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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[`lightningcss plugin 1`] = `2`;
snapshot[`lightningcss plugin 2`] = `{ formats: [ { engines: 1, ext: ".tmpl.ts", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { engines: 1, ext: ".tmpl.js", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { engines: undefined, ext: ".tmpl.json", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], engines: undefined, ext: ".json", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".md", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: text], }, { componentLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engines: 1, ext: ".js", }, { componentLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engines: 1, ext: ".ts", }, { componentLoader: [AsyncFunction: text], engines: 1, ext: ".njk", includesPath: "_includes", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: text], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engines: undefined, ext: ".yaml", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engines: undefined, ext: ".yml", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], }, { asset: true, engines: undefined, ext: ".css", pageLoader: [AsyncFunction: text], }, ],}`;
snapshot[`lightningcss plugin 3`] = `[]`;
snapshot[`lightningcss plugin 4`] = `{ content: '@import "variables.css";@import "./text.css";', data: { content: '@import "variables.css";@import "./text.css";', date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [Function: paginate], search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/index.css", }, dest: { ext: ".css", path: "/index", }, src: { asset: true, ext: ".css", path: "/index", remote: undefined, slug: "index", },}`;
snapshot[`lightningcss plugin 5`] = `{ content: ".text{font-family:var(--font-family)}.text p{color:var(--color);box-shadow:0 0 .5em var(--background);-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;backface-visibility:hidden}", data: { content: ".text { font-family: var(--font-family); & p { color: var(--color); box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em var(--background); backface-visibility: hidden; }}", date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, page: undefined, paginate: [Function: paginate], search: Search {}, tags: [ ], url: "/text.css", }, dest: { ext: ".css", path: "/text", }, src: { asset: true, ext: ".css", path: "/text", remote: undefined, slug: "text", },}`;