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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { autoprefixer, postcss, postcssImport, postcssNesting,} from "../deps/postcss.ts";import { merge } from "../core/utils/object.ts";import { concurrent } from "../core/utils/concurrent.ts";import { resolveInclude } from "../core/utils/path.ts";import { Page } from "../core/file.ts";import { prepareAsset, saveAsset } from "./source_maps.ts";import textLoader from "../core/loaders/text.ts";
import type Site from "../core/site.ts";import type { SourceMap } from "./source_maps.ts";
export interface Options { /** The list of extensions this plugin applies to */ extensions?: string[];
/** * Custom includes path for `postcss-import` * @default `site.options.includes` */ includes?: string | false;
/** * Plugins to use by postcss * @default `[postcssNesting(), autoprefixer()]` */ plugins?: unknown[];
/** Set `false` to remove the default plugins */ useDefaultPlugins?: boolean;
/** The name of the helper */ name?: string;}
// Default optionsexport const defaults: Options = { extensions: [".css"], useDefaultPlugins: true, name: "postcss",};
const defaultPlugins = [ postcssNesting(), autoprefixer(),];
/** A plugin to load all CSS files and process them using PostCSS */export default function (userOptions?: Options) { return (site: Site) => { const options = merge<Options>( { ...defaults, includes: site.options.includes }, userOptions, );
const plugins = [...options.plugins ?? []];
if (options.useDefaultPlugins) { plugins.unshift(...defaultPlugins); }
if (options.includes) { plugins.unshift(configureImport(site, options.includes)); site.ignore(options.includes); }
// @ts-ignore: Argument of type 'unknown[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AcceptedPlugin[]'. const runner = postcss(plugins);
site.hooks.addPostcssPlugin = (plugin) => { runner.use(plugin); }; site.hooks.postcss = (callback) => callback(runner);
site.loadAssets(options.extensions); site.process(options.extensions, (pages) => concurrent(pages, postCss)); site.filter(, filter, true);
async function postCss(file: Page) { const { content, filename, sourceMap, enableSourceMap } = prepareAsset( site, file, ); const to = site.dest(file.outputPath); const map = enableSourceMap ? { inline: false, prev: sourceMap, annotation: false, } : undefined;
// Process the code with PostCSS const result = await runner.process(content, { from: filename, to, map });
saveAsset( site, file, result.css, as unknown as SourceMap, ); }
async function filter(code: string): Promise<string> { const result = await runner.process(code, { from: undefined }); return result.css; } };}
/** * Function to configure the postcssImport * using the Lume reader and the includes loader */function configureImport(site: Site, includes: string) { return postcssImport({ /** Resolve the import path */ resolve(id: string, basedir: string) { return resolveInclude(id, includes, basedir); },
/** Load the content (using the Lume reader) */ async load(file: string) { const content = await site.getContent(file, textLoader); if (content === undefined) { throw new Error(`File ${file} not found`); } return content; }, });}
/** Extends Helpers interface */declare global { namespace Lume { export interface Helpers { /** @see */ postcss: (code: string) => Promise<string>; } }}