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Plugin for static site generator Lume to resize and encode images with Squoosh.
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import { posix, dirname } from '';import { DOMParser } from '';import { exists } from '';
import { documentToString } from '';
const squooshTasks = [];
const formats = [ 'avif', 'webp', 'jpg'];
const mimeTypes = { 'avif': 'image/avif', 'webp': 'image/webp', 'jpg': 'image/jpeg'};
async function generatePictureElement (site, document, image) { const url = posix.relative(site.options.location.pathname, image.getAttribute('src'));
const width = parseInt(image.getAttribute('width'), 10); const srcset = image.getAttribute('data-srcset');
const sizes = srcset ? srcset .split(',') .map(s => s.trim()) .map(s => { if (s.includes('w')) { return parseInt(s, 10); } if (s.includes('x')) { return parseFloat(s) * width; }
return s; }) : [width, width * 1.5, width * 2];
const tasks = await Promise.all( size => { const isMacOS = Deno.env.get('_system_type') === 'Darwin';
const cachePath = posix.relative( site.options.location.pathname, `/_cache/${url}`.replace('.jpg', `_${size}w.jpg`) );
const cachePathExists = await exists(cachePath);
if (cachePathExists) { return undefined; }
return isMacOS ? // macOS needs double wrapping around object. `npx @squoosh/cli --resize '"{width: ${size}}"' --mozjpeg auto --avif auto --webp auto --output-dir _cache/${dirname(url)}/ -s '_${size}w' ${url}` : // Linux fails on double wrapping, do single. `npx @squoosh/cli --resize '{width: ${size}}' --mozjpeg auto --avif auto --webp auto --output-dir _cache/${dirname(url)}/ -s '_${size}w' ${url}`; }) );
squooshTasks.push( ...tasks.filter(Boolean) );
const picture = document.createElement('picture');
formats.forEach(format => { const newSrcset = sizes .map(size => `/${url.replace('.jpg', `_${size}w.${format}`)} ${size}w`) .join(', ');
const source = document.createElement('source');
source.setAttribute('srcset', newSrcset); source.setAttribute('type', mimeTypes[format]);
picture.appendChild(source); });
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.setAttribute('src', '/' + url.replace('.jpg', `_${sizes[0]}w.jpg`)); img.setAttribute('alt', image.getAttribute('alt')); img.setAttribute('width', image.getAttribute('width')); img.setAttribute('sizes', width + 'w'); img.setAttribute('loading', 'lazy'); img.setAttribute('decoding', 'async');
picture.setAttribute('title', image.getAttribute('alt')); picture.appendChild(img);
return picture;}
async function findAndOptimizeImages (site, page) { const parser = new DOMParser(); const document = parser.parseFromString(page.content, 'text/html');
[...document.querySelectorAll('img')].forEach(async image => { const picture = await generatePictureElement(site, document, image);
image.parentNode.replaceChild(picture, image);
page.content = documentToString(document); });}
export default function () { return site => { site.process(['.html'], page => findAndOptimizeImages(site, page));
site.addEventListener('afterBuild', () => { // Spread so they run in series, parallel will freeze your computer. :) site.script('image-optimizer', ...squooshTasks, 'cp -r _cache/img _site/');'image-optimizer'); }); };}