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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 1`] = `9`;
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 2`] = `{ formats: [ { engine: true, ext: ".tmpl.ts", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { engine: true, ext: ".tmpl.js", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { engine: false, ext: ".tmpl.json", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], engine: false, ext: ".json", }, { engine: true, ext: ".md", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: text], }, { componentLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engine: true, ext: ".js", }, { componentLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engine: true, ext: ".ts", }, { componentLoader: [AsyncFunction: text], engine: true, ext: ".njk", includesPath: "_includes", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: text], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engine: false, ext: ".yaml", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engine: false, ext: ".yml", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], }, { asset: true, engine: false, ext: ".png", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: binary], }, { asset: true, engine: false, ext: ".css", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: text], }, ],}`;
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 3`] = `[ { dest: "/static.yml", remote: undefined, src: "/static.yml", },]`;
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 4`] = `{ content: "Uint8Array(1503)", data: { content: "Uint8Array(1503)", date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, imagick: [ { resize: [ 400, 300, ], suffix: "-small", }, ], mergedKeys: { imagick: "array", metas: "object", tags: "stringArray", }, metas: { description: "Default description", title: "Default title", }, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, site: "Default site name", tags: [ "pages", ], url: "/favicon.png", }, dest: { ext: ".png", path: "/favicon", }, src: { ext: ".png", path: "/favicon", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 5`] = `{ content: "Content of Page 5", data: { content: "Content of Page 5", date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, imagick: [ { resize: [ 400, 300, ], suffix: "-small", }, ], mergedKeys: { imagick: "array", metas: "object", tags: "stringArray", }, metas: { description: "Default description", title: "Default title", }, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, site: "Default site name", tags: [ "pages", ], title: "Page 5", url: "/page5/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/page5/index", }, src: { ext: ".yaml", path: "/page5", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 6`] = `{ content: "<p>Content of Page 1</p>", data: { colors: [ "#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#00ff00", ], content: "Content of Page 1", date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, documents: [ { title: "Document 1", }, { title: "Document 2", }, { title: "Document 3", }, ], draft: true, drinks: { alcoholic: [ "gin-tonic", "gin-soda", ], others: [ "coffee", "tea", ], }, imagick: [ { resize: [ 400, 300, ], suffix: "-small", }, { resize: [ 900, 900, ], suffix: "-big", }, ], mergedKeys: { imagick: "array", metas: "object", tags: "stringArray", }, metas: { description: "Default description", title: "Custom title", }, names: [ "Oscar", "Laura", ], page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, site: "Folder overrided site name", tags: [ "pages", "sub-pages", "page1", ], title: "Page 1", url: "/pages/page1/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/pages/page1/index", }, src: { ext: ".md", path: "/pages/1_page1", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 7`] = `{ content: "Content of Page 2", data: { colors: [ "#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#00ff00", ], content: "Content of Page 2", date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, documents: [ { title: "Document 1", }, { title: "Document 2", }, { title: "Document 3", }, ], drinks: { alcoholic: [ "gin-tonic", "gin-soda", ], others: [ "coffee", "tea", ], }, imagick: [ { resize: [ 400, 300, ], suffix: "-small", }, ], mergedKeys: { imagick: "array", metas: "object", tags: "stringArray", }, metas: { description: "Default description", title: "Default title", }, names: [ "Oscar", "Laura", ], page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, site: "Folder overrided site name", tags: [ "pages", "sub-pages", ], title: "Page 2", url: "/overrided-page2/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/overrided-page2/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.json", path: "/pages/2020-06-21_page2", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 8`] = `{ content: "Content of Page 4 in Overrided site name, from the file /pages/2021-01-02-18-32_page4.tmpl.ts", data: { colors: [ "#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#00ff00", ], content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, documents: [ { title: "Document 1", }, { title: "Document 2", }, { title: "Document 3", }, ], drinks: { alcoholic: [ "gin-tonic", "gin-soda", ], others: [ "coffee", "tea", ], }, imagick: [ { resize: [ 400, 300, ], suffix: "-small", }, ], mergedKeys: { imagick: "array", metas: "object", tags: "stringArray", }, metas: { description: "Default description", title: "Default title", }, names: [ "Oscar", "Laura", ], page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, site: "Overrided site name", tags: [ "pages", "sub-pages", ], title: "Page 4", url: "/pages/page4/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/pages/page4/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages/2021-01-02-18-32_page4", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 9`] = `{ content: "<p>Content of Page 6</p>", data: { colors: [ "#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#00ff00", ], content: "Content of Page 6", date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, documents: [ { title: "Document 1", }, { title: "Document 2", }, { title: "Document 3", }, ], drinks: { alcoholic: [ "gin-tonic", "gin-soda", ], others: [ "coffee", "tea", ], }, imagick: [ { resize: [ 400, 300, ], suffix: "-small", }, ], mergedKeys: { imagick: "array", metas: "object", tags: "stringArray", }, metas: { description: "Default description", title: "Default title", }, names: [ "Oscar", "Laura", ], page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, site: "Folder overrided site name", tags: [ "pages", "sub-pages", "page6", ], title: "Page 6", url: "/pages/page6/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/pages/page6/index", }, src: { ext: ".md", path: "/pages/2021-12-29_page6", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 10`] = `{ content: "Content of Page 3", data: { colors: [ "#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#00ff00", ], content: "Content of Page 3", date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, documents: [ { title: "Document 1", }, { title: "Document 2", }, { title: "Document 3", }, ], drinks: { alcoholic: [ "gin-tonic", "gin-soda", ], others: [ "coffee", "tea", ], }, imagick: [ { resize: [ 400, 300, ], suffix: "-small", }, ], mergedKeys: { imagick: "array", metas: "object", tags: "stringArray", }, metas: { description: "Default description", title: "Default title", }, names: [ "Oscar", "Laura", ], page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, site: "Folder overrided site name", tags: [ "pages", "sub-pages", ], title: "Page 3", url: "/page_3", }, dest: { ext: "", path: "/page_3", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.js", path: "/pages/page3", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 11`] = `{ content: "Content of Page 7", data: { colors: [ "#ff0000", "#0000ff", "#00ff00", ], content: "Content of Page 7", date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, documents: [ { title: "Document 1", }, { title: "Document 2", }, { title: "Document 3", }, ], drinks: { alcoholic: [ "gin-tonic", "gin-soda", ], others: [ "coffee", "tea", ], }, imagick: [ { resize: [ 400, 300, ], suffix: "-small", }, ], mergedKeys: { imagick: "array", metas: "object", tags: "stringArray", }, metas: { description: "Default description", title: "Default title", }, names: [ "Oscar", "Laura", ], page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, site: "Folder overrided site name", tags: [ "pages", "sub-pages", "sub-sub-pages", "page7", ], title: "Page 7", url: "/pages/subpage/page7/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/pages/subpage/page7/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.js", path: "/pages/subpage/page7", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`Load the pages of a site 12`] = `{ content: "body { font-family: sans-serif; color: black;}", data: { content: "body { font-family: sans-serif; color: black;}", date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, imagick: [ { resize: [ 400, 300, ], suffix: "-small", }, ], mergedKeys: { imagick: "array", metas: "object", tags: "stringArray", }, metas: { description: "Default description", title: "Default title", }, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, site: "Default site name", tags: [ "pages", ], url: "/styles.css", }, dest: { ext: ".css", path: "/styles", }, src: { ext: ".css", path: "/styles", remote: undefined, },}`;