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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { bold, cyan, dim, red, yellow } from "../deps/colors.ts";import { fromFileUrl } from "../deps/path.ts";
import type { Page } from "../core.ts";
/** Error payload interface */export interface ErrorData { cause?: Error; name?: string; mark?: Mark; [key: string]: unknown;}
/** Parsed stacktraces */export interface Mark { name?: string; file?: string; line?: number; column?: number;}
/** * Generic Exception to throw errors. * It allows to include extra data. */export class Exception extends Error { data?: Record<string, unknown>; mark?: Mark;
constructor(message: string, data: ErrorData = {}) { const options = data.cause ? { cause: data.cause } : {}; delete data.cause;
super(message, options);
if ( { =; delete; }
if (data.mark) { this.mark = data.mark; delete data.mark; } = data; }}
/** Pretty-print an Error or Exception instance */export function printError(error: unknown, caused = false) { console.log();
// Print the error message if (caused) { if (error instanceof Error) { console.error(`Caused by ${bold(red(`${}:`))}`, error.message); } else { console.error(`Caused by:`, error); } } else { if (error instanceof Error) { console.error(`${bold(red(`${}:`))}`, error.message); } else { console.error(error); } }
// Print the data and mark of Exception instances if (error instanceof Exception) { if (error.mark) { const { mark } = error; const code = getCode(mark);
if (code && mark.file && mark.line && mark.column) { console.log( ` at ${cyan(mark.file)}:${yellow(mark.line.toString())}:${ yellow(mark.column.toString()) }`, ); console.log(code); } }
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries( ?? {})) { if (key === "page") { value = (value as Page).src.path + (value as Page).src.ext; } console.log(dim(`- ${key}:`), value); } }
// Print the error stack if (error instanceof Error && error.stack) { const marks = parseStack(error);
marks.forEach((mark) => { const log: string[] = ["at"]; let code: string | undefined;
if ( { log.push(bold(; }
if (mark.file) { if (mark.line && mark.column) { log.push( `(${cyan(mark.file)}:${yellow(mark.line.toString())}:${ yellow(mark.column.toString()) })`, );
try { const path = fromFileUrl(mark.file); if (path.startsWith(cwd)) { code = getCode(mark); } } catch { // Do nothing } } else { log.push(`(${cyan(mark.file)})`); } }
console.log(" ", log.join(" "));
if (code) { console.log(code); console.log(); } }); }
// Print the error cause if (error instanceof Error && error.cause) { printError(error.cause, true); }}
const cwd = Deno.cwd();
/** Read the errored code from a mark */function getCode(mark: Mark): string | undefined { if (!mark.file || !mark.line || !mark.column) { return; }
try { const path = mark.file.startsWith("file://") ? fromFileUrl(mark.file) : mark.file;
if (!path.startsWith(cwd)) { return; } const { line, column } = mark; const code: string[] = []; const lines = Deno.readTextFileSync(path).split("\n");
if (lines[line - 2]) { code.push(` ${dim(`| ${line - 1} |`)} ${lines[line - 2]}`); }
code.push( ` ${dim(`| ${bold(red(line.toString()))} |`)} ${ bold(lines[line - 1]) }`, ` ${dim(`| ${bold(red("~".repeat(line.toString().length)))} |`)} ${ red("~".repeat(column - 1) + "^") }`, );
if (lines[line]) { code.push(` ${dim(`| ${line + 1} |`)} ${lines[line]}`); }
return code.join("\n"); } catch { // Do nothing }}
/** * Function to parse the stacktrace * Code from: */export function parseStack(error: Error): Mark[] { const lines = error.stack?.split("\n").filter((line) => !!line.match(/^\s*at .*(\S+:\d+|\(native\))/m) ) || [];
return (line): Mark { if (line.indexOf("(eval ") > -1) { // Throw away eval information until we implement stacktrace.js/stackframe#8 line = line.replace(/eval code/g, "eval").replace( /(\(eval at [^()]*)|(\),.*$)/g, "", ); }
let sanitizedLine = line.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\(eval code/g, "(");
// capture and preseve the parenthesized location "(/foo/my bar.js:12:87)" in // case it has spaces in it, as the string is split on \s+ later on const location = sanitizedLine.match(/ (\((.+):(\d+):(\d+)\)$)/);
// remove the parenthesized location from the line, if it was matched sanitizedLine = location ? sanitizedLine.replace(location[0], "") : sanitizedLine;
const tokens = sanitizedLine.split(/\s+/).slice(1); // if a location was matched, pass it to extractLocation() otherwise pop the last token const locationString = location ? location[1] : tokens.pop(); const locationParts = locationString ? extractLocation(locationString) : []; const functionName = tokens.join(" ") || undefined; const fileName = ["eval", "<anonymous>"].indexOf(locationParts[0]) > -1 ? undefined : locationParts[0];
return { name: functionName, file: fileName?.replace(/#.*$/, ""), // Removed hash from file path line: locationParts[1] ? parseInt(locationParts[1]) : undefined, column: locationParts[2] ? parseInt(locationParts[2]) : undefined, }; });}
/** * Separate line and column numbers from a string of the form: (URI:Line:Column) * Code from: */export function extractLocation(source: string): [string, string?, string?] { // Fail-fast but return locations like "(native)" if (source.indexOf(":") === -1) { return [source]; }
const regExp = /(.+?)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?$/; const parts = regExp.exec(source.replace(/[()]/g, ""));
if (!parts) { return [source]; }
const [, path, line, column] = parts; return [path, line, column];}