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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
Very Popular
import { merge } from "../core/utils/object.ts";import binLoader from "../core/loaders/binary.ts";import textLoader from "../core/loaders/text.ts";import { Page } from "../core/file.ts";import Cache from "../core/cache.ts";import sharp, { create, sharpsToIco } from "../deps/sharp.ts";
import type Site from "../core/site.ts";
export interface Options { /** * The input file to generate the favicons * Accepted formats are SVG, PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, WEBP */ input?: string;
/** The cache folder */ cache?: string | boolean;
/** * The generated favicons * By default it follows the recommendations from: * */ favicons?: Favicon[];}
export const defaults: Options = { input: "/favicon.svg", cache: true, favicons: [ { url: "/favicon.ico", size: [48], rel: "icon", format: "ico", }, { url: "/apple-touch-icon.png", size: [180], rel: "apple-touch-icon", format: "png", }, ],};
export interface Favicon { url: string; size: number[]; rel: string; format: string;}
export default function (userOptions?: Options) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
return (site: Site) => { // Configure the cache folder const cacheFolder = options.cache === true ? "_cache" : options.cache; const cache = cacheFolder ? new Cache({ folder: site.src(cacheFolder) }) : undefined;
if (cacheFolder) { site.ignore(cacheFolder); site.options.watcher.ignore.push(cacheFolder); }
async function getContent(): Promise<Uint8Array | string> { const content = options.input.endsWith(".svg") ? await site.getContent(options.input, textLoader) : await site.getContent(options.input, binLoader);
if (!content) { throw new Error(`File not found: ${options.input}`); }
return content; }
site.addEventListener("afterRender", async (event) => { const content = await getContent();
for (const favicon of options.favicons) { event.pages?.push( Page.create({ url: favicon.url, content: await buildIco( content, favicon.format as keyof sharp.FormatEnum, favicon.size, cache, ), }), ); }
// Add the svg favicon if ( options.input.endsWith(".svg") && !site.pages.find((page) => === options.input) && !site.files.find((file) => file.outputPath === options.input) ) { event.pages?.push( Page.create({ url: options.input, content: await site.getContent( options.input, textLoader, ) as string, }), ); } });
site.process([".html"], (pages) => { for (const page of pages) { const document = page.document!;
for (const favicon of options.favicons) { addIcon(document, { rel: favicon.rel, sizes: => `${s}x${s}`).join(" "), href: site.url(favicon.url), }); }
if (options.input.endsWith(".svg")) { addIcon(document, { rel: "icon", sizes: "any", href: site.url(options.input), type: "image/svg+xml", }); } } }); };}
function addIcon(document: Document, attributes: Record<string, string>) { const link = document.createElement("link"); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) { link.setAttribute(key, value); } document.head.appendChild(link); document.head.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\n"));}
async function buildIco( content: Uint8Array | string, format: keyof sharp.FormatEnum | "ico", size: number[], cache?: Cache,): Promise<Uint8Array> { if (cache) { const result = await cache.get(content, { format, size });
if (result) { return result; } }
let image: Uint8Array;
if (format === "ico") { const resizeOptions = { background: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0 } }; const img = await create(content); image = await sharpsToIco( => img.clone().resize(size, size, resizeOptions)), ); } else { image = await (await create(content)) .resize(size[0], size[0]) .toFormat(format) .toBuffer(); }
if (cache) { cache.set(content, { format, size }, image); }
return image;}