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deno-serve-https 对于deno的低级api的封装,可以启动同时支持http/1.1和http/2的https服务,并且在一个端口上同时支持了http连接升级,websocket,connect方法.
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import { ConnInfo } from "./ConnInfo.ts";import { Handler } from "./Handler.ts";
// function upgrade(req: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo) {// const { socket, response } = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(req);// const { url, headers, method } = req;// const data = {// ...connInfo,// url,// method,// headers: Object.fromEntries(headers),// };// const body = JSON.stringify(data);// console.log("upgrade", body);// socket.addEventListener("open", () => {// socket.send(body);// socket.close();// });// return response;// }// async function main() {// let { port, hostname, certFile, keyFile } = parse(Deno.args);// if (port || hostname || certFile || keyFile) {// port ??= 8000;// hostname ??= "";// await serve_https(// { request: handler, upgrade },// { port, hostname, certFile, keyFile }// );// } else {// console.log("Listening on http://localhost:8000");// await serve(handler, { hostname: "", port: 8000 });// }// }
export type ServeHttpsInit = Partial< Deno.ListenTlsOptions & { onNotFound?: Handler; signal?: AbortSignal; port?: number; hostname?: string; certFile?: string; keyFile?: string;
onError?: ( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any reason: any, request: Request, connInfo: ConnInfo, ) => Response | PromiseLike<Response>; onListen?: (params: { hostname: string; port: number }) => void; }>;