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🔥 Static site generator for Deno 🦕
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project try to adheres to Semantic Versioning. Go to the v1 branch to see the changelog of Lume 1.

2.3.2 - 2024-09-10


  • Nav plugin: include slug in the toJSON export.

2.3.1 - 2024-09-09


  • New option watcher.include to add extra external paths to the watcher.


  • Nav plugin: revert child.slug property removal.
  • Updated deps: sass, std, pagefind, xml, postcss, decap-cms, terser, deno-dom.
  • Nav plugin: Search for pages with basename as index.
  • Reload on edit _config.ts and _cms.ts files if they are out of the src directory.
  • Code improvements #662.

2.3.0 - 2024-08-30


  • New function site.parseBasename, to register new custom parsers to extract data from basenames.
  • Restart after changing the _config.ts or _cms.ts files.
  • New plugin sri.
  • Improved plugin docs with links to the online documentation.
  • New functions nav.nextPage() and nav.previousPage() for nav plugin.
  • New method toJSON() added to the result of for nav plugin. For example:
    const menu =;
  • New sort options asc-locale and desc-locale.


  • BREAKING CHANGES in the nav plugin:
    • The child.slug property was deleted. Use
    • All nav elements has the data attribute.
    • To check if a nav item corresponds to a page:
      // Lume 2.2
      if ( {
        return `<a href="{{ }}">{{ }}</a>`
      } else {
        return `<strong>{{ item.slug }}</strong>`
      // Lume 2.3
      if ( {
        return `<a href="{{ }}">{{ }}</a>`
      } else {
        return `<strong>{{ }}</strong>`
    • These changes improve the sorting of the elements in the nav tree.


  • cms.ts file.


  • Escape the % character in the URI #652.
  • Updated deps: std, liquidjs, preact, tailwindcss, xml, postcss, autoprefixer, unocss, terser, eta, lightningcss, markdown-it-attrs, decap-server, liquidjs, preact-render-to-string, esbuild, react types, sharp.
  • Remove empty directories in dest folder #626.
  • Watcher new files on Windows.
  • Feed plugin: error when the updated/published value is a string #638.
  • Fixed esbuild reload #647.
  • Fixed serve showing stale pages #649.
  • Speed up logging to console with colors #651
  • Nav plugin: did ignore default order option #655.
  • Reload theme files if they are local.

2.2.4 - 2024-07-18


  • New middleware redirect_as2 #632.


  • page.sourcePath wrongly returns the remote url instead of the path for remote files.
  • Reload remote files #633.
  • Vento components must be sync.
  • Updated dependencies: std, terser, sass, xml, liquid, highlight.js, unocss, decap_cms, tailwindcss, vento, preact-render-to-string.
  • Use a pinned version of npm:decap-server package for stability.
  • DecapCMS script: switch from unpkg to jsDelivr for performance.
  • Add Server.addr for getting local address #634.
  • Bug calculating the filename of remote files.
  • Replaced unpkg with jsdelivr for stability and response times.

2.2.3 - 2024-07-05


  • New option caseSensitiveUrls to allow to export two urls with the same name but different cases #625.
  • Support for npm specifiers to postcss and lightningcss plugins #621.
  • Redirects middleware: added strict option to configure whether distinguish the trailing slash or not. For backward compatibility is true by default.


  • Nav plugin: Improved behavior for sites with pretty urls disabled.


  • Nav plugin: the order option is not applied.
  • Updated dependencies: std, postcss, esbuild, katex, preact, xml, vento, satori, unocss.
  • Vento plugin for component doesn’t support multiline code.
  • Removed jxl in transform_images plugin because it’s not supported by Sharp #630.

2.2.2 - 2024-06-21


  • doesn’t return data for source files (like"")).
  • esbuild plugin: Fixed basename support #617.
  • Apply mergedKeys configuration in layouts #618.
  • Extended Preact types with Lume’s custom attributes #619.
  • Hot reload: Ensure sockets are open before send updates #614, #615.
  • Updated dependencies: tailwindcss, terser, sass, std, react-render-to-string, xml, esbuild, vento, unocss, liquidjs, unified.

2.2.1 - 2024-06-04


  • Allow to run a server with deno serve -A _config.ts.
  • New noCors middleware to prevent CORS errors during development.


  • Use lume_init dependency to upgrade Lume


  • Port detection in lume cms command.
  • Show an error when trying to copy a file from outside the src folder #610.
  • Updated dependencies: std, preact-render-to-string, vento, lightningcss, unocss, pug, cms, liquid, lightningcss, esbuild, react-types, deno_dom, sass, unocss, xml, unidecode ,react-render-to-string.

2.2.0 - 2024-05-17

Luísa Villalta edition.


  • Feed plugin: Add image support #599, #598.
  • New middleware shutdown.
  • Esbuild plugin: support for jsr: specifiers.
  • New Lume.Loader type.
  • New afterLoad event, triggered just after all files are (re)loaded.
  • Show the error if a file cannot be copied.
  • New option theme to download the theme CSS file automatically for the prism and code_highlight plugins.
  • Metas plugin: allow to add custom metas #604, #608.


  • BREAKING: Removed lume/cms.ts module. Use import maps instead.
  • The minimum Deno version supported is 1.43.
  • For better predictability, the _cache folder is generated in the root folder, instead of src folder.
  • Simplified Esbuild plugin.
  • Import std packages from jsr because they are not longer updated on land/x.
  • The default port when lume build the site (not serving) is 80 or 443, depending whether the location protocol is http or https. Previously it was 3000.


  • liquid plugin. It never worked well with search.pages() #600.


  • PostCSS plugin: Don’t use nesting plugin by default since CSS nesting feature works across the latest devices and browser versions.


  • Updated dependencies: unocss, liquid, postcss-nesting, terser, xml, react, std, sass, preact, esbuild, svgo, cms, sheetjs.
  • FFF plugin: fix getGitDate priority #603.
  • Esbuild plugin:
    • Resolve bare specifiers mapped to npm:.
    • Renamed imports to .js when bundle is false #594.
  • Redirect plugin: resolve urls when site location has a subfolder #606.
  • Bug merging options from CLI and _config file #607.
  • The option --port no longer depends on --serve.

2.1.4 - 2024-04-17


  • Pagefind plugin: Updated the ui object with the new options introduced in v1.1.0.


  • init.ts file.


  • esbuild timeout #591.
  • Updated dependencies: unocss, pagefind, postcss-nesting, sass, terser, vento, std, preact, unocss, liquid, react types, sass, tailwind, magic-string, lume_cms, sharp, esbuild.

2.1.3 - 2024-03-28


  • PostCSS plugin: new option name with the default value postcss #582.
  • date plugin: new formats HUMAN_SINCE and HUMAN_SINCE_STRICT expose formatDistanceToNow and formatDistanceToNowStrict in the date-fns package, so you can refer to the amount of time that has passed since the an article was last written/modified, rather than just the date it was written #589.


  • Do not ignore the /.well-known folder by default #585.


  • Reload site on rename/delete file.
  • Updated dependencies: std, esbuild, lightningcss, unocss, date-fns, cms, eta, katex, liquid, markdown-it, postcss, postcss-import, autoprefixer, preact, sharp, tailwindcss, terser, vento.

2.1.2 - 2024-03-14


  • transform_images plugin: added the .webp extension to the default options.
  • vento plugin: New option plugins to use Vento plugins.
  • Added vento and addVentoPlugin hooks.


  • UnoCSS plugin: the async process of adding <style> elements is not awaited #578.
  • Updated dependencies: std, terser, cms, postcss, react types, unocss, vento, date-fns, sass, terser.
  • Replace Sharp with svg2png as the library to convert svg to png.
  • Init script creates always the _cms.ts file.

2.1.1 - 2024-03-01


  • Bug on init command generating the _cms.ts file #575
  • Updated dependencies: lightningcss, terser, cms, postcss, postcss-nesting, std, vento, react types.

2.1.0 - 2024-02-22


  • Support x-default for unmatched languages #528 & #532
    • multilanguage plugin
    • sitemap plugin
  • New plugin: fff #529.
  • New plugin: redirects #534.
  • New plugin: og_images #534.
  • New plugin: robots #570.
  • New command lume cms.
  • onDemand plugin: support async extraData function #560, #561.
  • Core: lume:* global events.
  • Core: lume.getWatcher() function.


  • BREAKING: Removed deprecated --unstable flag to the default lume task. Use the unstable configuration in deno.json.
  • BREAKING: Upgrade date-fns dependency to version 3 #541. This affects to how to import locales in the _config file:
    // Old
    import gl from "npm:date-fns/locale/gl";
    // New
    import { gl } from "npm:date-fns/locale/gl";
  • Allow to get value from attribute in CSS query of getDataValue() function #556, #558. See metas plugin for a clear example.
  • favicon plugin: #562
    • Default ico size changed to 48.
    • Add sizes="any" to the svg icon.
    • Place the svg icon at end.
  • logging:
    • URL transformation direction is more visually distinct. #563
    • colors replaced to gray to support terminals that does not support dim colors. #566
  • deno task lume upgrade removes the deno.lock file #527.
  • transform_images plugin: don’t enlarge images by default #530.


  • Pages filtered with filter_pages plugin are exported to the sitemap.
  • Ensure site.options.server.middlewares array is always defined.
  • Updated dependencies: std, date-fns, lightningcss, vento, terser, autoprefixer, esbuild, sass, unocss, deno-dom, esbuild, postcss, postcss-import, preact, preact-render-to-string, mdx, terser, liquid, react types.
  • site.hooks.addMarkdownItPlugin accepts multiple options
  • cli commands are loaded dynamically.
  • Added missing Lume.Data.nav variable #567.
  • BREAKING: slugify_urls plugin only slugify .html files by default. The reason is to avoid unexpected behaviors like renaming the _headers file #569. Use extensions option to add more file extensions.
  • Bug in multilanguage plugin that add non-html pages in the list of alternates.

2.0.3 - 2024-01-12


  • metas & feed plugins: Suppport for functions to configure the data fields.
  • mdx plugin: New mdx filter #550.


  • md filter from remark plugin is async.


  • esbuild plugin: Fix support for subextensions added to JSX files. For example: file.client.jsx.
  • Conflict between jsx and esbuild plugin with jsx #547.
  • Don’t break if env variables are not granted #551.
  • Nested components doesn’t work in Vento #552
  • Updated deps: std, unocss, svgo, sass, postcss, postcss-import, vento, tailwindcss, react types, remark, sharp.

2.0.2 - 2024-01-01


  • Add critical log on rare case where developer forget to export the Site instance in the _config.ts


  • decap_cms plugin: Add a script in the homepage to redirect to /admin/ when an invite token or recovery token is detected from netlify identity.
  • getOptionsFromCli is moved from mod.ts to utils/cli_options.ts #535, #540.


  • sitemap plugin: Add the xmlns namespace for localized urls.
  • Files with all caps extensions are ignored #542.
  • multilanguage plugin:
    • Fix error of two pages with the same id, type and lang.
    • Fix the error of a page with lang, but undefined id.
  • Removed unused imagick dependency.
  • Added Lume.PaginateResult type.
  • Apply merge data strategies between multiple _data files/folders in the same folder.
  • Date recovery from Git repositories #544.
  • Updated dependencies: std, esbuild, liquid, postcssNesting, react-dom types, sharp, svgo, vento, tailwindcss, minify_html, unocss, sass.

2.0.1 - 2023-12-10


  • mdx plugin: New rehypeOptions option #517


  • lightningcss plugin: use the correct includes folder #523.
  • mdx and remark plugins: improved types.
  • Lume needs Deno >= 1.38.
  • Type of Lume.Data.results.
  • Improved log messages of empty and ondemand pages #525.
  • picture plugin using the wrong attribute name #526.
  • Updated deps: markdown-it, preact, terser, esbuild.

2.0.0 - 2023-12-08


  • New plugin unocss, to replace windi_css.
  • New plugin transform_images, to replace imagick.
  • New option server.root to Site.
  • New basename variable to change the final name of files/directories. #494
  • New function site.getOrCreatePage().
  • Allow to copy files/directories inside ignored directories #520
  • Added generics to search functions. For example: search.pages<PageType>().
  • New environment variable LUME_NOCACHE to disable the cache of the remote files.
  • TOML plugin: New option pageSubExtension with the default value .page.
  • YAML plugin: New option pageSubExtension.
  • JSX plugin: New option pageSubExtension.
  • JSON plugin: New option pageSubExtension.
  • Eta plugin: New option pageSubExtension.
  • Liquid plugin: New option pageSubExtension.
  • Nunjucks plugin: New option pageSubExtension.
  • Pug plugin: New option pageSubExtension.
  • Vento plugin: New option pageSubExtension.
  • Markdown plugin: New option useDefaultPlugins that it’s true by default.
  • Postcss plugin: new option useDefaultPlugins that it’s true by default.
  • Module plugin:
    • New option pageSubExtension.
    • New option includes
  • MDX plugin:
    • New option useDefaultPlugins that it’s true by default.
    • New option recmaPlugins #521.
    • New option includes
  • JSX Preact plugin
    • New option pageSubExtension.
    • New precompile option for faster jsx transform.
  • Pagefind plugin: New option highlightParam.
  • Not found middleware: Added default options.
  • Remark plugin:
    • New option useDefaultPlugins that it’s true by default.
    • New option remarkOptions #517 #518.


  • Revamp of types.
    • Removed core.ts and created types.ts.
    • New global namespace Lume.
    • Use the lib dom and dom.iterable types instead of deno-dom.
  • Changed the signature of process and preprocess to behave like processAll and preprocessAll.
  • Changed the signature of Page.create(). It has a single argument with an object with the page content.
  • Renamed the interface method Engine.renderSync to Engine.renderComponent.
  • Changed the Format interface.
  • Pretty URLs option doesn’t affect to the /404.html page by default.
  • Replace fn-date with Temporal polyfill to convert dates.
  • Refactor of Server class to work with Deno.serve() API #501.
  • Renamed core/filesystem.ts to core/file.ts.
  • Picture plugin: Renamed the attribute imagick to transform-images.
  • TOML plugin:
    • is installed by default
    • Changed extensions option type to string[].
  • Slugify URL: Slugify static files by default. #447
  • JSX plugin:
    • Removed window.React #332.
    • Changed extensions option type to string[].
    • The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • NetlifyCMS plugin:
    • Renamed to decap_cms.
    • Changed netlifyIdentity option to identity: "netlify"
  • Markdown plugin: Disable indented code blocks by default #376
  • Postcss plugin: The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • MDX plugin:
    • Updated to MDX v3.
    • The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • Module plugin
    • Changed extensions option type to string[].
    • Replaced .tmpl subextension with .page.
    • The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • Eta plugin
    • Changed extensions option type to string[].
    • The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • JSON plugin
    • Changed extensions option type to string[].
    • Replaced .tmpl subextension with .page.
  • JSX Preact plugin
    • Changed extensions option type to string[].
    • The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • Liquid plugin
    • Changed extensions option type to string[].
    • The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • Nunjucks plugin
    • Disabled by default
    • Changed extensions option type to string[].
    • The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • Pug plugin
    • Changed extensions option type to string[].
    • The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • Vento plugin
    • Enabled by default
    • Changed extensions option type to string[].
    • The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • Multilanguage plugin
    • Apply the default language to all pages with undefined language.
    • Removed the ability to insert translations in the middle of the data object.
    • The uniqueness of a page is defined by the combination of id + type.
  • SASS plugin: The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • LightningCSS plugin: The includes folder is automatically ignored.
  • Feed plugin
    • Renamed the option to info.published;
    • Renamed the option to item.published;
    • New option item.updated;


  • Removed plugin windi_css. Use unocss instead.
  • Removed plugin imagick. Use transform_images instead.
  • Removed output extension detection in the filename: #430
  • Removed processAll and preprocessAll.
  • Removed Page.dest property #290.
  • Removed Page.updateDest function.
  • Removed Page.src.lastModified and Page.src.created because they are already in Page.src.entry.
  • Removed Page.src.remote because it’s already in Page.src.entry.
  • Removed Page.src.slug because it’s already in
  • Removed --dev mode #244, #201. Use the env variable LUME_DRAFTS=true to output draft pages.
  • Removed --quiet argument Use the env variable LUME_LOGS=DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL.
  • Removed site.includes() function.
  • Renamed site.searcher to
  • The pageSubExtension is used only to load pages, but not for layouts, components, etc.
  • Removed site.loadComponents(). It’s included in site.loadPages() options.
  • Removed site.engine(). It’s included in site.loadPages() options.
  • Removed site.cacheFile()
  • Removed Entry.setContent()
  • Removed message to upgrade Lume.
  • Removed Error class to print the errors. Deno.inspect() is used instead.
  • Removed lume/core/utils.ts and moved all utilities to different files under /lume/core/utils/ folder.
  • Search plugin:
    • Removed returnPageData option. Pages always return the data object #251
    • Removed search.tags() function. Use search.values("tags").
    • Removed data filter.
  • YAML plugin: Changed extensions option type to string[].
  • Removed WindiCSS plugin.
  • Markdown plugin: removed keepDefaultPlugins
  • Postcss plugin: removed keepDefaultPlugins
  • MDX plugin:
    • Removed overrideDefaultPlugins
    • Removed pragma option.
  • Remark plugin: Removed overrideDefaultPlugins option


  • Updated dependencies: std, deno_dom, eta, lightningcss, liquidjs, nunjucks types, pagefind, preact, react types, pug, svgo, esbuild, svgo, terser, unocss, vento, xml, postcss, markdown-it-defllist.