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Deno's documentation
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{ "introduction": "Introduction", "getting_started": { "name": "Getting started", "children": { "installation": "Installation", "setup_your_environment": "Set up your environment", "first_steps": "First steps", "command_line_interface": "Command line interface", "configuration_file": "Configuration file", "web_frameworks": "Web frameworks" } }, "basics": { "name": "Basics", "children": { "modules": { "name": "Modules", "redirectFrom": ["/modules"], "children": { "reloading_modules": { "name": "Reloading Modules", "redirectFrom": ["/linking_to_external_code/reloading_modules"] }, "integrity_checking": { "name": "Integrity Checking", "redirectFrom": ["/linking_to_external_code/integrity_checking"] }, "proxies": { "name": "Proxies", "redirectFrom": ["/linking_to_external_code/proxies"] }, "private": { "name": "Private Modules", "redirectFrom": ["/linking_to_external_code/private"] } } }, "standard_library": { "name": "Standard Library", "redirectFrom": ["/standard_library"] }, "import_maps": { "name": "Import Maps", "redirectFrom": [ "/linking_to_external_code/import_maps", "/node/import_maps", "/basics/modules/import_maps" ] }, "permissions": { "name": "Permissions", "redirectFrom": ["/getting_started/permissions"] }, "connecting_to_databases": "Connecting to Databases", "react": "Using React with Deno", "env_variables": "Environment Variables", "testing": { "name": "Testing", "redirectFrom": ["/testing"], "children": { "assertions": { "name": "Assertions", "redirectFrom": ["/testing/assertions"] }, "coverage": { "name": "Coverage", "redirectFrom": ["/testing/coverage"] }, "documentation": { "name": "Documentation", "redirectFrom": ["/testing/documentation"] }, "sanitizers": { "name": "Sanitizers", "redirectFrom": ["/testing/sanitizers"] }, "behavior_driven_development": { "name": "Behavior-Driven Development", "redirectFrom": ["/testing/behavior_driven_development"] }, "mocking": { "name": "Mocking", "redirectFrom": ["/testing/mocking"] }, "snapshot_testing": { "name": "Snapshots", "redirectFrom": ["/testing/snapshot_testing"] } } }, "debugging_your_code": { "name": "Debugging Your Code", "redirectFrom": ["/getting_started/debugging_your_code"] } } }, "node": { "name": "Node and npm modules", "children": { "npm_specifiers": "npm: specifiers", "node_specifiers": { "name": "node: specifiers", "redirectFrom": "/node/std_node" }, "package_json": "package.json", "cdns": { "name": "npm via CDNs", "redirectFrom": ["/npm_nodejs/cdns"] }, "how_to_with_npm": { "name": "How to guides with npm", "children": { "prisma": "Prisma", "mongoose": "Mongoose", "apollo": "Apollo", "mysql2": "MySQL2", "redis": "Redis", "planetscale": "PlanetScale", "react": "React", "vue": "Vue", "express": "Express" } }, "faqs": "Frequently asked questions" } }, "runtime": { "name": "The Runtime", "children": { "stability": "Stability", "builtin_apis": "Built-in APIs", "import_meta_api": "`import.meta` API", "program_lifecycle": "Program Lifecycle", "permission_apis": "Permission APIs", "web_platform_apis": "Web Platform APIs", "http_server_apis": "HTTP Server APIs", "kv": { "name": "Deno KV", "children": { "operations": "Operations", "transactions": "Transactions", "secondary_indexes": "Secondary indexes", "key_space": "Key Space" } }, "location_api": "Location API", "web_storage_api": "Web Storage API", "workers": "Workers", "ffi_api": "Foreign Function Interface", "webassembly": { "name": "Using WebAssembly", "redirectFrom": ["/webassembly"], "children": { "using_wasm": { "name": "Using WebAssembly in Deno", "redirectFrom": ["/webassembly/using_wasm"] }, "using_streaming_wasm": { "name": "Using the Streaming WebAssembly APIs", "redirectFrom": ["/webassembly/using_streaming_wasm"] }, "wasm_resources": { "name": "Helpful Resources", "redirectFrom": ["/webassembly/wasm_resources"] } } } } }, "examples": { "name": "Examples", "children": { "hello_world": "Hello World", "manage_dependencies": "Manage Dependencies", "fetch_data": "Fetch Data", "read_write_files": "Read and Write Files", "unix_cat": "Unix cat Program", "http_server": "HTTP Web Server", "file_server": "File Server", "tcp_echo": "TCP echo Server", "subprocess": "Creating a Subprocess", "os_signals": "OS Signals", "file_system_events": "File System Events", "module_metadata": "Module Metadata", "hashbang": { "name": "Hashbang", "redirectFrom": ["/examples/shebang"] }, "chat_app": "Chat App", "word_finder": "Word Finder" } }, "tools": { "name": "Tools", "children": { "init": "deno init", "script_installer": "deno install", "formatter": "deno fmt", "repl": "deno repl", "bundler": "deno bundle", "compiler": "deno compile", "documentation_generator": "deno doc", "dependency_inspector": "deno info", "linter": "deno lint", "task_runner": "deno task", "vendor": "deno vendor", "benchmarker": "deno bench" } }, "advanced": { "name": "Advanced", "children": { "publishing": { "name": "Publishing Modules", "redirectFrom": ["/publishing"], "children": { "dnt": { "name": "dnt - 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