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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { Eta } from "../deps/eta.ts";import { posix } from "../deps/path.ts";import loader from "../core/loaders/text.ts";import { merge } from "../core/utils/object.ts";
import type Site from "../core/site.ts";import type { Engine, Helper, HelperOptions } from "../core/renderer.ts";import type { EtaConfig } from "../deps/eta.ts";
export interface Options { /** The list of extensions this plugin applies to */ extensions?: string[];
/** Optional sub-extension for page files */ pageSubExtension?: string;
/** * Custom includes path * @default `site.options.includes` */ includes?: string;
/** Configuration to pass to Eta */ options?: Partial<EtaConfig>;}
// Default optionsexport const defaults: Options = { extensions: [".eta"], includes: "", options: { useWith: true, },};
/** Template engine to render Eta files */export class EtaEngine implements Engine { engine: Eta; filters: Record<string, Helper> = {}; basePath: string; includes: string;
constructor(engine: Eta, basePath: string, includes: string) { this.engine = engine; this.basePath = basePath; this.includes = includes; }
deleteCache(file: string): void { const path = posix.join(this.basePath, file); this.engine.templatesSync.remove(path); this.engine.templatesAsync.remove(path); }
render(content: string, data: Record<string, unknown>, filename: string) { const template = this.getTemplate(content, filename, true);
data.filters = this.filters; return this.engine.renderAsync(template, data, { filepath: filename }); }
renderComponent( content: string, data: Record<string, unknown>, filename: string, ): string { const template = this.getTemplate(content, filename, false);
data.filters = this.filters; return this.engine.render(template, data, { filepath: filename }); }
getTemplate(content: string, filename: string, async?: boolean) { filename = posix.join(this.basePath, filename);
const templates = async ? this.engine.templatesAsync : this.engine.templatesSync; if (!templates.get(filename)) { templates.define( filename, this.engine.compile( content, { async }, ), ); } return templates.get(filename)!; }
addHelper(name: string, fn: Helper, options: HelperOptions) { switch (options.type) { case "filter": this.filters[name] = fn; return; } }}
/** Register the plugin to use Eta as a template engine */export default function (userOptions?: Options) { return (site: Site) => { const options = merge( { ...defaults, includes: site.options.includes }, userOptions, );
// Configure Eta const eta = new Eta({ ...options.options, views: site.src(options.includes), });
const engine = new EtaEngine(eta, site.src(), options.includes);
// Ignore includes folder if (options.includes) { site.ignore(options.includes); }
// Load the pages and register the engine site.loadPages(options.extensions, { loader, engine, pageSubExtension: options.pageSubExtension, }); };}