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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import satori, { SatoriOptions } from "../deps/satori.ts";import { create } from "../deps/sharp.ts";import Cache from "../core/cache.ts";import { posix } from "../deps/path.ts";import { resolveInclude } from "../core/utils/path.ts";import { merge } from "../core/utils/object.ts";import { read } from "../core/utils/read.ts";import { Page } from "../core/file.ts";import loader from "../core/loaders/module.ts";
import type { React } from "../deps/react.ts";import "../types.ts";
export interface Options { /** The list of extensions this plugin applies to */ extensions?: string[];
/** * Custom includes path to load the layout * @default `site.options.includes` */ includes?: string;
/** The cache folder */ cache: string | boolean;
/** * The options for Satory to generate the SVG image. * @see */ satori?: SatoriOptions;}
export const defaults: Options = { extensions: [".html"], cache: true, satori: { width: 1200, height: 600, fonts: [], },};
export default function (userOptions?: Options) { return (site: Lume.Site) => { const options = merge( { ...defaults, includes: site.options.includes }, userOptions, );
// Configure the cache folder const cacheFolder = options.cache === true ? "_cache" : options.cache; const cache = cacheFolder ? new Cache({ folder: site.src(cacheFolder) }) : undefined;
if (cacheFolder) { site.ignore(cacheFolder); site.options.watcher.ignore.push(cacheFolder); }
site.process(options.extensions, async (pages, allPages) => { if (!options.satori.fonts.length) { options.satori.fonts.push(...await defaultFonts()); }
for (const page of pages) { const { data } = page; const layout = data.openGraphLayout;
if (!layout) { continue; }
const layoutPath = resolveInclude( layout, options.includes, posix.dirname(page.sourcePath), );
const entry = site.fs.entries.get(layoutPath);
if (!entry) { throw new Error(`The layout file "${layoutPath}" doesn't exist`); }
const layoutData = await entry.getContent(loader); const template = layoutData.content;
if (typeof template !== "function") { throw new Error( `The layout file "${layoutPath}" doesn't have a default export`, ); }
const jsx = await template(data); const content = await render(jsx); const url = page.outputPath.replace(/\.html$/, ".png");
allPages.push(Page.create({ url, content }));
if (!data.metas) { data.metas = {}; }
data.metas.image = url; } });
async function render( jsx: React.ReactNode, ): Promise<Uint8Array | undefined> { if (cache) { const result = await cache.get(new Uint8Array(), jsx);
if (result) { return result; } }
const svg = await satori(jsx, options.satori); const content = await (await create(svg)).toBuffer();
if (cache) { await cache.set(new Uint8Array(), jsx, content); }
return content; } };}
async function defaultFonts(): Promise<SatoriOptions["fonts"]> { return [ { name: "inter", weight: 400, style: "normal", data: await read( "", true, ), }, { name: "inter", weight: 700, style: "normal", data: await read( "", true, ), }, ];}
/** Extends Data interface */declare global { namespace Lume { export interface Data { /** * The layout to generate the Open Graph Image * @see */ openGraphLayout?: string; } }}