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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { evalToken, Liquid, Tag, Tokenizer, TokenKind, toPromise, Value, ValueToken,} from "../deps/liquid.ts";import { posix } from "../deps/path.ts";import loader from "../core/loaders/text.ts";import { merge } from "../core/utils/object.ts";
import type { Data } from "../core/file.ts";import type Site from "../core/site.ts";import type { Engine, Helper, HelperOptions } from "../core/renderer.ts";import type { Context, Emitter, LiquidOptions, TagClass, TagToken, Template, TopLevelToken,} from "../deps/liquid.ts";
export interface Options { /** The list of extensions this plugin applies to */ extensions?: string[];
/** Optional sub-extension for page files */ pageSubExtension?: string;
/** * Custom includes path * @default `site.options.includes` */ includes?: string;
/** * Options passed to Liquidjs library * @see */ options?: LiquidOptions;}
// Default optionsexport const defaults: Options = { extensions: [".liquid"],};
/** Template engine to render Liquid files */export class LiquidEngine implements Engine { liquid: Liquid; cache = new Map<string, Template[]>(); basePath: string; includes: string;
constructor(liquid: Liquid, basePath: string, includes: string) { this.liquid = liquid; this.basePath = basePath; this.includes = includes; }
deleteCache(file: string): void { this.cache.delete(file); }
async render( content: string, data?: Record<string, unknown>, filename?: string, ) { if (!filename) { return this.liquid.parseAndRender(content, data); }
const template = this.getTemplate(content, filename); return await this.liquid.render(template, data); }
renderComponent( content: string, data?: Record<string, unknown>, filename?: string, ) { if (!filename) { return this.liquid.parseAndRenderSync(content, data); }
const template = this.getTemplate(content, filename); return this.liquid.renderSync(template, data); }
getTemplate(content: string, filename: string): Template[] { if (!this.cache.has(filename)) { this.cache.set( filename, this.liquid.parse(content, posix.join(this.basePath, filename)), ); } return this.cache.get(filename)!; }
addHelper(name: string, fn: Helper, options: HelperOptions) { switch (options.type) { case "filter": // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any this.liquid.registerFilter(name, function (this: any, ...args) { return fn.apply({ data: this.context.environments }, args); }); break;
case "tag": // Tag with body not supported yet if (!options.body) { this.liquid.registerTag(name, createCustomTag(fn)); } else { this.liquid.registerTag(name, createCustomTagWithBody(fn)); } break; } }}
/** Register the plugin to add support for Liquid files */export default function (userOptions?: Options) { return function (site: Site) { const options = merge( { ...defaults, includes: site.options.includes }, userOptions, );
const liquidOptions: LiquidOptions = { root: site.src(options.includes), ...options.options, };
const engine = new LiquidEngine( new Liquid(liquidOptions), site.src(), options.includes, );
// Ignore includes folder if (options.includes) { site.ignore(options.includes); }
// Load the pages and register the engine site.loadPages(options.extensions, { loader, engine, pageSubExtension: options.pageSubExtension, });
// Register the liquid filter site.filter("liquid", filter, true);
function filter( string: string, data?: Record<string, unknown>, ): Promise<string> { return engine.render(string, {"/"), }); } };}
/** * Create a custom tag * */function createCustomTag(fn: Helper): TagClass { return class extends Tag { #value: Value;
constructor( token: TagToken, remainTokens: TopLevelToken[], liquid: Liquid, ) { super(token, remainTokens, liquid); this.#value = new Value(token.args, liquid); }
async render(ctx: Context, emitter: Emitter) { const str = await toPromise(this.#value.value(ctx, false)); emitter.write(await{ data: ctx.environments as Data }, str)); } };}
/** * Create a custom tag with body * */function createCustomTagWithBody(fn: Helper): TagClass { return class extends Tag { args: ValueToken[] = []; templates: Template[] = [];
constructor( token: TagToken, remainTokens: TopLevelToken[], liquid: Liquid, ) { super(token, remainTokens, liquid); const tokenizer = new Tokenizer( token.args, this.liquid.options.operators, ); const name =;
while (!tokenizer.end()) { const value = tokenizer.readValue(); if (value) this.args.push(value); tokenizer.readTo(","); }
while (remainTokens.length) { const token = remainTokens.shift()!; if ( token.kind === TokenKind.Tag && (token as TagToken).name === `end${name}` ) { return; } this.templates.push(liquid.parser.parseToken(token, remainTokens)); } throw new Error(`tag ${token.getText()} not closed`); }
async render(ctx: Context, emitter: Emitter) { const r = this.liquid.renderer; const str = await toPromise(r.renderTemplates(this.templates, ctx)); const args = [str];
for (const arg of this.args) { args.push(await toPromise(evalToken(arg, ctx))); }
emitter.write(await fn.apply({ data: ctx.environments as Data }, args)); } };}
/** Extends Helpers interface */declare global { namespace Lume { export interface Helpers { /** @see */ liquid: ( string: string, data?: Record<string, unknown>, ) => Promise<string>; } }}