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Lume plugin that allows caching remote assets locally.


Import this plugin in your _config.ts file to use it:

import lume from "";
import cacheAssets from "";

const site = lume();

site.use(cacheAssets(/* Options */));

export default site;


interface Options {
   * The extensions of the files to process.
   * @default [".html"]
  extensions?: string[];

   * A function that returns true if the URL should be cached.
   * @default (url: string) => url.startsWith("https://") && [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".svg", ".ico", ".webp"].some((ext) => url.endsWith(ext)),
  shouldCache?: (url: string) => boolean;

   * Transforms the URL into a hashed version for local storage use.
   * @param url The URL to transform.
   * @returns A file-system-compatible string.
   * @default (url: string) => sha1(url)
  transform?: (url: string) => string;

   * The folder where the images will be cached.
   * @default "cache"
  folder?: string;

   * Whether to log the output or not.
   * @default true
  logOutput?: boolean;

Full example

import lume from "";
import cacheAssets from "";

import md5 from 'npm:md5';

const site = lume();

  extensions: [".html"],
  shouldCache: (url: string) => url.startsWith("https://") && url.endsWith(".png"),
  transform: md5,
  folder: "assets/cache",
  logOutput: true,

export default site;

wait what’s logOutput?

glad you asked.


fun fact: logOutput breaks cloudflare pages


This project is licensed under the MIT License.