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🔥 Static site generator for Deno 🦕
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export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[`relative_url plugin 1`] = `{ formats: [ { engines: 0, ext: ".page.toml", loader: [AsyncFunction: toml], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".page.ts", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".page.js", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 0, ext: ".page.jsonc", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 0, ext: ".page.json", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], engines: 0, ext: ".json", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], engines: 0, ext: ".jsonc", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], }, { engines: 1, ext: ".md", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".markdown", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engines: 1, ext: ".js", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engines: 1, ext: ".ts", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { engines: 1, ext: ".vento", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".vto", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: toml], engines: 0, ext: ".toml", loader: [AsyncFunction: toml], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engines: 0, ext: ".yaml", loader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engines: 0, ext: ".yml", loader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], pageType: "page", }, ], src: [ "/", "/articles", "/articles/", "/articles/", "/articles/", "/", "/", "/statics", "/statics/robots.txt", "/tílde-and-eñ", ],}`;
snapshot[`relative_url plugin 2`] = `[ { entry: "/statics/robots.txt", flags: [], outputPath: "/robots.txt", },]`;
snapshot[`relative_url plugin 3`] = `[ { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p>First article</p><p><a href="/drafts/second-article/">Go to second</a><a href="/articles/third-article/">Go to third</a><a href="/other/">Go to other</a><a href="/">Go to index</a></p></body></html>', data: { basename: "article-1", children: '<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file --><p>First article</p><p><a href="./">Go to second</a><a href="./">Go to third</a><a href="../">Go to other</a><a href="/">Go to index</a></p>', content: "<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file -->First article
[Go to second](./[Go to third](./[Go to other](../[Go to index](/", date: [], mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/articles/first-article/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".md", path: "/articles/article-1", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p>Second article</p><p><a href="/articles/first-article/">Go to first</a><a href="/articles/third-article/">Go to third</a><a href="/other/">Go to other</a><a href="/">Go to index</a></p></body></html>', data: { basename: "article-2", children: '<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file --><p>Second article</p><p><a href="">Go to first</a><a href="">Go to third</a><a href="../">Go to other</a><a href="/">Go to index</a></p>', content: "<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file -->Second article
[Go to first]([Go to third]([Go to other](../[Go to index](/", date: [], mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/drafts/second-article/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".md", path: "/articles/article-2", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p>Third article</p><p><a href="/drafts/second-article/">Go to second</a><a href="/other/">Go to other</a><a href="/">Go to index</a></p></body></html>', data: { basename: "article-3", children: '<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file --><p>Third article</p><p><a href="./">Go to second</a><a href="../">Go to other</a><a href="/">Go to index</a></p>', content: "<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file -->Third article
[Go to second](./[Go to other](../[Go to index](/", date: [], mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/articles/third-article/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".md", path: "/articles/article-3", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p><a href="/bar">url</a><a href="foo">url</a><a href="./foo">url</a><a href="../foo">url</a><a href="#foo">url</a><a href="?foo=bar">url</a><a href="/other/">url</a><a href="/other/">url</a><a href="">url</a><a href="/other/?tab=1">url</a><a href="/other/#tab-1">url</a><a href="/robots.txt">url</a><a href="/tilde-and-ene/">url</a></p></body></html>', data: { basename: "index", children: '<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file --><p><a href="/bar">url</a><a href="foo">url</a><a href="./foo">url</a><a href="../foo">url</a><a href="#foo">url</a><a href="?foo=bar">url</a><a href="~/">url</a><a href="">url</a><a href="">url</a><a href="">url</a><a href="">url</a><a href="~/statics/robots.txt">url</a><a href="">url</a></p>', content: "<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file -->[url](/bar)[url](foo)[url](./foo)[url](../foo)[url](#foo)[url](?foo=bar)[url](~/[url]([url]([url]([url]([url](~/statics/robots.txt)[url](tílde-and-eñ", date: [], mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".md", path: "/index", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p>Other page</p><p><a href="/robots.txt">See robots.txt</a></p></body></html>', data: { basename: "other", children: '<p>Other page</p><p><a href="statics/robots.txt">See robots.txt</a></p>', content: "Other page[See robots.txt](statics/robots.txt)", date: [], mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/other/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".md", path: "/other", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p>Tilde and eñe</p></body></html>", data: { basename: "tílde-and-eñe", children: "<p>Tilde and eñe</p>", content: "Tilde and eñe", date: [], mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/tilde-and-ene/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".md", path: "/tílde-and-eñe", remote: undefined, }, },]`;
snapshot[`relative_url plugin (without slugify) 1`] = `{ formats: [ { engines: 0, ext: ".page.toml", loader: [AsyncFunction: toml], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".page.ts", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".page.js", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 0, ext: ".page.jsonc", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 0, ext: ".page.json", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], engines: 0, ext: ".json", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], engines: 0, ext: ".jsonc", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], }, { engines: 1, ext: ".md", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".markdown", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engines: 1, ext: ".js", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engines: 1, ext: ".ts", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { engines: 1, ext: ".vento", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".vto", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: toml], engines: 0, ext: ".toml", loader: [AsyncFunction: toml], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engines: 0, ext: ".yaml", loader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engines: 0, ext: ".yml", loader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], pageType: "page", }, ], src: [ "/", "/articles", "/articles/", "/articles/", "/articles/", "/", "/", "/statics", "/statics/robots.txt", "/tílde-and-eñ", ],}`;
snapshot[`relative_url plugin (without slugify) 2`] = `[ { entry: "/statics/robots.txt", flags: [], outputPath: "/robots.txt", },]`;
snapshot[`relative_url plugin (without slugify) 3`] = `[ { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p>First article</p><p><a href="/drafts/second-article/">Go to second</a><a href="/articles/third%20article/">Go to third</a><a href="/other/">Go to other</a><a href="/">Go to index</a></p></body></html>', data: { basename: "article-1", children: '<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file --><p>First article</p><p><a href="./">Go to second</a><a href="./">Go to third</a><a href="../">Go to other</a><a href="/">Go to index</a></p>', content: "<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file -->First article
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[Go to second](./[Go to other](../[Go to index](/", date: [], mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/articles/third%20article/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".md", path: "/articles/article-3", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p><a href="/bar">url</a><a href="foo">url</a><a href="./foo">url</a><a href="../foo">url</a><a href="#foo">url</a><a href="?foo=bar">url</a><a href="/other/">url</a><a href="/other/">url</a><a href="">url</a><a href="/other/?tab=1">url</a><a href="/other/#tab-1">url</a><a href="/robots.txt">url</a><a href="/tílde-and-eñe/">url</a></p></body></html>', data: { basename: "index", children: '<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file --><p><a href="/bar">url</a><a href="foo">url</a><a href="./foo">url</a><a href="../foo">url</a><a href="#foo">url</a><a href="?foo=bar">url</a><a href="~/">url</a><a href="">url</a><a href="">url</a><a href="">url</a><a href="">url</a><a href="~/statics/robots.txt">url</a><a href="">url</a></p>', content: "<!-- deno-fmt-ignore-file -->[url](/bar)[url](foo)[url](./foo)[url](../foo)[url](#foo)[url](?foo=bar)[url](~/[url]([url]([url]([url]([url](~/statics/robots.txt)[url](tílde-and-eñ", date: [], mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".md", path: "/index", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p>Other page</p><p><a href="/robots.txt">See robots.txt</a></p></body></html>', data: { basename: "other", children: '<p>Other page</p><p><a href="statics/robots.txt">See robots.txt</a></p>', content: "Other page[See robots.txt](statics/robots.txt)", date: [], mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/other/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".md", path: "/other", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p>Tilde and eñe</p></body></html>", data: { basename: "tílde-and-eñe", children: "<p>Tilde and eñe</p>", content: "Tilde and eñe", date: [], mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/tílde-and-eñe/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".md", path: "/tílde-and-eñe", remote: undefined, }, },]`;