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MarkDeno is a way to generate documentation in markdown files.
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import * as denoDoc from "";
export interface Config{ /** * Show the line and column where the declaration of the item can be found. Default: true. */ displayOrigin?: boolean;
/** * Additional info to add to the beginning or end of the markdown file. */ additionalInfo?: { /** * Content to be displayed. Markdown works. */ content?: string;
/** * Where to place the content, at the start or end of the file. Default: start. */ placement?: "start" | "end";
/** * What to display as the title for the additional information. Default: "Additional Information". */ title?: string }
/** * Default language for code blocks. If not provided, then it will be the language of the file being documented. Default: File Extension. */ defaultLanguage?: string;
/** * Whether to automatically harden new lines or not. */ hardenNewlines?: boolean;}
/** * Returns a parsed version of the json object returned by `deno doc --json` * @param input File to document. * @returns {Promise<denoDoc.DocNode[]>} * @example * const json = await MarkDeno.getDocumentationJSON("file.ts"); */export async function getDocumentationJSON(input: string): Promise<denoDoc.DocNode[]>{ const p ={ cmd: ["deno","doc","--json",input], stdout: "piped" });
const cmdout = new TextDecoder().decode(await p.output());
return JSON.parse(cmdout);}
/** * Returns an unparsed version of the json object returned by `deno doc --json` * @param input File to document. * @example * const json = await MarkDeno.getDocumentationJSONString("file.ts"); */export async function getDocumentationJSONString(input: string){ const p ={ cmd: ["deno","doc","--json",input], stdout: "piped" });
return new TextDecoder().decode(await p.output());}
/** * Returns the result of `deno doc` without color. Note that `deno doc` does NOT return markdown. * @param input File to document. * @example * console.log(await MarkDeno.getDenoDocResult("file.ts")); */export async function getDenoDocResult(input: string){ const p ={ cmd: ["deno","doc",input], stdout: "piped" });
return (new TextDecoder().decode(await p.output())).replace(/\[[0-9]+(?:;[0-9]+)*?m/g,"");}
/** * Amplifies new lines so that no new lines are ignored. * @param markdown Markdown to amplify new lines in. * @example * Deno.writeFile("",hardenNewlines(`## Amplified Newlines * * > Amplifies new lines. * > So that **none** of them are ignored. * `)); */export function hardenNewlines(markdown: string){ return markdown.replace(/\n/g," \n");}
/** * Analyzes an input file and writes to a specified output file. * @param input Input file to analyze. * @param out Output file to write markdown too. * @param config Optional configurations for the parser. * @example * MarkDeno.writeMarkdown("file.ts",""); */export async function writeMarkdown(input: string,output: string,config?: Config): Promise<void>{ const json = await getDocumentationJSON(input); const s = input.split("."); const con = { displayOrigin: config?.displayOrigin ?? true, additionalInfo: { content: config?.additionalInfo?.content || "", placement: config?.additionalInfo?.placement || "start", title: config?.additionalInfo?.title || "Additional Info" }, defaultLanguage: config?.defaultLanguage || s[s.length - 1], hardenNewlines: config?.hardenNewlines ?? true }
function parseJSDOC(tag: denoDoc.JsDocTag){ let res = ""; switch(tag.kind){ case "param": { res += `\n> @ param ${tag.type ? `{*${tag.type}*} ` : ""}**${}**${tag.doc !== undefined ? ` *${tag.doc}*` : ""}`; break; }
case "example": { if(/```.*?\n(?:.|\n)+\n```/g.test(tag.doc!)){ res += `\n> @ example\n\n${tag.doc}\n\n`; } else{ res += `\n> @ example\n\n\`\`\`${con.defaultLanguage}\n${tag.doc}\n\`\`\`\n` } break; }
case "return": { res += `\n> @ returns ${tag.type ? `{*${tag.type}*}` : ""}${tag.doc ? ` *${tag.doc}*` : ""}`; break; }
default: { res += `\n> @ ${tag.kind}`; } } return res; }
function parseParam(param: denoDoc.ParamDef){ let res = ""; switch(param.kind){ case "identifier": { res += `**${ ? : param.kind}**${param.optional ? "?" : ""}: *${param.tsType !== null ? param.tsType!.repr : "any"}*` break; }
case "assign": { res += parseParam(param.left); break; }
case "array": { res += "["; let inc = 0; for(const elem of param.elements){ inc++; res += parseParam(elem!); if(param.elements.length !== inc) res += ", "; } res += "]"; break; }
case "object": { res += "{"; let inc = 0; for(const elem of param.props){ inc++; res += elem.kind === "keyValue" ? elem.key : ""; if(param.props.length !== inc) res += ", "; } res += "}"; } } return res; }
let code = "# Documentation\n\n"; let increment = 0; for(const i of json){ increment++; switch(i.kind){ case "function": { if("jsDoc" in i && "tags" in i.jsDoc! && i.jsDoc.tags!.map((v) => v.kind).includes("deprecated")) code += `${i.declarationKind} ${i.functionDef.isAsync ? "async" : ""}function ~~${}~~(`; else code += `${i.functionDef.isAsync ? "async " : ""}function **${}**(`;
let inc = 0; for(const param of i.functionDef.params){ inc++; code += parseParam(param); if(i.functionDef.params.length !== inc) code += ","; }
code += ")"; if("jsDoc" in i && "doc" in i.jsDoc!) code += "\n\n" + i.jsDoc.doc; if("jsDoc" in i && "tags" in i.jsDoc! && i.jsDoc.tags!.length > 0){ for(const tag of i.jsDoc.tags!){ code += parseJSDOC(tag); } } break; }
case "interface": { code += `interface **${}**`;
let inc = 0; for(const ex of i.interfaceDef.extends){ inc++; if(inc === 1) code += " extends "; code += ex.repr; if(i.interfaceDef.extends.length !== inc) code += ","; }
code += "\n\n";
inc = 0; for(const method of i.interfaceDef.methods){ inc++; code += "- "; if(method.kind === "getter") code += "*get*"; else if(method.kind === "setter") code += "*set*";
code += ` **${}**(`; inc = 0; for(const param of method.params){ inc++; code += parseParam(param); if(method.params.length !== inc) code += ","; }
code += ")";
if("jsDoc" in method && "doc" in method.jsDoc!) code += "\n\n " + method.jsDoc.doc; if("jsDoc" in method && "tags" in method.jsDoc! && method.jsDoc.tags!.length > 0){ for(const tag of method.jsDoc.tags!){ code += parseJSDOC(tag); } }
if(con.displayOrigin) code += `\n\n Declared at: \`${input}:${i.location.line}:${i.location.col}\`\n`; if(i.interfaceDef.methods.length + !== inc) code += "\n"; }
for(const property of{ inc++; code += `- **${}**: *${property.tsType?.repr || property.tsType?.kind}*`;
if("jsDoc" in property && "doc" in property.jsDoc!) code += "\n\n " + property.jsDoc.doc; if("jsDoc" in property && "tags" in property.jsDoc! && property.jsDoc.tags!.length > 0){ for(const tag of property.jsDoc.tags!){ code += parseJSDOC(tag); } }
if(con.displayOrigin) code += `\n\n Declared at: \`${input}:${i.location.line}:${i.location.col}\`\n`; if(i.interfaceDef.methods.length + !== inc) code += "\n"; }
break; }
case "variable": { code += `${i.variableDef.kind} **${}**: *${i.variableDef.tsType?.repr}*` if("jsDoc" in i && "doc" in i.jsDoc!) code += "\n\n" + i.jsDoc.doc; if("jsDoc" in i && "tags" in i.jsDoc! && i.jsDoc.tags!.length > 0){ for(const tag of i.jsDoc.tags!){ code += parseJSDOC(tag); } } break; }
case "import": { code += `import [**${i.importDef.src}**](${i.importDef.src})`; } }
if(con.displayOrigin) code += `\nDeclared at: \`${input}:${i.location.line}:${i.location.col}\`\n`; if(json.length !== increment) code += "\n"; }
if(con.additionalInfo.content){ if(con.additionalInfo.placement === "start") code = `${"# " + con.additionalInfo.title}\n\n${con.additionalInfo.content}\n\n${code}`; else code += `\n\n${"## " + con.additionalInfo.title}\n\n${con.additionalInfo.content}`; }
code += "\n> **Documentation Generated with [MarkDeno](**"
Deno.writeFile(output,new TextEncoder().encode( con.hardenNewlines ? hardenNewlines(code + "\n") : code + "\n" ));}