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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[`render order property 1`] = `24`;
snapshot[`render order property 2`] = `{ formats: [ { engine: true, ext: ".tmpl.ts", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { engine: true, ext: ".tmpl.js", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { engine: false, ext: ".tmpl.json", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], engine: false, ext: ".json", }, { engine: true, ext: ".md", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: text], }, { componentLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engine: true, ext: ".js", }, { componentLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engine: true, ext: ".ts", }, { componentLoader: [AsyncFunction: text], engine: true, ext: ".njk", includesPath: "_includes", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: text], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engine: false, ext: ".yaml", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engine: false, ext: ".yml", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], }, ],}`;
snapshot[`render order property 3`] = `[]`;
snapshot[`render order property 4`] = `{ content: "<p>Hello world</p>", data: { content: "Hello world", date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/extra-page/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/extra-page/index", }, src: { ext: ".md", path: "/extra-page", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 5`] = `{ content: "11", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], renderOrder: 2, search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/11/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/11/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages2[0]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 6`] = `{ content: "12", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], renderOrder: 2, search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/12/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/12/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages2[1]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 7`] = `{ content: "13", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], renderOrder: 2, search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/13/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/13/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages2[2]", remote: undefined, },}`;
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snapshot[`render order property 9`] = `{ content: "15", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], renderOrder: 2, search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/15/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/15/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages2[4]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 10`] = `{ content: "16", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], renderOrder: 2, search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/16/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/16/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages2[5]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 11`] = `{ content: "17", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], renderOrder: 2, search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/17/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/17/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages2[6]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 12`] = `{ content: "18", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], renderOrder: 2, search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/18/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/18/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages2[7]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 13`] = `{ content: "19", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], renderOrder: 2, search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/19/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/19/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages2[8]", remote: undefined, },}`;
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snapshot[`render order property 15`] = `{ content: "1", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/1/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/1/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages[0]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 16`] = `{ content: "2", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/2/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/2/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages[1]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 17`] = `{ content: "3", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/3/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/3/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages[2]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 18`] = `{ content: "4", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/4/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/4/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages[3]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 19`] = `{ content: "5", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/5/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/5/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages[4]", remote: undefined, },}`;
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snapshot[`render order property 21`] = `{ content: "7", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/7/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/7/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages[6]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 22`] = `{ content: "8", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/8/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/8/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages[7]", remote: undefined, },}`;
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snapshot[`render order property 24`] = `{ content: "10", data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/articles/10/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/articles/10/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pages[9]", remote: undefined, },}`;
snapshot[`render order property 25`] = `{ content: '{"page":1,"totalPages":3,"totalResults":11,"previous":null,"next":"./page-2/index.html"}', data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, layout: "paginate.tmpl.js", page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], pagination: { next: "./page-2/index.html", page: 1, previous: null, totalPages: 3, totalResults: 11, }, renderOrder: 1, results: 5, search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/pagination/page-1/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/pagination/page-1/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pagination[0]", remote: undefined, },}`;
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snapshot[`render order property 27`] = `{ content: '{"page":3,"totalPages":3,"totalResults":11,"previous":"./page-2/index.html","next":null}', data: { content: undefined, date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, layout: "paginate.tmpl.js", page: undefined, paginate: [GeneratorFunction: paginate], pagination: { next: null, page: 3, previous: "./page-2/index.html", totalPages: 3, totalResults: 11, }, renderOrder: 1, results: 1, search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/pagination/page-3/", }, dest: { ext: ".html", path: "/pagination/page-3/index", }, src: { ext: ".tmpl.ts", path: "/pagination[2]", remote: undefined, },}`;