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deno-serve-https 对于deno的低级api的封装,可以启动同时支持http/1.1和http/2的https服务,并且在一个端口上同时支持了http连接升级,websocket,connect方法.
import { Handler } from "./Handler.ts";import { Handlers } from "./Handlers.ts";import { hostnameForDisplay } from "./hostnameForDisplay.ts";import { on_Error } from "./on_Error.ts";import { on_NotFound } from "./on_NotFound.ts";import { on_tls_connection } from "./on_tls_connection.ts";import { ServeHttpsInit } from "./ServeHttpsInit.ts";
export async function serve_https( handlers: Handlers | Handler = {}, { port = 8000, hostname = "", onNotFound = on_NotFound, onError = on_Error, alpnProtocols = ["h2", "http/1.1"], }: ServeHttpsInit = {},): Promise<void> { const { signal } = rest; if (signal?.aborted) { return; } const server = Deno.listenTls({, port: port, hostname,
alpnProtocols, });
signal?.addEventListener("abort", () => server.close()); try { if ("onListen" in rest) { rest.onListen?.({ port, hostname }); } else { console.log( `Listening on https://${hostnameForDisplay(hostname)}:${port}/`, ); } for await (const conn of server) { if (signal?.aborted) { return; } on_tls_connection({ conn, handlers: typeof handlers === "function" ? { request: handlers } : handlers, onError, signal: signal, onNotFound, }).catch(console.error); } } catch (error) { throw error; } finally { server.close(); }}