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Lucid is a library, which allows you to create Cardano transactions and off-chain code for your Plutus contracts in JavaScript, Deno and Node.js.
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import { Address, Assets, Credential, Datum, DatumHash, Delegation, OutRef, ProtocolParameters, Provider, RewardAddress, Transaction, TxHash, Unit, UTxO,} from "../types/mod.ts";import { C } from "../core/mod.ts";import { fromHex, fromUnit, toHex } from "../utils/mod.ts";
export class Kupmios implements Provider { kupoUrl: string; ogmiosUrl: string;
/** * @param kupoUrl: http(s)://localhost:1442 * @param ogmiosUrl: ws(s)://localhost:1337 */ constructor(kupoUrl: string, ogmiosUrl: string) { this.kupoUrl = kupoUrl; this.ogmiosUrl = ogmiosUrl; }
async getProtocolParameters(): Promise<ProtocolParameters> { const client = await this.ogmiosWsp("Query", { query: "currentProtocolParameters", });
return new Promise((res, rej) => { client.addEventListener("message", (msg: MessageEvent<string>) => { try { const { result } = JSON.parse(;
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const costModels: any = {}; Object.keys(result.costModels).forEach((v) => { const version = v.split(":")[1].toUpperCase(); const plutusVersion = "Plutus" + version; costModels[plutusVersion] = result.costModels[v]; }); const [memNum, memDenom] = result.prices.memory.split("/"); const [stepsNum, stepsDenom] = result.prices.steps.split("/");
res( { minFeeA: parseInt(result.minFeeCoefficient), minFeeB: parseInt(result.minFeeConstant), maxTxSize: parseInt(result.maxTxSize), maxValSize: parseInt(result.maxValueSize), keyDeposit: BigInt(result.stakeKeyDeposit), poolDeposit: BigInt(result.poolDeposit), priceMem: parseInt(memNum) / parseInt(memDenom), priceStep: parseInt(stepsNum) / parseInt(stepsDenom), maxTxExMem: BigInt(result.maxExecutionUnitsPerTransaction.memory), maxTxExSteps: BigInt( result.maxExecutionUnitsPerTransaction.steps, ), coinsPerUtxoByte: BigInt(result.coinsPerUtxoByte), collateralPercentage: parseInt(result.collateralPercentage), maxCollateralInputs: parseInt(result.maxCollateralInputs), costModels, }, ); client.close(); } catch (e) { rej(e); } }, { once: true }); }); }
async getUtxos(addressOrCredential: Address | Credential): Promise<UTxO[]> { const isAddress = typeof addressOrCredential === "string"; const queryPredicate = isAddress ? addressOrCredential : addressOrCredential.hash; const result = await fetch( `${this.kupoUrl}/matches/${queryPredicate}${ isAddress ? "" : "/*" }?unspent`, ) .then((res) => res.json()); return this.kupmiosUtxosToUtxos(result); }
async getUtxosWithUnit( addressOrCredential: Address | Credential, unit: Unit, ): Promise<UTxO[]> { const isAddress = typeof addressOrCredential === "string"; const queryPredicate = isAddress ? addressOrCredential : addressOrCredential.hash; const { policyId, assetName } = fromUnit(unit); const result = await fetch( `${this.kupoUrl}/matches/${queryPredicate}${ isAddress ? "" : "/*" }?unspent&policy_id=${policyId}${ assetName ? `&asset_name=${assetName}` : "" }`, ) .then((res) => res.json()); return this.kupmiosUtxosToUtxos(result); }
async getUtxoByUnit(unit: Unit): Promise<UTxO> { const { policyId, assetName } = fromUnit(unit); const result = await fetch( `${this.kupoUrl}/matches/${policyId}.${ assetName ? `${assetName}` : "*" }?unspent`, ) .then((res) => res.json());
const utxos = await this.kupmiosUtxosToUtxos(result);
if (utxos.length > 1) { throw new Error("Unit needs to be an NFT or only held by one address."); }
return utxos[0]; }
async getUtxosByOutRef(outRefs: Array<OutRef>): Promise<UTxO[]> { const queryHashes = [ Set( => outRef.txHash))];
const utxos = await Promise.all( (txHash) => { const result = await fetch( `${this.kupoUrl}/matches/*@${txHash}?unspent`, ).then((res) => res.json()); return this.kupmiosUtxosToUtxos(result); }));
return utxos.reduce((acc, utxos) => acc.concat(utxos), []).filter((utxo) => outRefs.some((outRef) => utxo.txHash === outRef.txHash && utxo.outputIndex === outRef.outputIndex ) ); }
async getDelegation(rewardAddress: RewardAddress): Promise<Delegation> { const client = await this.ogmiosWsp("Query", { query: { "delegationsAndRewards": [rewardAddress] }, });
return new Promise((res, rej) => { client.addEventListener("message", (msg: MessageEvent<string>) => { try { const { result } = JSON.parse(; const delegation = (result ? Object.values(result)[0] : {}) as { delegate: string; rewards: number; }; res( { poolId: delegation?.delegate || null, rewards: BigInt(delegation?.rewards || 0), }, ); client.close(); } catch (e) { rej(e); } }, { once: true }); }); }
async getDatum(datumHash: DatumHash): Promise<Datum> { const result = await fetch( `${this.kupoUrl}/datums/${datumHash}`, ).then((res) => res.json()); if (!result || !result.datum) { throw new Error(`No datum found for datum hash: ${datumHash}`); } return result.datum; }
awaitTx(txHash: TxHash, checkInterval = 3000): Promise<boolean> { return new Promise((res) => { const confirmation = setInterval(async () => { const isConfirmed = await fetch( `${this.kupoUrl}/matches/*@${txHash}?unspent`, ).then((res) => res.json()); if (isConfirmed && isConfirmed.length > 0) { clearInterval(confirmation); res(true); return; } }, checkInterval); }); }
async submitTx(tx: Transaction): Promise<TxHash> { const client = await this.ogmiosWsp("SubmitTx", { submit: tx, });
return new Promise((res, rej) => { client.addEventListener("message", (msg: MessageEvent<string>) => { try { const { result } = JSON.parse(;
if (result.SubmitSuccess) res(result.SubmitSuccess.txId); else rej(result.SubmitFail); client.close(); } catch (e) { rej(e); } }, { once: true }); }); }
private kupmiosUtxosToUtxos(utxos: unknown): Promise<UTxO[]> { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return Promise.all((utxos as any).map(async (utxo: any) => { return ({ txHash: utxo.transaction_id, outputIndex: parseInt(utxo.output_index), address: utxo.address, assets: (() => { const a: Assets = { lovelace: BigInt(utxo.value.coins) }; Object.keys(utxo.value.assets).forEach((unit) => { a[unit.replace(".", "")] = BigInt(utxo.value.assets[unit]); }); return a; })(), datumHash: utxo?.datum_type === "hash" ? utxo.datum_hash : null, datum: utxo?.datum_type === "inline" ? await this.getDatum(utxo.datum_hash) : null, scriptRef: utxo.script_hash && (await (async () => { const { script, language, } = await fetch( `${this.kupoUrl}/scripts/${utxo.script_hash}`, ).then((res) => res.json());
if (language === "native") { return { type: "Native", script }; } else if (language === "plutus:v1") { return { type: "PlutusV1", script: toHex(, }; } else if (language === "plutus:v2") { return { type: "PlutusV2", script: toHex(, }; } })()), }) as UTxO; })); }
private async ogmiosWsp( methodname: string, args: unknown, ): Promise<WebSocket> { const client = new WebSocket(this.ogmiosUrl); await new Promise((res) => { client.addEventListener("open", () => res(1), { once: true }); }); client.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "jsonwsp/request", version: "1.0", servicename: "ogmios", methodname, args, })); return client; }}