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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { Page } from "../core/file.ts";import { assign, merge } from "../core/utils/object.ts";import { log } from "../core/utils/log.ts";
import type Site from "../core/site.ts";import type { Data } from "../core/file.ts";
export interface Options { /** The list of extensions used for this plugin */ extensions?: string[];
/** Available languages */ languages: string[];
/** A prefix-free language */ defaultLanguage?: string;}
// Default optionsexport const defaults: Options = { extensions: [".html"], languages: [],};
export default function multilanguage(userOptions: Options) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
return (site: Site) => { // Configure the merged keys options.languages.forEach((lang) => site.mergeKey(lang, "object"));
/** * Preprocessor to setup multilanguage pages * * + prevent incorrect data type of "" * + display guidance (warning log) to some bug-potential cases * + convert "" array type page (if yes) to string type page */ site.preprocess(options.extensions, (filteredPages, allPages) => { for (const page of filteredPages) { const { data } = page; const languages = data.lang as string | string[] | undefined;
// If the "lang" variable is not defined, use the default language if (languages === undefined) { data.lang = options.defaultLanguage; continue; }
// If the "lang" variable is a string, check if it's a valid language if (typeof languages === "string") { if (!options.languages.includes(languages)) { log.warn( `[multilanguage plugin] The language "${languages}" in the page ${page.sourcePath} is not defined in the "languages" option.`, ); } continue; }
// The "lang" variable of the pages must be an array if (!Array.isArray(languages)) { throw new Error(`Invalid "lang" variable in ${page.sourcePath}`); }
// Check if these "languages" are all valid language codes if (languages.some((lang) => !options.languages.includes(lang))) { log.warn( `[multilanguage plugin] One or more languages in the page ${page.sourcePath} are not defined in the "languages" option.`, ); continue; }
// Create a new page per language const newPages: Page[] = []; const id = ?? page.src.path.slice(1);
for (const lang of languages) { const newData: Data = {, lang, id }; const newPage = page.duplicate(undefined, newData); newPages.push(newPage); }
// Replace the current page with the multiple language versions allPages.splice(allPages.indexOf(page), 1, ...newPages); } });
/** * Preprocessor to process the multilanguage data * * + convert plain url to language url * + create the alternates * + sort the alternates */ site.preprocess(options.extensions, (pages) => { for (const page of pages) { const { data } = page; const { lang } = data;
// Resolve the language data for (const key of options.languages) { if (key in data) { if (key === lang) { assign(data, data[key]); } delete data[key]; } }
const { url } = data; const isLangUrl = url.startsWith(`/${lang}/`); const isDefaultLang = lang === options.defaultLanguage; if (!isLangUrl && !isDefaultLang) { // Preprocess to prefix all urls with the language code data.url = `/${lang}${url}`; } else if (isLangUrl && isDefaultLang) { // Preprocess to unprefix all urls with the default language code data.url = url.slice(lang.length + 1); }
// Create the alternates object if it doesn't exist const { id, type } = data; if (data.alternates || id === undefined) { data.alternates ??= [data]; continue; }
const alternates: Data[] = []; const ids = new Map<string, Page>();
pages.filter((page) => == id && === type) .forEach((page) => { const id = `${}-${}-${}`; const existing = ids.get(id); if (existing) { log.warn( `[multilanguage plugin] The pages ${existing.sourcePath} and ${page.sourcePath} have the same id, type and language.`, ); } ids.set(id, page); alternates.push(; = alternates; });
// Sort the alternates by language alternates.sort((a, b) => options.languages.indexOf(a.lang!) - options.languages.indexOf(b.lang!) ); } });
/** * Preprocessor to process the Unmatched Language URL * * + convert unmatchedLangUrl any value to URL string value */ site.preprocess(options.extensions, (pages) => { for (const page of pages) { = getUnmatchedLangPath( page, pages, ); } });
// Include automatically the <link rel="alternate"> elements // with the other languages site.process(options.extensions, (pages) => { for (const page of pages) { const { document } = page; const alternates =; const lang = as string | undefined;
if (!document || !alternates || !lang) { continue; }
// Include <html lang="${lang}"> attribute element if it's missing if (!document.documentElement?.getAttribute("lang")) { document.documentElement?.setAttribute("lang", lang); }
// Insert the <link> elements automatically for (const data of alternates) { const meta = document.createElement("link"); meta.setAttribute("rel", "alternate"); meta.setAttribute("hreflang", data.lang as string); meta.setAttribute("href", site.url(data.url, true)); document.head.appendChild(meta); document.head.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\n")); }
if ( { appendHreflang( "x-default", site.url(, true), document, ); } } }); };}
function getUnmatchedLangPath( currentPage: Page<Data>, filteredPages: Page<Data>[],): string | undefined { const { sourcePath } = currentPage; const { unmatchedLangUrl, alternates } =;
if (!unmatchedLangUrl) return void 0;
// If unmatchedLang is an external URL string if (URL.canParse(unmatchedLangUrl)) { return unmatchedLangUrl; }
// If unmatchedLang is an source path string if (unmatchedLangUrl.startsWith("/")) { const langSelectorPage = filteredPages.some( (page) => === unmatchedLangUrl, );
if (!langSelectorPage) { log.warn( `[multilanguage plugin] The URL <cyan>${unmatchedLangUrl}</cyan> of unmatchedLangUrl option is not found in ${sourcePath}.`, ); } return langSelectorPage ? unmatchedLangUrl : void 0; }
// If unmatchedLang is language code β†’ resolve to URL of that language const lang = alternates?.find((data) => data.lang === unmatchedLangUrl); if (!lang) { log.warn( `[multilanguage plugin] The URL for lang code "${unmatchedLangUrl}" of unmatchedLangUrl option is not found in ${sourcePath}.`, ); } return lang?.url;}
function appendHreflang(lang: string, url: string, document: Document) { const meta = document.createElement("link"); meta.setAttribute("rel", "alternate"); meta.setAttribute("hreflang", lang); meta.setAttribute("href", url); document.head.appendChild(meta); document.head.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\n"));}