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Deno Markdown module forked from
/** * @license * * Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Christopher Jeffrey. (MIT Licensed) * * * Copyright (c) 2018, Костя Третяк. (MIT Licensed) * */
import { InlineLexer } from "./inline-lexer.ts";import { Links, MarkedOptions, SimpleRenderer, Token, TokenType,} from "./interfaces.ts";import { Marked } from "./marked.ts";import { Renderer } from "./renderer.ts";
/** * Parsing & Compiling. */export class Parser { simpleRenderers: SimpleRenderer[] = []; protected tokens: Token[]; protected token: Token | undefined; protected inlineLexer!: InlineLexer; protected options: MarkedOptions; protected renderer: Renderer; protected line: number = 0;
constructor(options?: MarkedOptions) { this.tokens = []; this.token = undefined; this.options = options || Marked.options; this.renderer = this.options.renderer || new Renderer(this.options); }
static parse(tokens: Token[], links: Links, options?: MarkedOptions): string { const parser = new this(options); return parser.parse(links, tokens); }
parse(links: Links, tokens: Token[]) { this.inlineLexer = new InlineLexer( InlineLexer, links, this.options, this.renderer, ); this.tokens = tokens.reverse();
let out = "";
while ( { out += this.tok(); }
return out; }
debug(links: Links, tokens: Token[]) { this.inlineLexer = new InlineLexer( InlineLexer, links, this.options, this.renderer, ); this.tokens = tokens.reverse();
let out = "";
while ( { const outToken: string = this.tok() || ""; if (!this.token) throw ReferenceError; this.token.line = this.line += outToken.split("\n").length - 1; out += outToken; }
return out; }
protected next() { return (this.token = this.tokens.pop()); }
protected getNextElement() { return this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1]; }
protected parseText() { if (!this.token) throw ReferenceError; let body = this.token.text; let nextElement: Token;
while ( (nextElement = this.getNextElement()) && nextElement.type == TokenType.text ) { body += "\n" +; }
return this.inlineLexer.output(body || ""); }
protected tok() { if (!this.token) throw ReferenceError; switch (this.token.type) { case { return ""; } case TokenType.paragraph: { return this.renderer.paragraph( this.inlineLexer.output(this.token.text || ""), ); } case TokenType.text: { if (this.options.isNoP) { return this.parseText(); } else { return this.renderer.paragraph(this.parseText()); } } case TokenType.heading: { return this.renderer.heading( this.inlineLexer.output(this.token.text || ""), this.token.depth || 0, this.token.text || "", ); } case TokenType.listStart: { let body = ""; const ordered = this.token.ordered;
while ( != TokenType.listEnd) { body += this.tok(); }
return this.renderer.list(body, ordered); } case TokenType.listItemStart: { let body = "";
while ( != TokenType.listItemEnd) { body += this.token.type == (TokenType.text as any) ? this.parseText() : this.tok(); }
return this.renderer.listitem(body); } case TokenType.looseItemStart: { let body = "";
while ( != TokenType.listItemEnd) { body += this.tok(); }
return this.renderer.listitem(body); } case TokenType.code: { return this.renderer.code( this.token.text || "", this.token.lang, this.token.escaped, ); } case TokenType.table: { let header = ""; let body = ""; let cell;
if ( !this.token || !this.token.header || !this.token.align || !this.token.cells ) { throw ReferenceError; } // header cell = ""; for (let i = 0; i < this.token.header.length; i++) { const flags = { header: true, align: this.token.align[i] }; const out = this.inlineLexer.output(this.token.header[i]);
cell += this.renderer.tablecell(out, flags); }
header += this.renderer.tablerow(cell);
for (const row of this.token.cells) { cell = "";
for (let j = 0; j < row.length; j++) { cell += this.renderer.tablecell(this.inlineLexer.output(row[j]), { header: false, align: this.token.align[j], }); }
body += this.renderer.tablerow(cell); }
return this.renderer.table(header, body); } case TokenType.blockquoteStart: { let body = "";
while ( != TokenType.blockquoteEnd) { body += this.tok(); }
return this.renderer.blockquote(body); } case { return; } case TokenType.html: { const html = !this.token.pre && !this.options.pedantic ? this.inlineLexer.output(this.token.text || "") : this.token.text; return this.renderer.html(html || ""); } default: { if (this.simpleRenderers.length) { for (let i = 0; i < this.simpleRenderers.length; i++) { if (this.token.type == "simpleRule" + (i + 1)) { return this.simpleRenderers[i].call( this.renderer, this.token.execArr, ); } } }
const errMsg = `Token with "${this.token.type}" type was not found.`;
if (this.options.silent) { console.log(errMsg); } else { throw new Error(errMsg); } } } }}