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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { posix } from "../deps/path.ts";import modifyUrls from "./modify_urls.ts";import { normalizePath } from "../core/utils/path.ts";
import type Site from "../core/site.ts";
/** A plugin to convert links to source files to the final page */export default function () { return (site: Site) => { const cache = new Map<string, string | null>();
site.addEventListener("beforeUpdate", () => cache.clear());
site.use(modifyUrls({ fn(url, page) { // It's a pretty url or absolute url, so we don't need to do anything if (ignore(url)) { return url; }
let [file, rest] = getPathInfo(url);
if (!file.startsWith("~")) { file = posix.resolve( posix.dirname(normalizePath(page.src.path)), file, ); }
if (cache.has(file)) { const cached = cache.get(file); return cached ? cached + rest : url; }
try { const resolved = file.startsWith("~") ? site.url(file) : site.url(`~${file}`);
cache.set(file, resolved); return resolved + rest; } catch { cache.set(file, null); }
return url; }, })); };}
/** * Split the filename and the extra content (query or hash) from a path * Example: "/" => ["/", "?hello=world"] * Example: "/" => ["/", "#hello=world"] */export function getPathInfo(path: string): [string, string] { let file = path, rest = "";
if (path.includes("?")) { [file, rest] = path.split("?", 2); rest = `?${rest}`; } else if (path.includes("#")) { [file, rest] = path.split("#", 2); rest = `#${rest}`; }
return [file, rest];}
function ignore(url: string) { return !url || url.startsWith("?") || url.startsWith("#") || url.startsWith("data:") || url.includes("//") || (url.endsWith("/") && !url.startsWith("~")); // Pretty url}