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Deno Markdown module forked from
/** * @license * * Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Christopher Jeffrey. (MIT Licensed) * * * Copyright (c) 2018, Костя Третяк. (MIT Licensed) * */
import { BlockLexer } from "./block-lexer.ts";import { DebugReturns, LexerReturns, Links, MarkedOptions, SimpleRenderer, Token, TokenType, Parsed} from "./interfaces.ts";import { Parser } from "./parser.ts";
export class Marked { static options = new MarkedOptions(); protected static simpleRenderers: SimpleRenderer[] = []; protected static parsed: Parsed = { content: "", meta: {}, };
/** * Merges the default options with options that will be set. * * @param options Hash of options. */ static setOptions(options: MarkedOptions) { Object.assign(this.options, options); return this; }
/** * Setting simple block rule. */ static setBlockRule(regexp: RegExp, renderer: SimpleRenderer = () => "") { BlockLexer.simpleRules.push(regexp); this.simpleRenderers.push(renderer);
return this; }
/** * Accepts Markdown text and returns an object containing HTML and metadata. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled. * @param options Hash of options. They replace, but do not merge with the default options. * If you want the merging, you can to do this via `Marked.setOptions()`. */ static parse(src: string, options: MarkedOptions = this.options): Parsed { try { const { tokens, links, meta } = this.callBlockLexer(src, options); this.parsed.content = this.callParser(tokens, links, options); this.parsed.meta = meta; return this.parsed; } catch (e) { this.parsed.content = this.callMe(e); return this.parsed; } }
/** * Accepts Markdown text and returns object with text in HTML format, * tokens and links from `BlockLexer.parser()`. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled. * @param options Hash of options. They replace, but do not merge with the default options. * If you want the merging, you can to do this via `Marked.setOptions()`. */ static debug( src: string, options: MarkedOptions = this.options, ): DebugReturns { const { tokens, links, meta } = this.callBlockLexer(src, options); let origin = tokens.slice(); const parser = new Parser(options); parser.simpleRenderers = this.simpleRenderers; const result = parser.debug(links, tokens);
/** * Translates a token type into a readable form, * and moves `line` field to a first place in a token object. */ origin = => { token.type = (TokenType as any)[token.type] || token.type;
const line = token.line; delete token.line; if (line) { return { ...{ line }, ...token }; } else { return token; } });
return { tokens: origin, links, meta, result}; }
protected static callBlockLexer( src: string = "", options?: MarkedOptions, ): LexerReturns { if (typeof src != "string") { throw new Error( `Expected that the 'src' parameter would have a 'string' type, got '${typeof src}'`, ); }
// Preprocessing. src = src .replace(/\r\n|\r/g, "\n") .replace(/\t/g, " ") .replace(/\u00a0/g, " ") .replace(/\u2424/g, "\n") .replace(/^ +$/gm, "");
return BlockLexer.lex(src, options, true); }
protected static callParser( tokens: Token[], links: Links, options?: MarkedOptions, ): string { if (this.simpleRenderers.length) { const parser = new Parser(options); parser.simpleRenderers = this.simpleRenderers; return parser.parse(links, tokens); } else { return Parser.parse(tokens, links, options); } }
protected static callMe(err: Error) { err.message += "\nPlease report this to";
if (this.options.silent && this.options.escape) { return "<p>An error occured:</p><pre>" + this.options.escape(err.message + "", true) + "</pre>"; }
throw err; }}