];
for (let index = 0; index < (body.certs()?.len() || 0); index++) { /* Checking only: 1. Stake registration 2. Stake deregistration 3. Stake delegation
All other certificate types are not checked and considered valid. */ const cert = body.certs()!.get(index); switch (cert.kind()) { case 0: { const registration = cert.as_stake_registration()!; const rewardAddress = C.NetworkInfo.testnet().network_id(), registration.stake_credential(), ).to_address().to_bech32(undefined); if (this.chain[rewardAddress]?.registeredStake) { throw new Error( `Stake key is already registered. Reward address: ${rewardAddress}`, ); } certRequests.push({ type: "Registration", rewardAddress }); break; } case 1: { const deregistration = cert.as_stake_deregistration()!; const rewardAddress = C.NetworkInfo.testnet().network_id(), deregistration.stake_credential(), ).to_address().to_bech32(undefined);
const { stakeCredential } = getAddressDetails(rewardAddress); checkAndConsumeHash(stakeCredential!, "Cert", index);
if (!this.chain[rewardAddress]?.registeredStake) { throw new Error( `Stake key is already deregistered. Reward address: ${rewardAddress}`, ); } certRequests.push({ type: "Deregistration", rewardAddress }); break; } case 2: { const delegation = cert.as_stake_delegation()!; const rewardAddress = C.NetworkInfo.testnet().network_id(), delegation.stake_credential(), ).to_address().to_bech32(undefined); const poolId = delegation.pool_keyhash().to_bech32("pool");
const { stakeCredential } = getAddressDetails(rewardAddress); checkAndConsumeHash(stakeCredential!, "Cert", index);
if ( !this.chain[rewardAddress]?.registeredStake && !certRequests.find((request) => request.type === "Registration" && request.rewardAddress === rewardAddress ) ) { throw new Error( `Stake key is not registered. Reward address: ${rewardAddress}`, ); } certRequests.push({ type: "Delegation", rewardAddress, poolId }); break; } } }
// Check input witnesses
resolvedInputs.forEach(({ entry: { utxo } }, index) => { const { paymentCredential } = getAddressDetails(utxo.address); checkAndConsumeHash(paymentCredential!, "Spend", index); });
// Create outputs and consume datum hashes const outputs = (() => { const collected = []; for (let i = 0; i < body.outputs().len(); i++) { const output = body.outputs().get(i); const unspentOutput = C.TransactionHash.from_hex(txHash), C.BigNum.from_str(i.toString()), ), output, );
const utxo = coreToUtxo(unspentOutput);
if (utxo.datumHash) consumedHashes.add(utxo.datumHash);
collected.push( { utxo, spent: false, }, ); } return collected; })();
// Check consumed witnesses
const [extraKeyHash] = keyHashes.filter((keyHash) => !consumedHashes.has(keyHash) ); if (extraKeyHash) { throw new Error(`Extraneous vkey witness. Key hash: ${extraKeyHash}`); }
const [extraNativeHash] = nativeHashes.filter((scriptHash) => !consumedHashes.has(scriptHash) ); if (extraNativeHash) { throw new Error( `Extraneous native script. Script hash: ${extraNativeHash}`, ); }
const [extraPlutusHash] = plutusHashes.filter((scriptHash) => !consumedHashes.has(scriptHash) ); if (extraPlutusHash) { throw new Error( `Extraneous plutus script. Script hash: ${extraPlutusHash}`, ); }
const [extraDatumHash] = Object.keys(datumTable).filter((datumHash) => !consumedHashes.has(datumHash) ); if (extraDatumHash) { throw new Error(`Extraneous plutus data. Datum hash: ${extraDatumHash}`); }
// Apply transitions
resolvedInputs.forEach(({ entry, type }) => { const outRef = entry.utxo.txHash + entry.utxo.outputIndex; entry.spent = true;
if (type === "Ledger") this.ledger[outRef] = entry; else if (type === "Mempool") this.mempool[outRef] = entry; });
withdrawalRequests.forEach(({ rewardAddress, withdrawal }) => { this.chain[rewardAddress].delegation.rewards -= withdrawal; });
certRequests.forEach(({ type, rewardAddress, poolId }) => { switch (type) { case "Registration": { if (this.chain[rewardAddress]) { this.chain[rewardAddress].registeredStake = true; } else { this.chain[rewardAddress] = { registeredStake: true, delegation: { poolId: null, rewards: 0n }, }; } break; } case "Deregistration": { this.chain[rewardAddress].registeredStake = false; this.chain[rewardAddress].delegation.poolId = null; break; } case "Delegation": { this.chain[rewardAddress].delegation.poolId = poolId!; } } });
outputs.forEach(({ utxo, spent }) => { this.mempool[utxo.txHash + utxo.outputIndex] = { utxo, spent, }; });
for (const [datumHash, datum] of Object.entries(datumTable)) { this.datumTable[datumHash] = datum; }
return Promise.resolve(txHash); }
log() { function getRandomColor(unit: Unit) { const seed = unit === "lovelace" ? "1" : unit; // Convert the seed string to a number let num = 0; for (let i = 0; i < seed.length; i++) { num += seed.charCodeAt(i); }
// Generate a color based on the seed number const r = (num * 123) % 256; const g = (num * 321) % 256; const b = (num * 213) % 256;
// Return the color as a hex string return "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1); }
const totalBalances: Assets = {};
const balances: Record<Address, Assets> = {}; for (const { utxo } of Object.values(this.ledger)) { for (const [unit, quantity] of Object.entries(utxo.assets)) { if (!balances[utxo.address]) { balances[utxo.address] = { [unit]: quantity }; } else if (!balances[utxo.address]?.[unit]) { balances[utxo.address][unit] = quantity; } else { balances[utxo.address][unit] += quantity; }
if (!totalBalances[unit]) { totalBalances[unit] = quantity; } else { totalBalances[unit] += quantity; } } }
console.log("\n%cBlockchain state", "color:purple"); console.log( ` Block height: %c${this.blockHeight}%c Slot: %c${this.slot}%c Unix time: %c${this.time} `, "color:yellow", "color:white", "color:yellow", "color:white", "color:yellow", ); console.log("\n"); for (const [address, assets] of Object.entries(balances)) { console.log( `Address: %c${address}`, "color:blue", "\n", ); for (const [unit, quantity] of Object.entries(assets)) { const barLength = Math.max( Math.floor( 60 * (Number(quantity) / Number(totalBalances[unit])), ), 1, ); console.log( `%c${"\u2586".repeat(barLength) + " ".repeat(60 - barLength)}`, `color: ${getRandomColor(unit)}`, "", `${unit}:`, quantity, "", ); } console.log( `\n${"\u2581".repeat(60)}\n`, ); } }}