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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { Page } from "./filesystem.ts";import { Exception } from "./errors.ts";
import type { ComponentsTree } from "../core.ts";
export interface Options { cssFile: string; jsFile: string;}
/** * Class to consume the components in the template engines. */export default class Components { cssFile: string; jsFile: string;
css = new Map<string, string>(); js = new Map<string, string>();
constructor(options: Options) { this.cssFile = options.cssFile; this.jsFile = options.jsFile; }
/** * Create and returns a proxy to use the components * as instead of components.get("name").render() */ toProxy(components: ComponentsTree): ProxyComponents { const node = { _components: components, _proxies: new Map(), }; return new Proxy(node, { get: (target, name) => { if (typeof name !== "string" || name in target) { return; }
const key = name.toLowerCase();
if (target._proxies.has(key)) { return target._proxies.get(key); }
const component = target._components.get(key);
if (!component) { throw new Exception(`Component "${name}" not found`); }
if (component instanceof Map) { const proxy = this.toProxy(component); target._proxies.set(key, proxy); return proxy; }
// Save CSS & JS code for the component if (component.css) { this.css.set(key, component.css); }
if (component.js) { this.js.set(key, component.js); }
// Return the function to render the component return (props: Record<string, unknown>) => component.render(props); }, }) as unknown as ProxyComponents; }
/** * Generate and returns the assets used by the components */ addAssets(pages: Page[]): void { if (this.css.size) { this.#exportPage(pages, this.css.values(), this.cssFile); }
if (this.js.size) { this.#exportPage(pages, this.js.values(), this.jsFile); } }
#exportPage(pages: Page[], code: IterableIterator<string>, path: string) { const exists = pages.find((page) => === path);
if (exists) { exists.content += Array.from(code).join("\n"); return; }
const page = Page.create(path, Array.from(code).join("\n")); pages.push(page); }}
export type ComponentFunction = (props: Record<string, unknown>) => string;
export interface ProxyComponents { [key: string]: ComponentFunction | ProxyComponents;}