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This simple and lightweight Deno package allows you to easily send emails using the Mailgun API!
import { Config, Message } from "./types.ts";
export default class Mailgun { private basic: string; private endpoint: string;
constructor(config: Config) { const base64 = btoa(`api:${config.key}`);
this.basic = `Basic ${base64}`; this.endpoint = typeof config.region !== "undefined" && config.region === "eu" ? `${config.domain}/messages` : `${config.domain}/messages`; }
send(message: Message) { const form = new FormData();
// For package simplicity we'll parse the reply property into the correct header if (message["reply"]) { message["h:Reply-To"] = message.reply;
delete message["reply"]; }
for (const property in message) { if (, property)) { const key = property as keyof Message; const value = message[key];
this.mailgunStringify(key, value, form); } }
const method = "POST"; const headers = { Authorization: this.basic };
return fetch(this.endpoint, { method, headers, body: form }); }
private mailgunStringify( key: keyof Message, value: Message[keyof Message], form: FormData, ): void { // Return early if the value is undefined if (value === undefined) { return; }
// Handle single file if (value instanceof File) { form.append(key, value);
return; }
// Handle array of files const isArray = Array.isArray(value); const isFiles = isArray && value.every((item) => item instanceof File);
if (isFiles) { value.forEach((file, index) => { form.append(`${key}[${index}]`, file); });
return; }
// Handle array of strings if (Array.isArray(value)) { const parsedValue = value.join(",");
form.append(key, parsedValue);
return; }
// For all other types (boolean, string), convert to string and append const valueStringified = value.toString();
form.append(key, valueStringified); }}