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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { dirname, extname, posix } from "../deps/path.ts";import { concurrent } from "./utils.ts";import { Exception } from "./errors.ts";
import type { Data, Engines, IncludesLoader, Page, Processors,} from "../core.ts";
export interface Options { includesLoader: IncludesLoader; prettyUrls: boolean; preprocessors: Processors; engines: Engines;}
/** * The renderer is responsible for rendering the site pages * in the right order and using the right template engine. */export default class Renderer { /** To load the includes files (layouts) */ includesLoader: IncludesLoader;
/** To convert the urls to pretty /example.html => /example/ */ prettyUrls: boolean;
/** Template engines to render the content */ engines: Engines;
/** All preprocessors */ preprocessors: Processors;
constructor(options: Options) { this.includesLoader = options.includesLoader; this.prettyUrls = options.prettyUrls; this.preprocessors = options.preprocessors; this.engines = options.engines; }
/** Render the provided pages */ async renderPages(from: Page[], to: Page[]) { for (const group of this.#groupPages(from)) { const pages = []; const generators = [];
// Split regular pages and generators for (const page of group) { if (isGenerator( { generators.push(page); continue; }
this.#urlPage(page); to.push(page);
if (! { pages.push(page); } }
// Auto-generate pages and join them with the others for (const page of generators) { const generator = await this.engines.render(,, page.src.path + page.src.ext, ) as Generator<Data, Data>;
for await (const data of generator) { if (!data.content) { data.content = null; } const newPage = page.duplicate(data); this.#urlPage(newPage); pages.push(newPage); to.push(newPage); } }
// Preprocess the pages await;
// Render all pages await concurrent( pages, async (page) => { try { page.content = await this.#renderPage(page) as string; } catch (cause) { throw new Exception("Error rendering this page", { cause, page }); } }, ); } }
/** Render the provided pages */ async renderPageOnDemand(page: Page): Promise<void> { if (isGenerator( { throw new Exception("Cannot render a multiple page on demand.", { page, }); }
await[page]); page.content = await this.#renderPage(page) as string; }
/** Generate the URL and dest info of a page */ #urlPage(page: Page) { const { dest } = page; let url =;
if (typeof url === "function") { url = url(page); }
if (typeof url === "string") { // Relative URL if (url.startsWith("./") || url.startsWith("../")) { url = posix.join(dirname(page.dest.path), url); } else if (!url.startsWith("/")) { throw new Exception( `The url variable must start with "/", "./" or "../"`, { page, url }, ); }
if (url.endsWith("/")) { dest.path = `${url}index`; dest.ext = ".html"; } else { dest.ext = extname(url); dest.path = dest.ext ? url.slice(0, -dest.ext.length) : url; } } else if (!dest.ext) { if ( this.prettyUrls && posix.basename(dest.path) !== "index" ) { dest.path = posix.join(dest.path, "index"); } dest.ext = ".html"; } = (dest.ext === ".html" && posix.basename(dest.path) === "index") ? dest.path.slice(0, -5) : dest.path + dest.ext; }
/** Group the pages by renderOrder */ #groupPages(pages: Page[]): Page[][] { const renderOrder: Record<number | string, Page[]> = {};
for (const page of pages) { const order = || 0; renderOrder[order] = renderOrder[order] || []; renderOrder[order].push(page); }
return Object.keys(renderOrder).sort().map((order) => renderOrder[order]); }
/** Render a page */ async #renderPage(page: Page) { let { data } = page; let { content, layout } = data; let path = page.src.path + page.src.ext;
content = await this.engines.render(content, data, path);
// Render the layouts recursively while (layout) { const result = await this.includesLoader.load(layout, path);
if (!result) { throw new Exception( "Couldn't load this layout", { layout }, ); }
delete data.layout; delete data.templateEngine;
const [layoutPath, layoutData] = result;
data = { ...layoutData,, content, };
content = await this.engines.render(layoutData.content, data, layoutPath); layout = layoutData.layout; path = layoutPath; }
return content; }}
/** * Check if the content of a page is a generator. * Used to generate multiple pages */function isGenerator(content: unknown) { if (typeof content !== "function") { return false; }
const name =; return (name === "GeneratorFunction" || name === "AsyncGeneratorFunction");}