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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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let ws;let wasClosed = false;
function socket() { if (ws && ws.readyState !== 3) { return; }
ws = new WebSocket("ws://" +; ws.onopen = () => { console.log("Lume live reloading is ready. Listening for changes...");
// Reload after reconnect if (wasClosed) { location.reload(); return; }
const files = read();
if (files) { refresh(files); } }; ws.onmessage = (e) => { const files = JSON.parse(;
if (!Array.isArray(files)) { console.log(; return; }
refresh(files); }; ws.onclose = () => { wasClosed = true; // Socket connection closed. Will attempt to reconnect in 5 seconds. setTimeout(socket, 5000); }; ws.onerror = (err) => console.error("Lume webSocket error observed:", err);}addEventListener("pagehide", () => { if (ws) { ws.close(); }});
function refresh(files) { let path = document.location.pathname;
if (!path.endsWith(".html")) { path += path.endsWith("/") ? "index.html" : "/index.html"; }
const index = files.indexOf(path);
// Reload the entire page if the HTML changes if (index !== -1) { files.splice(index, 1); save(files); location.reload(); return; }
for (const file of files) { const url = new URL(file, document.location.href); const format = url.pathname.split(".").pop().toLowerCase();
switch (format) { case "css": { for (const style of Array.from(document.styleSheets)) { if (style.href) { const src = new URL(style.href); src.searchParams.delete("_cache");
if (src.href === url.href) { reloadStylesheet(style.ownerNode); continue; } }
// The file is @import'ed in a stylesheet if (styleIsImported(url, style)) { location.reload(); break; } } } break;
case "apng": case "avif": case "gif": case "jpeg": case "jpg": case "png": case "svg": case "webp": { for (const image of Array.from(document.images)) { const src = new URL(image.src); src.searchParams.delete("_cache");
if (src.href === url.href) { reloadSource(image); continue; } } } break;
case "js": // Reload the entire page for JavaScript changes location.reload(); return; } }}
function styleIsImported(url, style) { if (style.href === url.href) { return true; }
for (let i = 0; i < style.cssRules.length; i++) { const rule = style.cssRules[i];
if (!(rule instanceof CSSImportRule)) { continue; }
if (!rule.styleSheet.href.startsWith(url.origin)) { continue; }
if (styleIsImported(url, rule.styleSheet)) { return true; } }
return false;}
function reloadSource(element) { const src = new URL(element.src); src.searchParams.set("_cache",; element.src = src.href;}
function reloadStylesheet(element) { const url = new URL(element.href);
const newElement = element.cloneNode(); newElement.href = url.href; element.after(newElement); setTimeout(() => element.remove(), 500);}
function save(data) { sessionStorage.setItem("lume-reload", JSON.stringify(data));}
function read() { const data = sessionStorage.getItem("lume-reload"); sessionStorage.removeItem("lume-reload");
if (data) { return JSON.parse(data); }}