Lume theme to create a wiki to store your notes
Includes Deno configuration
Current version released
4 months ago
Simple Wiki
Lume theme to create a simple wiki.
- Use markdown to save the pages
- Instant search engine.
Install as remote theme
The fastest and easiest way to use this theme is by importing it as a remote
module. It allows to create a blog in seconds and update it at any time just
changing the version number in the import url. Just add the following code to
your _config.ts
import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import wiki from "https://deno.land/x/lume_theme_simple_wiki@v0.1.0/mod.ts";
const site = lume();
export default site;
Multilanguage support
Use the languages
option to configure a multilanguage site:
languages: ["en", "gl", "es"],
You can see an example in the demo folder. To customize it copy the
file in your blog root folder and edit it with
your own data.
Use it as base template
To use this theme as a base template for a more customized blog, clone this repo
and edit the _config.ts file. The source files are in the
src folder. And you can remove the /demo